ESO Bibliographies: Postsouthern Studies

Postsouthern Studies

Significant Works in Postsouthern Studies

Bone, Martyn. The Postsouthern Sense of Place in Contemporary Fiction. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State UP, 2005.

Cobb, James C. Away Down South: A History of Southern Identity. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2005.

—. Redefining Southern Culture: Mind and Identity in the Modern South. Athens: U of Georgia P, 1999.

Duck, Leigh Anne. “Postsouthern And (Increasingly) Post-Agrarian.” Contemporary Literature 47.2 (2006): 299-303.

Greeson, Jennifer Rae. Our South: Geographic Fantasy and the Rise of National Literature. Cambridge, MA: Harvard UP, 2010.

Haddox, Thomas F. “Elizabeth Spencer, the White Civil Rights Novel, and the Postsouthern.” Modern Language Quarterly: A Journal of Literary History 65.4 (2004): 561-581.

Henninger, Katherine. “Re-imaging Southern Communities, or, Picturing the Post-South.” Ordering the Façade: Photography and Contemporary Southern Women’s Writing. Chapel Hill: U of North Carolina P, 2007.

Inge, M. Thomas. “Black Snake Moan as Postsouthern Fable.” Mississippi Quarterly 64.3-4 (2011): 565-572.

Kreyling, Michael. “Fee Fie Faux Faulkner: Parody and Postmodernism in Southern Literature.” The Southern Review 29.1 (1993): 1-15.

—. Inventing Southern Literature. Jackson: UP of Mississippi, 1998.

—. The South That Wasn’t There: Postsouthern Memory and History. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State UP, 2010.

McPherson, Tara. Reconstructing Dixie: Race, Gender, and Nostalgia in the Imagined South. Durham: Duke UP, 2003.

Peacock, James L. Grounded Globalism: How the U.S. South Embraces the World. Athens: U of Georgia P, 2007.

Romine, Scott. The Real South: Southern Narrative in the Age of Cultural Reproduction. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State UP, 2008.

—. “Where Is Southern Literature? The Practice of Place in a Postsouthern Age.” South to a New Place: Region, Literature, Culture. Eds. Suzzanne W. Jones and Sharon Monteith. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State UP, 2002. 23-43.

Simpson, Lewis P. The Fable of the Southern Writer. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State UP, 1994.

—. “The Closure of History in a Postsouthern America.” The Brazen Face of History: Studies in the Literary Consciousness in America. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State UP, 1980.

Watson, Jay. “Mapping out a Postsouthern Cinema: Three Contemporary Films.” American Cinema and the Southern Imaginary. Eds. Deborah E. Barker and Kathryn McKee. Athens: U of Georgia P, 2011. 219-52.

Woodward, C. Vann. The Burden of Southern History. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State UP, 1968.

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