Volume 50, Issue 1

July 2016

Graduate Professionalization Issue:

James A. Crank is an assistant professor of American literature and culture at the University of Alabama. Author of Understanding Sam Shepard and editor of New Approaches To Gone With The Wind, he is currently editing a collection of James Agee’s complete short fiction.

Greetings all and welcome to our summer 2016 issue for the Society for the Study of Southern Literature. I am writing on just the other side of another fantastic SSSL conference, this time in Boston hosted by Jack Matthews. I think I speak for most of us in the organization when I say the time was well-spent. Congratulations and many thanks to Jack and the entire executive team for putting together such a fantastic program.

This issue, I step aside as we focus on our graduate students and their professionalization. To that end, I have tapped Will Murray to be guest editor of our summer installment. Will is currently dissertating here at the University of Alabama after having passed his exams with distinction. He has presented at the last two SSSL conferences in Virginia and Boston, and is one of the stars of our program here at UA. He is also the associate editor for the newsletter and assembles the bibliography and CFP sections for each issue. His interests range from articulations of sexual identity in southern texts to iconography, comic books, and graphic novels. This issue, he has been tasked with providing the content for issues important to graduate students in the field.

I will look for y’all again in the fall! Have a productive break!


 President’s Column:

John T. Matthews, Coleman Hutchison

I confess I approached my term as President of SSSL with one misgiving: in an organization defined by its devotion to Southern literature, the daunting expertise of its members on display at every turn, and, let’s be honest, many boasting geographical bona fides I could only read about in books, I knew all along the flimsiness of my claim to being point person for SSSL. Plainly it was the possibility of a Boston venue for the 2016 conference that was mainly responsible for my being offered the job. I kept thinking about Jack Gladney, the protagonist of DeLillo’s White Noise, who, despite being a specialist in Hitler Studies, can’t speak German, and dreads he’ll be exposed as a carpetbagger when he attempts to deliver the welcome address at the conference he agrees to host. After all, I got into Faulkner studies as an outsider—to the Faulkner establishment, to traditional Southern studies, to the Agrarian-inflected New Critical hegemony. I’ve been struck by how drastically the field of Southern studies has changed since the 1980s, and especially over the last decade. So much superb scholarship has challenged and complicated ideas of “the South,” has reassessed national/regional mutualities, has opened US Southern writing to re-situation among global phenomena, and, along the way, transformed our organization. More and more, the South is being reckoned with in its historical and continuing permutations as a key category of thinking about persistent effects and developments in capitalism, neoliberalism, subtending racial ideologies, and a host of concerns that have hardly ever been more pressing that at the present moment. The most gratifying aspect of serving in the leadership of SSSL over the last two years has been witnessing the continued determination of Southernists to demonstrate how Southern literary culture—often in its relations to economics, politics, religion, history—must be studied as a function of extra-regional dynamics, and also how national, hemispheric, and global phenomena must account for the South (multiple Souths) in the material formation and ideological maintenance of such entities. In my part of our joint column, a wrap-up to the last few months, as Cole begins his term, I want to say what a privilege it’s been to participate in SSSL’s role in the continuing transformation of Southern Studies.

The Boston conference drew well over 200 participants, a sizable number from the northeast, and several from outside the US. One mark of new forms of vitality in SSSL has been the formation of the Emerging Scholars Organization, which at this year’s conference organized several panels and professional workshops. The general response to The South in the North theme was robust, and a lot of sessions took up the gambit. I want to mention powerful personal responses I had to the few sessions I was able to attend in their entirety, mostly just the plenaries. (It’s the one drawback to hosting, as everyone warned me, that you can’t get to many of the very panels you were so eager to see on the program.) Lynnell Thomas’s session the first day, organized around African American women scholars’ responses to recent public violence against black men, immediately put the personal consequences of racism center stage, raising the stakes of our academic study of legacies of racism and hate crimes, of open bigotry. Sven Beckert’s talk crystallized for me how scholars who do not identify as Southernists are in fact studying the South. Even beyond its digest of his book, Beckert’s presentation, in its mindfulness of the audience, suggested how global Souths have been central to a modern world-system driven by plantation commodity economies and slavery, the formation of modern capitalism, eventual proletarianization, and present-day globalization. Brenda Marie Osbey’s reading later that afternoon struck me as voicing in the most intimate terms the effects of this broad history on individual lives. And I was energized in the concluding plenary panel on the South in the North by the array of interests reflected in Southern studies today—the way a Southern/Caribbean subtext informs cultural consumption in Manhattan, the way efforts to define Southern subcultures risk re-essentializing regional identity, the way expansionist settler colonialism produced artistic and commercial reappropration among indigenous populations—and these framed by critical reflections on the conceptual and ideological implications of the north and south as categories.

My thanks to all of you for contributing such intellectual energy to SSSL over these years, and for your unstinting willingness to serve SSSL in so many capacities.

—Jack Matthews


And if Jack Matthews is anxious about the flimsiness of his claim to being point person for SSSL, how do you think this nineteenth-century Americanist from Portland, Oregon feels? I take comfort in the fact that Jack just completed a hugely successful term as president of the Society, geographical bona fides or no. I am sure you all join me in thanking Jack for his remarkable stewardship, good will, and vision. The Boston conference was by all accounts a spectacular event, and, as he notes, a clear index of the “continuing transformation of Southern Studies.”

My first SSSL conference was at UNC-Chapel Hill in 2004. It is both stunning and a bit daunting to think about how quickly the field has shifted in the interim. (As with the recent removals of Confederate statues, flags, and imagery, the pace of change is nearly as impressive as the change itself.) Even in that short window, the field feels both more inviting and more relevant, an increasingly vibrant and far-flung intellectual community that produces some of the most innovative work in the humanities.

Needless to say, I am honored to take over the leadership of our organization. In the coming years, I am particularly excited to work with our Emerging Scholars Organization. ESO is doing extraordinary work to build everything from bibliographies and websites to mentorship and job market support networks. We are very fortunate indeed to have such an enterprising affiliate organization. Please join me in thanking outgoing ESO president Stephanie Rountree and welcoming incoming president Kelly Vines.

Speaking of the job market, during my time as president I would like to host a conversation about the “employment of southern literature” (to adapt a phrase from Michael Bérubé). As we all know—some of us more intimately than others—the job market in and beyond southern literary studies has cratered since the “Great Recession.” To my mind, we need to study this problem thoroughly and from several angles; we also need to know much more about how fields like ours fare in moments of austerity and anxiety. What is the place of southern literary studies in the twenty-first century academy? What do people with degrees in southern literature end up doing and where? How can we reimagine the ways we train and place our students, in and out of the academy, in the years to come?

Finally, it will be an honor to welcome all to Austin, Texas in 2018 for our next biennial conference. In addition to granting access to a number of terrific archives, our venue will encourage discussion of the ways the South functions in relation to a host of other regional, national, and international entities and identities. Not just “South by Southwest” but also the South vis-à-vis Greater Mexico, the Gulf Coast, and beyond. We are very close to having dates for the conference. I will be back in touch soon with more details.

For now, all best wishes for the summer and fall.

—Coleman Hutchison


Graduate Studies in Southern Studies:

Will Murray

A couple weeks ago Andy asked me to write a few paragraphs for this issue, and since then I have been thinking back on discussions I have had with my fellow graduate students. Many of these conversations can be characterized as an “Amen” to the manifestos in the recent edition of PMLA, but there are some persistent themes in our discussions that I think pertain specifically to graduate students. For many of us, who are focusing our research on the South, there is a strong tension between a desire to pursue the work that we see as meaningful and relevant, and a desire to find a job in a market where odds are already stacked against us. Because those of us still in school have yet to begin our job search, we are in some ways insulated from having to turn our work into paychecks, but nonetheless, we still feel the looming presence of cramped MLA hotel rooms and unacknowledged applications.

However, despite the realities of the job market, we are still drawn to the exciting work being done in Southern Studies. As we look around and see how the field is breaking free from the essentialism and exceptionalism that has defined work on the region for so long, we want to be part of that change. As Gina Caison and Amy Clukey point out in their PMLA piece, we have benefitted a great deal from the work accomplished by scholars like, “Houston Baker, Dana Nelson, Jon Smith, Deborah Cohn, and others,” and the “others” mentioned here are truly legion. Many of us in graduate school have personal relationships with these scholars, who have instilled in us a sense of how our work could potentially fit into the growing conversation around the South. We are the recipients of a liberated field with a rich canon, and it is hard not to feel motivated by the prospect of carrying on their work. In other words, without disregarding the “blood meridianesque hell-scape” of the job market, as Erich Nunn put it, or making little of the fact that we know too many incredibly talented, brilliant people still searching for their first shot at a tenure track job, we largely still feel enthused about the future of Southern Studies.

In my mind, I keep coming back to this last year in Boston, where I listened to Lynnell L. Thomas, Aliyyah Abdur-Rahman, Ayesha Hardison, and Riché Richardson bring down the house with their talks on the “post” Civil Rights Movement. At the conference, I heard papers on topics ranging from horror films, to video games, to comic books, to the mainstays of the field, and I engaged in conversations with established and emerging scholars, who see their work as impacting the world beyond the walls of the academy. I could not help but leave invigorated and ready to get back to work, and I want to hold on to that optimism and excitement for as long as I can. I want to believe the work we do on the South has the ability to be meaningful, and I want to believe that we will use our skills to address the violences that have long haunted this region and are mirrored in the nation at large. My hope is that our work will not run away from these conflicts to hide behind ever expanding cynical abstractions, but instead that our writing and teaching will engage with the problems and pains that we see around us. This kind of “we can change the world” attitude, I know, is perhaps naïve, and maybe some day in the future I will look back and roll my eyes, but for now, I don’t want to stop believing.

— Will Murray


The Southern Writers, Southern Writing Graduate Conference

Ryan Charlton

Since 1995, the annual Southern Writers, Southern Writing Graduate Conference (SWSW) at the University of Mississippi has brought together graduate students for three days of critical and creative writing panels. Despite its small size, the conference draws participants from across the country and regularly attracts students from other countries. As the 2016 chair, I am especially excited about this year’s conference, which will include panels on such diverse topics as “Turn-of-the-Century African American Voices,” “The South and Native Peoples,” and “Southern Women and Print Culture.”

The mere fact that SWSW has survived for over twenty years is a testament to its vitality. Past organizers have sought keynote speakers whose work reflects new approaches to southern studies, such as Patricia Yaeger, Scott Romine, Martyn Bone, and Thadious Davis, to name a few. This year’s conference features a keynote by Erich Nunn that rethinks notions of southern writers and southern writing through an examination of the reggae albums of Willie Nelson and Snoop Dogg. Our successful history of keynote speakers owes a great deal to the annual Faulkner and Yoknapatawpha Conference, which draws numerous scholars to the University of Mississippi. Occurring immediately after SWSW, the F&Y conference provides a two-for-one for our grad student participants. More practically, low costs and cash prizes for outstanding critical and creative submissions undoubtedly appeal to the grad student budget—especially in years that find the SSSL Conference in expensive and/or distant cities. But perhaps the greatest advantage of SWSW is the intimacy of the conference itself, fostered by its Oxford setting, where all roads (almost literally) lead to the town square. As professional connections solidify over dinner and drinks, conversations initiated during the conference panels continue well into the night.

I confess that when I first came to the University of Mississippi in the Fall of 2013, I was not interested in SWSW. The name of the conference itself seemed to rely too comfortably on a set of outdated assumptions about southernness and literature that I was eager to distance myself from. I also questioned the value of graduate conferences in general, an ambivalence supported by faculty and colleagues who encourage graduate students to apply for national conferences as a part of our professionalization. However, my experience with this conference has shown me its value both as a comfortable setting for emerging scholars and as a forum for extended conversations about southern studies, a field that has become increasingly defined by its impetus to reinvent itself. As these debates continue, our conference offers young scholars an opportunity to encounter and engage with fresh perspectives that will shape their future careers.

Ryan Charlton – University of Mississippi



 Kelly Vines

President, Emerging Scholars Organization, Ph.D. Student, Louisiana State University

kvines42@gmail.com; emergingscholarsorg@gmail.com

Kelly Vines is the incoming President of SSSL’s Emerging Scholars Organization. She also served as the M.A. Representative on the inaugural Executive Council (2014-2016). She is a Ph.D. Student at Louisiana State University where she researches southern literature and culture with a particular focus on representations of southern economies across dramatic genres from traditional theater to reality television.

As the incoming ESO President, I am excited to work with an excellent team of emerging scholars newly elected to the Executive Council. Jennie Lightweis-Goff joins the council as our Projects Chair; she is a Visiting Assistant Professor of English and Gender/Sexuality Studies at Tulane University, and her essay “Interior Travelogues and ‘Inside Views’: Gender, Urbanity, and the Genre of the Slave Narrative” (Signs, 2015) was recently honored with the SSSL’s Louis D. Rubin, Jr. prize for the best article on southern literature. Heather Fox, a doctoral candidate at the University of South Florida and author of several articles appearing in the Faulkner Journal, Southern Studies, Janus Head, and South, will be continuing Monica Miller’s excellent work as our Mentorship Chair. We are also joined by Jill Fennell, a Ph.D. Student in her second year at the University of Tennessee, who will be our Professionalization and Networking Chair, building our online presence and making it easier for those new to the field of southern studies to find our community and access the resources we have been and will continue to be developing for our members. Our designated M.A. Representative, William Palmer, rounds out the newly elected Executive Council. Will just received his M.A. from Auburn University and will matriculate at the University of Mississippi this fall. They will introduce themselves more thoroughly in their own words below.

We have already had the opportunity to meet three times this summer, and I am inspired by the intellect and enthusiasm our new council members bring to the table. You will see in our introductions a common refrain: we are motivated by a commitment not only to equip new scholars with institutional knowledge and professionalization opportunities to help them succeed in academia, but also to make academia a more welcoming and egalitarian place for emerging scholars and to impact the world outside of academia for the better. To these ends, we have already submitted a proposal for an ESO-sponsored roundtable at SAMLA where we hope to facilitate a conversation between American and Mexican scholars in response to Keith Cartwright’s PMLA manifesto, “Tar-Baby, Terrapin, and Trojan Horse—A Face-the-Music Cosmo Song from the University’s Hind Tit.” We feel this conversation is particularly important because it will be held on the cusp of the American presidential election. This panel in particular offers an example of a project that works at the intersection of the three goals described above.

As we look toward the organization’s future, I would also like express my gratitude to the inaugural executive council and the established scholars who have encouraged and supported us since the beginning. First and foremost, thank you to Stephanie Rountree, the outgoing President of the ESO, who continues to serve on the council in an advisory role, and without whom this organization would surely not exist. I would also like to thank Zackary Vernon, Monica Miller, and Matthew Dischinger for their tireless work as members of the inaugural Executive Council. I would also like to thank all of the established scholars who have participated in professionalization panels, offered their guidance to emerging scholars through our mentorship program, or supported the ESO in some other way during its first two years.

Finally, I would like to extend an invitation. Our organization welcomes graduate students, recent doctoral recipients, independent scholars, adjuncts, visiting professors, lecturers, and all who consider themselves “emerging.” We invite you to sign up for our mentorship program, and we welcome your ideas and feedback. We also welcome established scholars who would like to serve as mentors or volunteer for special projects. We will soon distribute a survey asking members about new initiatives. In the meantime, please feel free to email me with any suggestions or advice about how we might better serve our membership.

We will be continually updating the ESO page of SSSL’s website with our current initiatives, panels, and projects, and we will be launching a new group on Facebook to help members of SSSL keep in touch. Thank you again for your continued support; I look forward to continuing the ESO’s important work!


Jennie Lightweis-Goff

Projects Chair, Emerging Scholars Organization, Visiting Assistant Professor of English and Gender/Sexuality Studies, Tulane University


What I know about the South, I learned in Western New York. In 2003, I chose the Ph.D. program farthest from what I imagined as my terminus. I believed the University of Rochester’s proximity to the metropole would afford me an eventual, triumphant return with Yankee credentials in my back pocket.

Rochester – far closer to Toronto than to New York City – instead taught me how to see the South. The constant refrain in Western New York – that New York City is not New York State – prepared me to hear (if not believe) that NOLA is not Louisiana and Charleston is not South Carolina. My contestation of that (il)logic germinated in proximity to the Finger Lakes and kimmelweck bread, though my dissertation work – which concluded, tellingly, with a travelogue of lynching towns in Indiana, South Carolina, and suburban New York – focused on mob violence in the broader U.S. Since leaving Rochester for a warmer, if similarly defensive, corner of the continent, I have published my dissertation, Blood at the Root: Lynching as American Cultural Nucleus, which won the SUNY Press Dissertation / First Book Prize in African-American Studies. I have begun research on as many as four (depending on my mood when counting) book projects that place Southern cities at the center of U.S. history. Essays from these projects have appeared in American Literature (March 2014) and Signs (Autumn 2015). The latter essay won the Louis D. Rubin, Jr. Prize from SSSL.

My presence in ESO speaks to some of the ambiguities of “emergence.” I am neither graduate student nor tenure-track faculty member nor alt-ac pioneer. The itinerancy that has characterized my life is less a sign of the crisis in academic hiring than the provincialism of academic disciplines. As often as not, I learn in market season that universities seek “pure” specialists in Gender Studies, African-American literature, or any of the arbitrary periods that bafflingly govern English scholarship. For personal as well as intellectual reasons, I am interested in seeing SSSL assert itself on behalf of generative, lubricious, pleasurable intellectual impurity.

New ESO board members have begun to name and position ourselves within the organization. As it stands, I call myself the Projects Chair. The name indexes a willingness to write anything for which a deadline looms, and to find wheels in need of the collective pressure of our shoulders. I am interested in seeing SSSL become a political actor on behalf of contingent laborers, and to model civility – the real thing, not the euphemism that flies when scholars are fired without due process – in a profession that seems everywhere committed to melancholic “autocannibalism.” The latter term appears in work by my partner, mixed-media artist Phillip Lightweis-Goff, who uses it to describe the most common (and noxious) response to scarcity: the gutting and trimming of what we most value in pursuit of unsustainable success. I hope that SSSL can, instead, help us feed each other.


Heather Fox

Mentorship Chair, Emerging Scholars Organization, Ph.D. Candidate, University of South Florida


My interest in southern studies may seem predictable. I was raised in the South, attended college in Virginia, and lived in Richmond for more than a decade. I was the high school student who insisted on writing about Faulkner, and the undergraduate who told her director that her honors thesis must focus on a southern writer’s work. In the meeting that followed, he handed me a selection of photocopied stories from several writers. None were women, an irony that I still contemplate as a graduate of a women’s college. I suspect that this may be one of the impetuses for my dissertation project on southern women writers’ first short story collections and the disproportionate amount of women writers in the introductory literature courses that I teach.

And yet, my path to a career in academia was less predictable. I did not complete undergraduate and graduate degrees contiguously. I held positions in other careers (or potential careers). And I made the choice that many other women struggle with—career or caretaker. Until 2013, it was not possible for me to do both. Currently, I am a Ph.D. candidate at the University of South Florida, living in Tampa with my supportive husband, three challengingly-intelligent children, and two bluetick hounds that we rescued this year, Molly and Tipsy. In the summer, you will find me in Carova, the northernmost section of the Outer Banks.

In my candidacy statement, I described my vision for my potential tenure on the ESO council as three-fold: continuing the previous council’s initiative of connecting emerging scholars with mentors in order to foster conversations about scholarship and negotiating academia, offering opportunities to emerging scholars from programs without southern programs to connect with established scholars, and reaching out to interdisciplinary emerging scholars who might benefit from the ESO. Since returning to graduate school, I have benefitted from mentorships within and outside of my department. As a result, I received awards, a fellowship, and my work in southern studies has been published, or is forthcoming, in journals, such as the Faulkner Journal, Southern Studies, Janus Head, and South (formerly the Southern Literary Journal). Mentors have provided me with an informed perspective for obtaining or preparing for professional and personal goals. As the 2016-2018 Mentorship Chair, I invite you to participate in the continuation of ESO’s mentorship program. Whether you identify as an emerging scholar or would like to provide professional and career development guidance as a mentor, mentorship relationships support the continuation and growth of southern studies. Please email me with your interest (emergingscholarsorg@gmail.com), and I will send you further information about the program.

Thank you for the opportunity to serve as a 2016-2018 ESO Council Member and Mentorship Chair. Also, I would like to express my appreciation to the 2014-2016 ESO Council—Stephanie Rountree, Monica Miller, Kelly Vines, Matt, Dischinger, and Zackary Vernon—for establishing this organization and its initiatives. I have benefitted from your foundational work, and I know that future emerging scholars will continue to benefit as well.


Jill Fennell

Professionalization and Networking Chair, Emerging Scholars Organization, Ph.D. Student, University of Tennessee

I attended my first SSSL conference in March. I loved it. I met people who were receptive and genuinely interested in my research, people who were friendly and helpful in specific and productive ways. At the conference, I got to know many members of the organization and became acquainted with, and subsequently joined, other organizations such as the Welty Society and the Emerging Scholars Organization. The point of this is to say that SSSL was what I had been looking for, except that I didn’t know where to look until I started the southern literature program at the University of Tennessee in 2014.

The chair I will be occupying during my tenure on the executive council of ESO has commitments to increasing networking and professionalization. During my time on the council I hope to increase ESO’s online visibility and activity. As a part of ESO general commitment to outreach, much of my efforts will be focused on building up connections with our current members and building connections with other organizations, societies, and associations topically affiliated with southern studies. Additionally, it is my personal hope, which seems to be shared by the rest of the executive council, to use our organization, specifically the website, as a way to reach out to emerging scholars of southern literature who are in programs without southern studies emphases – programs like those I attended for my first two degrees. My hope is that the Professionalization and Networking Chair can be used not only for networking within SSSL, but that such a position should become a conduit for contact, questions, inquiries, and professional relationships.

I approach the marriage of professionalization and networking sincerely. While my plan to increase networking and outreach for ESO involves the website and multimedia platforms, the larger purpose of such an approach is to increase our visibility as a professional organization commitment to scholarship and collegiality. My most ambitious goals involve live-streaming ESO-lead panels, webinars, and an interactive calendar of national and local academic events concerning the study of southern literature. These measures are ones that take into consideration the financial limitations of emerging scholars and the potential our research has to reach out to those who might not readily self-identify as an emerging scholar or a necessarily southern scholar, as well as to signal to interested in southern studies that ESO of SSSL is a space where they can network and professionalize within the field.


William C. Palmer

M.A. Representative, Emerging Scholars Organization, Ph.D. Student, University of Mississippi


I come to southern studies not through a pure academic curiosity about the region but more by the biographical accident that I have yet to live anywhere else. In fact, prior to my move to my current doctoral program in Mississippi, I had not lived outside my contentious home state of Alabama. Perhaps due to this stasis, I always try to ground my work in the real people I grew up with and challenge myself to apply my analytical skills to multiple cultural products and generic categories. Sometimes, it may seem, because of my dedication to a multi-disciplinary approach, I am only nominally a literary scholar; however, I feel my home in literature provides the best starting point for gaining knowledge about our region’s populations and their implications for larger national and international identities.

Given my personal approach to academic study, I hope as the MA Representative on the ESO Board to continue exploring the ways other fields and disciplines help us understand our place within and outside the academy. While there appears to be a certain disdain for cross-disciplinary study in the marketplace, I hope, through dedicated work with other scholars, we can remind ourselves that the purpose behind what we do is ultimately to achieve a deeper understand of our present—as well as past and future—selves. While the reality of securing employment always looms, emerging scholars in the field have the opportunity as well as the responsibility to assert their desires for their profession, and it starts with a discourse toward a wider understanding of what those desires entail. Since most emerging literary scholars are still students, vision for the profession can often manifest in a personal concern with reading every part of the established canon without a concern for what it brings to our wider goals as intellectual workers, and the variegated cultural avenues through which we can achieve those goals should take a more prominent role as our profession continues to evolve.

The goals stated above can, understandably, seem ambitious to the many wizened professionals who peruse this newsletter. Much of the current academic world has been shaped by the people that have benefited from its structure which is why we, as nascent scholars in literary studies, must, like many of the historical figures and characters we study, assert our visions for the future and begin to shape it with an agency that has been, at least within the academy the last few decades, lacking. Given the challenge to our chosen profession, cynicism provides a tempting route; however, witnessing the talent and dedication amongst the beginning scholars in my experience with SSSL and the board that has been elected for the coming biennium gives me hope that we can take the initiative to shape our own future. Thank you for the opportunity to serve you. I look forward to the discourse


Announcements & Calls For Papers

 American (and [New] Southern) Studies friends! I am the new Reviews Editor for the European Journal of American Culture and am seeking potential reviewers for forthcoming issues. We are looking not only at academic texts, but also fiction, poetry, games, film, TV and more… If you’re interested in potentially reviewing anything (or know people that might), please get in touch and share this! My university email is c.lloyd@herts.ac.uk

 CFP: Southern Hungers

We’re looking for papers exploring hunger and malnutrition in various cultures, populations, periods, and geographies of the U. S. South for the 2017 SASA convention (March 2017 in Chapel Hill, NC). We welcome studies of hunger in painting, sculpture, photography, architecture, film, dance, literature, and archaeology, as well as historically oriented approaches.

Please send a 500-word paper proposal and a two-page CV to David Davis (davis_da@mercer.edu) and Jolene Hubbs (jhubbs@ua.edu) by July 30, 2016.

CFP: Louisiana Creole Studies Journal (LCSJ)
***Please share and distribute widely***
Deadline: July 22nd 2016
Call for Papers: Journal of Louisiana Creole Studies

The Journal of Louisiana Creole Studies is a peer-reviewed publication aiming to serve as a national and international clearinghouse for critical, theoretical, empirical, and methodological interventions in the study of Louisiana history, culture, and contemporary issues. As the nation’s only journal dedicated exclusively to the study of Louisiana Creole people and the global Creole diaspora we aspire to provide a vehicle for dynamic and transdisciplinary discourse on the most salient themes and topics relevant to Louisiana Creole people. These key areas include:

Diaspora studies
Culinary innovation
Identity, family, and kinship
Politics, Peoplehood, and Cultural Preservation
Non-alphanumeric Histories (oral histories, material culture, storytelling)
Landbase ecologies (and foodways), and others relevant topics.

On behalf of the editorial review board of the Journal of Louisiana Creole Studies (JLCS) we invite community members, academics, musicians, artists, cooks/chefs, medical professionals, genealogists, and cultural preservationists to submit the following forms:
Academic articles on Louisiana Creole Culture, History, Activism, Literature, Epistemologies, and Arts (15-25 pages)
Book reviews (2-3 pages) on works that encompass Creolité in Louisiana and beyond, including but not limited to: history, literature, art, media, technology (New Media), Popular Culture, and works written by Creole authors.
Creative Writing including: poetry (3-5 pages), prose/fiction (3-10 pages), creative non-fiction (3-10 pages), culinary arts (3-5 pages),
Digital Media including: visual art (3 images as .png files), new media (1-2 files as .MOV; MPEG; MP3)

Full articles, book reviews, creative writing, and digital media submissions should be sent a cover page including: Name, Community or Academic Affiliation, Email, Title(s) of submissions, Type of submission (i.e. Book Review), and 1-3 Key Topics (see above list) that categorize your work (i.e. Politics, Peoplehood, and Cultural Preservation and Landbase Ecologies). Your work itself should have the title in the header but no authorial information. Submissions will be peer-reviewed by recognized experts on diverse subjects ranging from linguistics, history, literature, history, and music to geography, diaspora studies, and cultural studies. The theme for the inaugural issue of JLCS is “Theorizing Creole: Colonialism, Place, and the Making of a Nation.”

The Journal of Louisiana Creole Studies will be housed as an electronic journal through Central Michigan University and/or San Francisco State University. We will also work to ensure that the journal is disseminated throughout the Louisiana and Texas University systems. Submissions should be submitted via email to lcsj.submissions@gmail.com by July 22nd 2016. Notification on submissions accepted for inclusion in the journal will be sent by October 31st, 2016. For questions or clarifications about the journal or submission process, please contact us.

 CFP: Against Cornbread Nationalism:
How Foodways Partisans Misrepresent the South

Editors: Scott Romine and Jon Smith

In the 21st century, southern “foodways scholarship” has not only come into its own as a scholarly subdiscipline; it has also become the public face of southern studies, producing a seemingly endless stream of celebratory barbecue documentaries, popular books like the Cornbread Nation series, cookbooks, and regular essays in such venues as Garden & Gun, the Oxford American, and Bitter Southerner. Moreover, “foodways” plays a steadily increasing role in the curricula and day-to-day operations of university-based “southern studies” centers. Yet the more popular this work is, the more likely it can be to rely on outdated scholarship (essentialism, agrarianism), myths (the “southern welcome table”), and feel-good celebrations of “authenticity” and “southern identity” that tend to flatter (largely white and upper-class) southern readers, students, and donors rather than inviting the public to engage with the exciting but challenging ideas that presently animate southern studies.
Against Cornbread Nationalism seeks to rectify this situation by presenting, in an accessible style for the general public, real scholarly counterarguments to some of the most unfortunate assumptions, claims, and rhetoric of popular “southern foodways” discourse. We are soliciting essays from historians, sociologists, literary critics, and other scholars of “the South” that make such counterarguments. Possible topics include
• Critical readings of particularly egregious foodways rhetoric
• Ethnographies and structural analyses of foodways audiences, practitioners, and “communities”
• Analyses of the generic conventions of foodways documentaries, podcasts, etc.
• Historical analysis and contextualization of celebratory foodways’ emergence at, and embrace by, southern studies centers in the 21st century: why now?
• Foodways and identity formation in southern studies undergraduate and graduate students
• Continuation of white grievance narratives, faithful retainer narratives, and so on under the veneer of “racial reconciliation”
• Materialist analyses of the institutions and media (both popular and scholarly) that support foodways discourses
• Critical omissions: what’s left out of foodways discourses?
• Critical readings of the imagined South(s) and southern identities produced by foodways scholarship and popular media
• Analyses of how labor and consumption practices are represented and/or misrepresented in foodways discourses

Against Cornbread Nationalism is thus not only the first collection to voice the widespread scholarly frustration with “southern foodways” as currently practiced. It is also the necessarily small first step of an “activist turn” in new southern studies, an attempt to bring the theoretically sophisticated arguments of that field to a much broader audience in the service of building a better, less self-deceptive, and self-flattering South.

Deadline for 200-500-word abstracts: September 15, 2016.
Deadline for full, c. 5000-word essays: August 15, 2017.

The collection has an expression of interest from more than one good university press.


Special Issue of SOUTHERN QUARTERLY on


Guest Editor, John Wharton Lowe

 Since the earliest days of the contact era, the CircumCaribbean has been the arena for multicultural contact and conflict. The Plantation system spread its tentacles over the entire region. Subsequent industrialization, new trade patterns, and tourism brought new complexities. Revolutions in Mexico and Cuba spawned radical shifts in relations between the U.S. South and the wider Caribbean, and generated a new Cuban domain in South Florida, the embargo against Castro’s regime, and the shifting of resources from Cuba to Florida and Puerto Rico. All of these periods and events generated fascinating narratives, both fictional and non-fictional. Many of the texts written in languages other than English have now been translated, enabling us to rethink the CircumCaribbean as a multi-nation construct that annuls national boundaries. As such, we need to reconfigure our notions of U.S. Southern history, the supposed isolation of island cultures, and the antiquated notion of a Confederacy-defined U.S. South.

Possible topics* include but are not limited to:

  • Ties between French North America and the CircumCaribbean
  • Ties between Spanish North America and the CircumCaribbean
  • Foodways of the CircumCaribbean
  • CircumCaribbean musical traditions
  • African Religions of the U.S. South and the CircumCaribbean
  • Southern reactions to the Haitian Revolution
  • Haitian migration to Louisiana
  • Native diasporas of the CircumCaribbean
  • The African diaspora in CircumCaribbean context
  • Plantation cultures and economies of the Americas
  • Material cultures of the CircumCaribbean
  • U.S. Southern writers and the Caribbean; Caribbean writers and the U.S. South
  • Postcolonial approaches to CircumCaribbean cultures and history
  • Asian immigration to the CircmCaribbean
  • Cuban American writers of the U.S. South
  • Haitian American writers of the U.S. South
  • Urbanization and the CircumCaribbean
  • Ecological implications of CircumCaribbean Studies
  • The CircumCaribbean and public hygiene; disease; medical histories
  • CircumCaribbean photography; journals; letters

*the term CircumCaribbean includes the coastal U.S. South, Caribbean islands, Eastern

Mexico, Central America, and the north coast of South America.

Interested authors should send a 500-word chapter proposal to jwlowe@uga.edu by November 1, 2016. Please note that the accepted abstract does not guarantee inclusion in the volume, which will also consider the quality of the finished chapter.


SSSL Bibliography, Summer 2016

Will Murray, Bibliographer and Editorial Assistant for the SSSL Newsletter, is a PhD student at the University of Alabama. 


African American Review

  • Baker, Jr., Houston A. “Intuiting Archive: Notes For A Post-Trauma Poetics.” African American Review1 (2016): 1-4.
  • Istomina, Julia. “The Terror of Ahistoricity: Reading the Frame(-up) through and against Film Noir in Richard Wright’s “The Man Who Lived Underground”.” African American Review2 (2016): 111-127.
  • Lewis, Janaka B. “Elizabeth Keckley And Freedom’s Labor.” African American Review1 (2016): 5-17. Academic Search Premier. Web. 29 Apr. 2016.
  • Stampone, Christopher.”“[H]eroic bravery in more than one battle”: The Creation of Heroes in William Wells Brown’s Multi-Edition Clotel.” African American Review2 (2016): 75-91.
  • Tabone, Mark. A. “Rethinking Paradise: Toni Morrison and Utopia at the Millennium.” African American Review2 (2016): 129-144.
  • Troy, Maria Holmgren. “Chronotopes In Harriet Jacobs’s Incidents In The Life Of A Slave Girl.” African American Review 1 (2016): 19-34.
  • Weixlmann, Joe. “Allusion and Misdirection: Himes, “Meiosis,” and Everett’s erasure.” African American Review2 (2016): 145-156.

American Literary History

  • Carton, Evan. “White Boy (American Hunger) and the Angel of History: Russell Banks’s Identity Knowledge.” American Literary History4 (2015): 741-767. Project MUSE. Web. 29 Apr. 2016.
  • Graham, T. Austin. “Blood on the Rock: Cather’s Southwestern History.” American Literary History1 (2016): 46-68. Project MUSE. Web. 29 Apr. 2016.
  • Makowsky, Veronica. “Tell about Southern Studies: What Do They Do There?” American Literary History1 (2016): 191-198. Project MUSE. Web. 29 Apr. 2016.
  • Norman, Brian. “Write like Me: Black Fictions of White Life.” American Literary History1 (2016): 199-209. Project MUSE. Web. 29 Apr. 2016.
  • Sinykin, Dan. “Evening in America: Blood Meridianand the Origins and Ends of Imperial Capitalism.” American Literary History2 (2016): 362-380
  • Wilson, Sarah. “Black Folk by the Numbers: Quantification in Du Bois.” American Literary History1 (2016): 27-45. Project MUSE. Web. 29 Apr. 2016

American Literature

  • Amine, Laila. “The Paris Paradox: Colorblindness And Colonialism In African American Expatriate Fiction.” American Literature4 (2015): 739. Academic OneFile. Web. 29 Apr. 2016.
  • Fisher, Laura R. “Head And Hands Together: Booker T. Washington’s Vocational Realism.” American Literature4 (2015): 709. Academic OneFile. Web. 29 Apr. 2016.
  • Mangrum, Benjamin. “The Age Of Anxiety: Patricia Highsmith, Existential Psychology, And The ‘Decline’ Of American Naturalism.” American Literature4 (2015): 769. Academic OneFile. Web. 29 Apr. 2016.
  • Reckson, Lindsay. “Touching A Button.” American Literature1 (2016): 31. MasterFILE Premier. Web. 29 Apr. 2016.
  • Rivett, Sarah. “Unruly Empiricisms And Linguistic Sovereignty In Thomas Jefferson’s Indian Vocabulary Project.” American Literature4 (2015): 645. Academic OneFile. Web. 29 Apr. 2016.
  • Worden, Daniel. “Neoliberal Style: Alex Haley, Hunter S. Thompson, and Countercultures.” American Literature4 (2015): 799. Academic OneFile. Web. 29 Apr. 2016.

Appalachian Journal

  • Brookshire, Laura, et al. “Appalachia–“The Next Great Opportunity For Investing In America”: Interview With Earl Gohl, Federal Co-Chair Of The Appalachian Regional Commission, And Pat Mitchell, North Carolina Department Of Commerce And NC Governor’s Alternate On The ARC.” Appalachian Journal1/2 (2016): 52.
  • Simpson, Edgar. “Towering Legal Reforms: W.E. (Ned) Chilton III And Legal Battles For Appalachia’s Public Sphere, 1971-1986.” Appalachian Journal1/2 (2016): 26-52.


  • Bernier, Celeste-Marie. ““To Preserve My Features in Marble”: Post-Civil War Paintings, Drawings, Sculpture, and Sketches of Frederick Douglass. An Illustrated Essay.” Callaloo2 (2016): 372-399.
  • McGann, Jerome. “Rethinking Delany’s Blake.” Callaloo1 (2016): 80-95.
  • Mullins, Matthew. “Counter-Counterstorytelling: Rereading Critical Race Theory in Percival Everett’s Assumption.” Callaloo2 (2016): 457-472.
  • Rinehart, Nicholas. T. ““I Talk More of The French”: Creole Folklore and the Federal Writers’ Project.”Callaloo2 (2016): 439-456.

Cormac McCarthy Journal

  • Bannon, Brad. “Divinations Of Agency In Blood Meridian And No Country For Old Men.” Cormac Mccarthy Journal1 (2016): 78.
  • Christie, James William. ““Days Of Begging, Days Of Theft”: The Philosophy Of Work In Blood Meridian.” The Cormac Mccarthy Journal (Project Muse)1 (2016): 55.
  • Hillier, Russell M. ““Like Some Supplicant To The Darkness Over Them All”: The Good Of John Grady Cole In Cormac Mccarthy’S Cities Of The Plain.” The Cormac Mccarthy Journal (Project Muse)1 (2016): 3.
  • Jergenson, Casey. ““In What Direction Did Lost Men Veer?”: Late Capitalism And Utopia In The Road.” The Cormac Mccarthy Journal (Project Muse)1 (2016): 117.
  • Knepper, Steven Edward. “The Counselor And Tragic Recognition.” Cormac Mccarthy Journal1 (2016): 37.
  • Stilley, Harriet Poppy. ““White Pussy Is Nothin But Trouble”: Hypermasculine Hysteria And The Displacement Of The Feminine Body In Cormac Mccarthy’S Child Of God.” The Cormac Mccarthy Journal (Project Muse)1 (2016): 96.

 Early American Literature

  • Braun, Juliane.”The Drama of History in Francophone New Orleans.” Early American Literature3 (2015): 763-795. Project MUSE. Web. 29 Apr. 2016.
  • Sturges, Mark. “Founding Farmers: Jefferson, Washington, And The Rhetoric Of Agricultural Reform.” Early American Literature3 (2015): 681. Academic OneFile. Web. 29 Apr. 2016.

Edgar Allan Poe Review

  • Booth, Nathanael Thomas. “Seeking Truth In Detail.” Edgar Allan Poe Review1 (2016): 41. Publisher Provided Full Text Searching File. Web. 29 Apr. 2016.
  • Faflik, David. “What We Talk About When We Talk About Poe.” Edgar Allan Poe Review1 (2016): 1-5. Humanities International Index. Web. 29 Apr. 2016.
  • Mirarchi, Stephen. “Edgar Allan Poe’s Marian Consecration: Catholic Eschatology, Mariology, And Liturgy In ‘Morella,’ ‘The Raven,’ And ‘Hymn’.” The Edgar Allan Poe Review2 (2015): 184. Project MUSE. Web. 29 Apr. 2016.
  • Moreland, Clark T, and Karime Rodriguez. “‘Never Bet The Devil Your Head’: Fuseli’s The Nightmare And Collapsing Masculinity In Poe’s ‘The Black Cat’.” The Edgar Allan Poe Review2 (2015): 204. Project MUSE. Web. 29 Apr. 2016.
  • Moreland, Sean. “Beyond “De Rerum Naturâ, Esqr..” Edgar Allan Poe Review1 (2016): 6-40. Humanities International Index. Web. 29 Apr. 2016.
  • Peeples, Scott. “‘That Name’ll Never Be Worth Anything’: Poe’s Image On Film.” The Edgar Allan Poe Review2 (2015): 169. Project MUSE. Web. 29 Apr. 2016.
  • Petzold, Jochen. “Making It Fit: The Appropriation Of Poe In Boy’s Own Magazine.” The Edgar Allan Poe Review2 (2015): 155. Project MUSE. Web. 29 Apr. 2016.

Eudora Welty Review

  • Hudder, Cliff. “Race, Nature, and Decapitation in Eudora Welty’s “A Curtain of Green”.” Eudora Welty Review1 (2016): 45-67.
  • Murray, William. “Learning to Listen: The Way a Society Speaks in Eudora Welty’s “Where Is the Voice Coming From?” and “The Demonstrators”.” Eudora Welty Review1 (2016): 109-122.
  • Samway, Patrick., S.J. “Tracing a Literary and Epistolary Relationship: Eudora Welty and Her Editor, Robert Giroux.” Eudora Welty Review1 (2016): 69-108.

Journal of African American Studies

  • Bloomquist, Jennifer. “The Minstrel Legacy: African American English And The Historical Construction Of ‘Black’ Identities In Entertainment.” Journal Of African American Studies4 (2015): 410-425.
  • Hajjari, Leila, Hossein Aliakbari Harehdasht, and Parvin Ghasemi. “The Legacy Of Romanticism: The Pear Tree And Janie Crawford In Zora Neale Hurston’s Their Eyes Were Watching God.” Journal Of African American Studies1 (2016): 35-52.
  • Hembrough, Tara. “Writing As An Act Of Self-Embodiment: Hurston, Moody, And Angelou Combat Systemic Racial And Sexual Oppression.” Journal Of African American Studies2 (2016): 164-182.
  • Phillips, Anthony, and Natalie Deckard. “Felon Disenfranchisement Laws And The Feedback Loop Of Political Exclusion: The Case Of Florida.” Journal Of African American Studies1 (2016): 1-18.
  • Stallard, Kathryn. “Before Black Like Me: Robert Gilbert Wells And Mr. Jones: Passing As Black.” Journal Of African American Studies4 (2015): 448-454.

Journal of American Studies

  • King, Richard H. “‘Knowing Movement, Wanting Order’: Michael O’Brien on the US South.” Journal of American Studies, 50 (2016) 503-514.
  • Mann, Regis. ““Forever Perverse, Queer, Askew”: Notes On Slavery And Resistance In African American Studies.”Journal Of American Studies1 (2015): 00-1. America: History and Life with Full Text. Web. 29 Apr. 2016.
  • Vara-Dannen, Theresa C. “The Limits Of White Memory: Slavery, Violence And The Amistad Incident.” Journal Of American Studies1 (2015): 19. Academic OneFile. Web. 29 Apr. 2016.
  • Vernon, Zackary. “Toward a Post-Appalachian Sense of Place.” Journal of American Studies, 50.1 (2016) 639-658.


  • Lieberman, Jennifer L. “Ralph Ellison’s Technological Humanism.” Melus4 (2015): 8. Academic OneFile. Web. 29 Apr. 2016.
  • Sussman, Mark. “Charles W. Chesnutt’s Stenographic Realism.” Melus4 (2015): 48. Academic OneFile. Web. 29 Apr. 2016.
  • Tewkesbury, Paul. “Sex, Violence, And Suffering: Rethinking Martin Luther King, Jr., In Julius Lester’s And All Our Wounds Forgiven.” Melus4 (2015): 129. Academic OneFile. Web. 29 Apr. 2016.
  • Visser, Irene. “Fairy Tale And Trauma In Toni Morrison’s Home.” Melus1 (2016): 148-164. Humanities International Index. Web. 29 Apr. 2016.
  • Zaytoun, Kelli D. “Now Let Us Shift” The Subject: Tracing The Path And Posthumanist Implications Of La Naguala / The Shapeshifter In The Works Of Gloria Anzaldúa.” Melus4 (2015): 69-88. Humanities International Index. Web. 29 Apr. 2016.

Mississippi Quarterly

  • Bergholtz, Benjamin. “Are You Listening?”: Lancelot; Derrida, And Aporetic Reading.” Mississippi Quarterly1 (2014): 54-73. Academic Search Premier. Web. 29 Apr. 2016.
  • Bevilacqua, Kathryne. “History Lessons From Gone With The Wind.” Mississippi Quarterly1 (2014): 99-125.Academic Search Premier. Web. 29 Apr. 2016.
  • Crank, Andy. “Remembering Patricia Yaeger: A Written Roundtable.” Mississippi Quarterly2014: 3+. Academic Search Premier. Web. 29 Apr. 2016.
  • D’alessandro, Michael. “Childless “Fathers,” Native Sons: Mississippi Tribal Histories And Performing The Indian in Faulkner’s Go Down, Moses.” Mississippi Quarterly3 (2014): 375.
  • Franks, Travis. “Talkin About Lester”: Community, Culpability, And Narrative Suppression In Child Of God.” Mississippi Quarterly1 (2014): 75-97. Academic Search Premier. Web. 29 Apr. 2016.
  • Greene, Adrian. “Church Within A Church: Sutton E. Griggs’s Imperium In Imperio and the Middle Way Within The National Baptist Convention.” Mississippi Quarterly2 (2014): 233-250. Academic Search Premier. Web. 29 Apr. 2016.
  • Hopkins, Izabela. “Passing Place, Or The Elusive Spaces Of Southern Whiteness In Thomas Nelson Page’s Red Rock And Ellen Glasgow’s The Deliverance.” Mississippi Quarterly2 (2014): 213-232. Academic Search Premier. Web. 29 Apr. 2016.
  • Kohn, Sheldon S. “You’re Like Me”: Flem Snopes and the Dynamics of Citizenship in William Faulkner’s The Town.” Mississippi Quarterly3 (2014): 461-481.
  • Mannon, Ethan. “Leisure And Technology In Port William: Wendell Berry’s Revelatory Fiction.” Mississippi Quarterly2 (2014): 171-192. Academic Search Premier. Web. 29 Apr. 2016.
  • Murphy, Kevin L. “Queering Heterosexuality: Rewriting Oedipal Structures In Lewis Nordan’s Sugar Mecklin Stories.” Mississippi Quarterly1 (2014): 31-52. Academic Search Premier. Web. 29 Apr. 2016.
  • Parker, Courtney Bailey. “A Portrait Of The Artist As A Young Woman: Eudora Welty’s “A Memory” And The Modem Literary Epiphany.” Mississippi Quarterly2 (2014): 251-265. Academic Search Premier. Web. 29 Apr. 2016.
  • Penner, Erin Kay. “Fighting For Black Grief: Exchanging The Civil War For Civil Rights In Go Down, Moses.” Mississippi Quarterly3 (2014): 403. M
  • Picken, Conor. “Drunk And Disorderly: Alcoholism in William Faulkner’s Sanctuary.” Mississippi Quarterly3 (2014): 441-459.
  • Ryan, Tim A. “A Little Music Aint About The Nicest Thing A Fellow Can Have”: Faulkner’s As I Lay Dying and Country Songs.” Mississippi Quarterly3 (2014): 347.
  • Sherazi, Melanie Masterton. “Playing it Out Like a Play”: Joe Christmas and Joanna Burden’s Erotic Masquerade in William Faulkner’s Light In August.” Mississippi Quarterly3 (2014): 483.
  • Steeby, Elizabeth A. “Radical Intimacy Under Jim Crow “Fascism”: The Queer Visions Of Angelo Herndon And Carson Mccullers.” Mississippi Quarterly1 (2014): 127-149. Academic Search Premier. Web. 29 Apr. 2016.
  • Vaughan, Robert. “Eclipsed By The Mad Moon: The Aesthetic Ideal In William Faulkner’s If I Forget Thee, Jerusalem And The Marble Faun.” The Mississippi Quarterly3 (2014): 429.
  • Vernon, Zackary. “The Enfreakment Of Southern Memoir In Harry Crews’s A Childhood.” Mississippi Quarterly2 (2014): 193-212. Academic Search Premier. Web. 29 Apr. 2016.
  • Wright, Michael Wain. “Ecological Issues: Rousseau’s “A Stag Hunt” And Faulkner’s “A Bear Hunt.” Mississippi Quarterly2 (2014): 291-318. Academic Search Premier. Web. 29 Apr. 2016.

Modern Fiction Studies

  • Holcomb, Gary Edward. “Langston Unashamed: Radical Mythmaking in Hughes’s 1930s Short Fiction.” MFS Modern Fiction Studies3 (2015): 423-445.
  • Stokes, Mason. ““A Brutal, Indecent Spectacle”: Heterosexuality, Futurity, and Go Tell It on the Mountain.” MFS Modern Fiction Studies2 (2016): 292-306.
  • Yeates, Robert. ““The Unshriven Dead, Zombies on the Loose”: African and Caribbean Religious Heritage in Toni Morrison’s Beloved.” MFS Modern Fiction Studies3 (2015): 515-537.


  • Puskar, Jason. “Black and White and Read All Over: Photography and the Voices of Richard Wright.” Mosaic, an interdisciplinary critical journal2 (2016): 167-183.

 North Carolina Literary Review

  • Applewhite, James. “Randall Jarrell, William Wordsworth, and the Abstractions of Modernity.” North Carolina Literary Review24 (2015): 67-75. Humanities International Index. Web. 29 Apr. 2016.
  • Byer, Kathryn Stripling. “A Second Life To Tell The First.” North Carolina Literary Review24 (2015): 6-21.Humanities International Index. Web. 29 Apr. 2016.
  • Higgins-Harrell, Anna Dunlap. “Keeping the Story Alive:Revisiting the Artistry of Donald Davis, John Foster West, Robert Inman, Hilda Downer, and Ron Rash.” North Carolina Literary Review 25 (2016).
  • Price, Rachael. “The Void And The Missing”: History, Mystery, And Throwaway Bodies In Monique Troung’s Bitter In The Mouth.” North Carolina Literary Review24 (2015): 50. Publisher Provided Full Text Searching File. Web. 29 Apr. 2016.
  • Tunc, Tanfer Emin. “Paul Green’s South: Gothic Modernism in The House Of Connelly.” North Carolina Literary Review24 (2015): 84-97.
  • Vines, Kelly. “A Drama of Class and Race: SouthernProgressivism in Paul Green’s The House of Connelly.North Carolina Literary Review 25 (2016).


  • Bibler, Michael. “Introduction: Smash the Mason-Dixon! or, Manifesting the Southern United States.” PMLA: Publications Of The Modern Language Association Of America1 (2016): 153–156.
  • Burnett, Katharine A. “Mold On The Cornbread: The Spore Paradigm Of Southern Studies.” PMLA: Publications Of The Modern Language Association Of America1 (2016): 162-166.
  • Caison, Gina, and Amy Clukey. “Afterword: Future Souths—Emerging Voices In Southern Studies.” Publications Of The Modern Language Association Of America1 (2016): 193-196.
  • Cartwright, Keith. “Tar-Baby, Terrapin, And Trojan Horse– A Face-The-Music Cosmo Song From The University’s Hind Tit.” PMLA: Publications Of The Modern Language Association Of America1 (2016): 174-178.
  • Davis, Larose. “Future Souths, Speculative Souths, And Southern Potentialities.” PMLA: Publications Of The Modern Language Association Of America1 (2016): 191-192.
  • Fielder, Elizabeth Rodriguez. “The Activist Turn In American Studies: A Pragmatic Response From The South.” PMLA: Publications Of The Modern Language Association Of America1 (2016): 179-181.
  • Holland, Sharon P. “Hum/Animal: All Together.” PMLA: Publications Of The Modern Language Association Of America1 (2016): 167-169.
  • Holloway, Pippa. “Manifesto For A Queer South Politics.” Publications Of The Modern Language Association Of America1 (2016): 182-186.
  • Nunn, Erich. “Screening The Twenty- First-Century South.” PMLA: Publications Of The Modern Language Association Of America1 (2016): 187-190.
  • Scott Heath, R. “The Other Side Of Time: Theorizing The Planetary South.” PMLA: Publications Of The Modern Language Association Of America1 (2016): 170-173.
  • Watson, Jay. “The Other Matter Of The South.” PMLA: Publications Of The Modern Language Association Of America1 (2016): 157-161.


  • Motley, Clay. “Hell Hounds, Hillbillies, And Hedonists: The Evangelical Roots Of Rock N’ Roll.” Religions3 (2016): 1.

South Atlantic Review

  • Beavers, Jay Aaron. “‘Stairwell to nowhere’: the darkness of God in Cormac McCarthy’s Suttree.” South Atlantic Review1-2 (2015): 96.
  • Gros, Emmeline. “The Wind Done Gone or rewriting gone wrong: retelling southern social, racial, and gender norms through parody.” South Atlantic Review 3-4 (2015): 136.
  • Martin, Michael S. “Picturesque America Comes to Appalachia: David Hunter Strother, Henry Colton, and the Visionary Traveler of the mid-nineteenth-century Appalachian Expedition narrative.” South Atlantic Review1-2 (2015): 62.

 South Carolina Review

  • Kerley, Gary. “All Born and Dying, Forever at Once”: The Last Motion(s) of James Dickey” South Carolina Review2 (2016): 178-83.

South Central Review

  • Fleche, Andre M. “The American Civil War in the Age of Revolution.” South Central Review1 (2016): 5-20.
  • Foote, Lorien. “Civilization and Savagery in the American Civil War.” South Central Review1 (2016): 21-36.
  • Gannon, Barbara A.”A Debt We Never Can Pay, A Debt We Refuse to Repay: Civil War Veterans in American Memory.” South Central Review1 (2016): 69-83.
  • Meier, Kathryn Shively. “Organic Armies: Military Engagement with Nature in the American Civil War.” South Central Review1 (2016): 37-52.
  • Miller, Brian Craig. “A Song for the Suffering: The Interminable Civil War.” South Central Review1 (2016): 53-68.

Southern Cultures

  • Cheshire, Godfrey. “Why No One Is Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of the Feature Film.” Southern Cultures4 (2015): 28-37.
  • Huebner, Timothy S. & McGrady, M. M. “Shelby Foote, Memphis, and the Civil War in American Memory.” Southern Cultures4 (2015): 13-27.
  • Matthews, Scott L. “Protesting the Privilege of Perception: Resistance to Documentary Work in Hale County, Alabama, 1900–2010.” Southern Cultures1 (2016): 31-65.
  • Maunula, Marko. “Superstar Reverend J. M. Gates and Working Class Black Uplift.” Southern Cultures2 (2016): 23-43.
  • Peeples, Scott. & Van Parys, Michelle. “Unburied Treasure: Edgar Allan Poe in the South Carolina Lowcountry.”Southern Cultures2 (2016): 5-22.

Southern Literary Journal (South: a Scholarly Journal)

  • Bertholf, Garry. “Listening to Du Bois’s Black Reconstruction: After James.” The Southern Literary Journal1 (2016): 78-91.
  • Blair, Alexandria. ““The Wanted Stared Back”: Biopolitics, Genre, and Sympathy in Cormac McCarthy’s Child of God.” The Southern Literary Journal2 (2015): 89-106.
  • Claxton, Mae Miller. “Migrations and Transformations: Human and Nonhuman Nature in Eudora Welty’s “A Worn Path”.” The Southern Literary Journal2 (2015): 73-88.
  • Dominy, Jordan J. “Walker Percy’s Love in the Ruinsand the Modern Conservative Identity.” The Southern Literary Journal2 (2015): 107-121.
  • Flores-Silva, Dolores, Keith, Cartwright, Rosmary Mulligan. “El Sur Profundo: Alternative Soundings of the South.” The Southern Literary Journal1 (2016): 92-107.
  • Fox, Heather. “Mapping Spatial Consciousness in Kate Chopin’s Bayou Folk Stories.” The Southern Literary Journal1 (2016): 108-128.
  • Hubbs, Jolene. “Documenting Hunger: Famineways in Contemporary Southern Women’s Writing.” The Southern Literary Journal2 (2015): 1-19.
  • McMahand, Donnie. “Strange Bedfellows: Randall Kenan Talks Back to the Southern Renaissance.” The Southern Literary Journal2 (2015): 36-54.
  • Padgett, Leva. “George W. Cable’s Gardens: Planting the Creole South and Uprooting the Nation.” The Southern Literary Journal2 (2015): 55-72.
  • Stein, Daniel. “From Uncle Remusto Song of the South: Adapting American Plantation Fictions.” The Southern Literary Journal2 (2015): 20-35.
  • Tipton, Nathan. “Others from a Southern Mother: Southerning the Queer in Patricia Highsmith’s Strangers on a Train.” The Southern Literary Journal1 (2016): 129-150.

Southern Quarterly

  • Armstrong, Rhonda Jenkins. “Rewriting The Corpse In Suzan-Lori Parks’s Getting Mother’s Body.” Southern Quarterly1 (2015): 41-56.
  • Bryan, Victoria M. “William Faulkner In The Age Of The Modern Funeral Industry.” Southern Quarterly1 (2015): 25-40.
  • Bunch-Lyons, Beverly. “‘Ours Is A Business Of Loyalty’: African American Funeral Home Owners In Southern Cities.” Southern Quarterly1 (2015): 57-72.
  • Clough, Edward. “In Search Of Sunken Graves: Between Postslavery And Postplantation In Charles Chesnutt’s Fiction.” Southern Quarterly1 (2015): 87-104.
  • Fields, Alison. “Re-Reading the Mardi Gras Indians: Performance and Identity.” Southern Quarterly2 (2016): 182-194.
  • Gillespie, Jeanne L. “Are Isleño Décimas Really Décimas? Tracking Media and Memory in Spanish-Speaking Louisiana.” Southern Quarterly2 (2016): 26-40.
  • Hayes, John. “Pleading With Death: Folk Visions Of Death (And Life) In The New South.” Southern Quarterly1 (2015): 105-120.
  • Haynes, Caitlin E. “To Trust It To Another’s Hands–Another’s Love”: Deathbed Directives And Last Wishes Of Elite Women In The Antebellum South.” Southern Quarterly1 (2015): 121-136.
  • Helms Tippen, Carrie. “Acting it Out Like a Play”: Flipping the script of Kitchen Spaces in Faulkner’s Light In August.” Southern Quarterly2 (2016): 58-74.
  • Hodge, Amber. “The Casket In The Corpse: The Wooden (Wo)Man And Corporeal Impermanence In As I Lay Dying.” Southern Quarterly1 (2015): 13-24.
  • Hoffmann, Benjamin. “Posthumous Louisiana: Louisiana’s Literary Reinvention in Alfred Mercier’s The Saint-Ybars Plantation (1881).” Southern Quarterly2 (2016): 164-181.
  • Hogue, W. Lawrence. “Televangelism, The South, Modernity, and Darcey Steinke’s Jesus Saves.” Southern Quarterly2 (2016): 108-130.
  • Holder, Rebecca. “Making The Lie True: Tennessee Williams’s Cat On A Hot Tin Roof and Truth as Performance.” Southern Quarterly2 (2016): 77-93.
  • Iuchi, Kodai. “Katherine Anne Porter’s Faithful And Relentless Vision Of Death In Pale Horse, Pale Rider.” Southern Quarterly1 (2015): 153-170.
  • Kelting, Lily. “Performing Multicultural Futures on Atlanta’s Buford Highway.” Southern Quarterly2 (2016): 41-57.
  • Kuhn, Joseph. “Speaking From The Earth: Allen Tate And The Poetry Of The Confederate Dead.” Southern Quarterly 1 (2015): 171-184.
  • Maxson, J. David. “Just A Closer Walk With Thee”: Jazz Funerals, Second Lines, And Laying Hurricane Katrina To Rest.” Southern Quarterly1 (2015): 185-203.
  • Mcdaniel, Hayden Noel. “Growing Up Civil Rights: Youth Voices from Mississippi’s Freedom Summer.” Southern Quarterly2 (2016): 94-107.
  • Rozier, Travis. “The Whole Solid Past”: Memorial Objects And Consumer Culture In Eudora Welty’s The Optimist’s Daughter.” Southern Quarterly1 (2015): 137-152.
  • Smith, Abigail Lundelius. “Lay It All On The Table: Death In The American South.” Southern Quarterly1 (2015): 73-86.
  • Wilson, Charles Reagan. “Church Fans: Tradition, Modernity, And Mortality.” Southern Quarterly1 (2015): 220-240.
  • Wilson, Charles Reagan. “The Cultural Context and Expressions of Deathways in the US South.” Southern Quarterly1 (2015): 5-12.

 Southern Spaces

  • Brasseaux, Ryan André, Caffery, Joshua Clegg. “Six Degrees of Alan Lomax: A Review and Multimedia Excerpts” Southern Spaces 30 November 2015.

 Southern Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal of the South

  • Crank, James A. “The Hunger Games: Southern Cookin’ In An Apocalyptic Time.” Southern Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal Of The South2 (2015): 37-46.
  • Littlejohn, Jeffrey L., and Charles H. Ford. “Moving “Mere Pawns On The Chessboard”: Walter E. Hoffman, Jr., School Desegregation, And Busing In Norfolk, Virginia.” Southern Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal Of The South2 (2015): 47-72.
  • Scherr, Arthur. “Thomas Jefferson, White Immigration, And Black Emancipation.” Southern Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal Of The South2 (2015): 1-36.
  • Whitt, Jan. “Pat Conroy And His Trilogy Of Water: Redemption In Beach Music, The Prince Of Tides, And The Water Is Wide.” Southern Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal Of The South2 (2015): 73-91.

Study the South

  • Cantrell, Jaime. “Put a Taste of the South in Your Mouth: Carnal Appetites and Intersextionality,” in Study the South. 10 September 2015.
  • Carson, James. “Telling About the South: An Autobiography of Antiquity.” Study the South 11 January 2016.
  • Goudsouzian, Aram. “‘Back to One City’: The 1973 Memphis State Tigers and Myths of Race and Sport.” Study the South 31 March 2016.
  • Wharton, David. “Elvis and Those Who (Still) Love Him” Study the South 3 December 2015.

 Texas Studies in Language and Literature

  • Bollinger, Laurel. ““Areis too many for one woman to foal”: Embodied Cognition in As I Lay Dying.” Texas Studies in Literature and Language4 (2015): 433-463.
  • Pugh, Tison. “Camp Sadomasochism in Tennessee Williams’s Plays.” Texas Studies in Literature and Language1 (2016): 20-44.


Cambridge Scholars Press

  • Cooper, Malcolm J. M. Sustainable Tourism in the Global South. S.l.: Cambridge Scholars Publis, 2016. Print.
  • Ervin, Hazel A. Community of Voices on Education and the African American Experience. S.l.: Cambridge Scholars Publis, 2016. Print.
  • Quintero, Aguilo M. C. Caribbean Without Borders: Beyond the Can(n)on’s Range. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Press, 2015. Print.

Cambridge University Press

  • Hill, Karlos. Beyond the Rope: The Impact of Lynching on Black Culture and Memory. S.l.: Cambridge Univ. Press, 2016. Print.
  • Saddik, Annette J. Tennessee Williams and the Theatre of Excess: The Strange, the Crazed, the Queer. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 2015. Print.
  • Harlow, Luke E. Religion, Race, and the Making of Confederate Kentucky, 1830-1880. S.l.: Cambridge Univ. Press, 2016. Print.

Chicago University Press

  • Dahl, Bill. The Art of the Blues: A Visual Treasury of Black Music’s Golden Age. U of Chicago, 2016. Print.
  • Harvey, Paul. Christianity and Race in the American South: A History. U of Chicago, 2016. Print.

Duke University Press

  • Cramer, Jennifer. Contested Southerness: The Linguistic Production and Perception of Identities in the Borderlands. Duke University Press, Print.
  • Sharpe, Christina. In the Wake: On Blackness and Being. S.l.: Duke University Press, 2016. Print.
  • Southern Accent: Seeking the American South in Contemporary Art: Duke University Press, 2016. Print.
  • Weiss, Brad. Real Pigs: Shifting Values in the Field of Local Pork: Duke University Press, 2016. Print.
  • Winters, Joseph R. Hope Draped in Black: Race, Melancholy, and the Agony of Progress. Duke University Press, 2016. Print.

 Louisiana State University Press

  • Anderson, Kristen L. Abolitionizing Missouri: German Immigrants and Racial Ideology in Nineteenth-Century America. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 2016. Print.
  • Berlage, Nancy K. Farmers Helping Farmers: The Rise of the Farm and Home Bureaus, 1914-1935. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 2016. Print.
  • Black, Andrew R. John Pendleton Kennedy: Early American Novelist, Whig Statesman, and Ardent Nationalist. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 2016. Print.
  • Bonner, Michael B. Confederate Political Economy: Creating and Managing a Southern Corporatist Nation. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 2016. Print.
  • Cloyd, Benjamin G. Haunted by Atrocity: Civil War Prisons in American Memory. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 2016. Print.
  • Greenwald, Erin. Marc-antoine Caillot and the Company of the Indies in Louisiana: Trade in the French Atlantic World. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 2016. Print.
  • Hawkins, Martin. Slim Harpo: Blues King Bee of Baton Rouge. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 2016. Print.
  • Heinrich, Robert, and Deborah Harding. From Slave to Statesman: The Life of Educator, Editor, and Civil Rights Activist Willis M. Carter of Virginia. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 2016. Print.
  • Hyde, Sarah L. Schooling in the Antebellum South: The Rise of Public and Private Education in Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 2017. Print.
  • LeJeune, Keagan. Legendary Louisiana Outlaws: The Villains and Heroes of Folk Justice. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 2016. Print.
  • Levasseur, Jennifer, and Mary A. McCay. Walker Percy’s the Moviegoer at Fifty: New Takes on an Iconic American Novel. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 2016. Print.
  • Lewis, Michael. The Coming of Southern Prohibition: The Dispensary System and the Battle Over Liquor in South Carolina, 1907-1915. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 2016. Print.
  • Marshall, James P. Student Activism and Civil Rights in Mississippi: Protest Politics and the Struggle for Racial Justice 1960-1965. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 2016. Print.
  • McLemore, Laura L. The Battle of New Orleans in History and Memory. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 2017. Print.
  • Millichap, Joseph R. The Language of Vision: Photography and Southern Literature in the 1930s and After. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 2016. Print
  • Pfohl, Katie A. Mexico in New Orleans. a Tale of Two Americas. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 2016. Print.
  • Pugh, Tison. Precious Perversions: Humor, Homosexuality, and the Southern Literary Canon. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 2016. Print.
  • Repp, Celeste, William L. Park, and Katherine B. Jeffrey. Two Civil Wars: The Curious Shared Journal of a Baton Rouge Schoolgirl and a Union Sailor on the USS Essex. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 2016. Print.
  • Sager, Robin C. Marital Cruelty in Antebellum America. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 2016. Print.
  • Stith, Matthew M. Extreme Civil War: Guerrilla Warfare, Environment, and Race on the Trans-Mississippi Frontier. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 2016. Print.
  • Whayne, Jeannie. Delta Empire: Lee Wilson and the Transformation of Agriculture in the New South. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 2016. Print.
  • Williams, Elizabeth M, and Chris McMillian. Lift Your Spirits: A Celebratory History of Cocktail Culture in New Orleans. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 2016. Print.
  • Zipf, Karin L. Bad Girls at Samarcand: Sexuality and Sterilization in a Southern Juvenile Reformatory. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 2016. Print.


  • Burch, Wanda E. Home Voices Speak Louder Than the Drums: Dreams and the Imagination in Civil War Letters and Memoirs. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2016. Print.
  • Cosby, James A. Devil’s Music, Holy Rollers and Hillbillies: How America Gave Birth to Rock and Roll. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2016. Print.
  • Huggins, Benjamin L. Willie Mangum and the North Carolina Whigs in the Age of Jackson. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2016. Print.
  • Kaplan, Mary. The Tuskegee Veterans Hospital and Its Black Physicians: The Early Years. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2016. Print.
  • Pollitt, Phoebe. African American and Cherokee Nurses in Appalachia: A History, 1900-1965. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2016. Print.
  • Sanchez, Juan O. Religion and the Ku Klux Klan: Biblical Appropriation in Their Literature and Songs. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2016. Print.
  • Shay, Jack E. The Fort Mcclellan Pow Camp: German Prisoners in Alabama, 1943-1946. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2016. Print.
  • Warren, Robin O. Women on Southern Stages 1800-1865: Performance, Gender and Identity in a Golden Age of American Theater. Jefferson, NC: McFarland Publishing, 2016. Print.

Oxford University Press

  • Breen, Patrick H. The Land Shall Be Deluged in Blood : A New History of the Nat Turner Revolt. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2015. Print.
  • Kennedy, J. Gerald. Strange Nation : Literary Nationalism And Cultural Conflict In The Age Of Poe. n.p.: New York, NY : Oxford University Press, 2016. Print.
  • Link, William A. Southern Crucible: The Making of an American Region. New York: Oxford University Press, 2015. Print.
  • Phillips, Christopher. The Rivers Ran Backward: The Civil War and the Remaking of the American Middle Border. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2016. Print.

University of Alabama Press

  • Aucoin, Brent J. Thomas Goode Jones: Race, Politics, and Justice in the New South. Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press, 2016. Print.
  • Chapell, Colin B. Ye That Are Men Now Serve Him: Radical Holiness Theology and Gender in the South. Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press, 2016. Print.
  • Davis, Patricia G. Laying Claim:African American Cultural Memory and Southern Identity. Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press, 2016. Print.
  • Flynt, Wayne. Southern Religion and Christian Diversity in the Twentieth Century.
    Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press, 2016. Print.
  • Mohl, Raymond A., John E Van Sant, Chizuru Saeki. Far east, Down South:Asians in the American South. Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press, 2016. Print.

University of California Press

  • Camp, Jordan T. Incarcerating the Crisis:Freedom Struggles and the Rise of the Neoliberal State. Oakland, California: University of California Press, 2016. Print.
  • Delmont, Matthew F. Making Roots: A Nation Captivated. Oakland, California: University of California Press, 2016. Print.
  • Delmont, Matthew F. Why Busing Failed: Race, Media, and the National Resistance to School Desegregation. Oakland, California: University of California Press, 2016. Print.

 University of Georgia Press

  • Allured, Janet. Remapping Second-Wave Feminism: The Long Women’s Rights Movement in Louisiana, 1950-1997. Athens: The University of Georgia Press, 2016.
  • Anderson, Bill, Peter Cooper. Whisperin’ Bill Anderson: An Unprecedented Life in Country Music. Athens: The University of Georgia Press, 2016.
  • Behnken, Brian D, et al. Civil Rights And Beyond: African American and Latino/A Activism in the Twentieth-Century United States. Athens: The University of Georgia Press, 2016.
  • Broussard, Joyce Linda. Stepping Lively In Place:The Not-Married, Free Women of Civil-War-Era Natchez, Mississippi. Athens, GA: U of Georgia P, 2016.
  • Caldwell, Jay. Erskine Caldwell, Margaret Bourke-White, and The Popular Front: Photojournalism In Russia. Athens: The University of Georgia Press, 2016.
  • Esplin, Emron. Borges’s Poe : The Influence and Reinvention of Edgar Allan Poe in Spanish America. Athens: The University of Georgia Press, 2016. Print.
  • Goloboy, Jennifer L. Charleston and the Emergence Of Middle-Class Culture in The Revolutionary Era. Athens: The University of Georgia Press, 2016.
  • Harold, Claudrena N. New Negro Politics in the Jim Crow South. Athens: The University of Georgia Press, 2016.
  • Hulbert, Matthew Christopher. The Ghosts of Guerrilla Memory: How Civil War Bushwhackers Became Gunslingers in the American West. Athens: The University of Georgia Press, 2016.
  • Moran, Daniel. Creating Flannery O’Connor: Her Critics, Her Publishers, Her Readers. Athens: The University of Georgia Press, 2016.
  • Pollack, Harriet. Eudora Welty’s Fiction and Photography: The Body of the Other Woman. Athens, GA: U of Georgia P, 2016.
  • Shefveland, Kristalyn Marie, Anglo-Native Virginia: Trade, Conversion, and Indian Slavery in the Old Dominion, 1646-1722. Athens: The University of Georgia Press, 2016.
  • Silkenat, David. Driven From Home: North Carolina’s Civil War Refugee Crisis. Athens: The University of Georgia Press, 2016.
  • Smith, Lillian. A Lillian Smith Reader.Margaret Rose Gladney and Lisa Hodgens. Athens: The University of Georgia Press, 2016.
  • Sweet, Timothy. Literary Cultures of the Civil War. Athens, GA: U of Georgia P, 2016.
  • Zuck, Rochelle Raineri. Divided Sovereignties: Race, Nationhood, And Citizenship in Nineteenth-Century America. Athens: The University of Georgia Press, 2016. Print.

 University of Illinois Press

  • Malone, Bill C. Bill Clifton: America’s Bluegrass Ambassador to the World. Urbana-Champaign: University of Illinois Press, 2016. Print.
  • Mustakeem, Sowande’ M. Slavery At Sea : Terror, Sex, and Sickness in the Middle Passage. Urbana-Champaign: University of Illinois Press, 2016. Print.
  • Parsons, Penny. Foggy Mountain Troubadour : The Life and Music of Curly Seckler. Urbana-Champaign: University of Illinois Press, 2016. Print.
  • Walker-McWilliams, Marcia. Reverend Addie Wyatt: Faith and the Fight for Labor, Gender, and Racial Equality. Urbana-Champaign: University of Illinois Press, 2016. Print.

 University of Minnesota Press

  • Murray, Albert. Murray Talks Music: Albert Murray on Jazz and Blues. Ed. Paul Devlin. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2015. Print.

University of North Carolina Press

  • Butler, J. Michael. Beyond Integration The Black Freedom Struggle in Escambia County, Florida, 1960–1980. Chapel Hill: U North Carolina P, 2016. Print.
  • Chansky, Art. Game Changers Dean Smith, Charlie Scott, and the Era That Transformed a Southern College Town. Chapel Hill: U North Carolina P, 2016. Print.
  • Clark, Emily Suzanne. A Luminous Brotherhood: Afro-Creole Spiritualism in Nineteenth-Century New Orleans. Chapel Hill: U North Carolina P, 2016. Print.
  • Cline, David P. From Reconciliation to Revolution: The Student Interracial Ministry, Liberal Christianity, and the Civil Rights Movement. Chapel Hill: U North Carolina P, 2016. Print.
  • Cohen, Ronald D. Depression Folk: Grassroots Music And Left-Wing Politics In 1930s America. Chapel Hill: U North Carolina P, 2016. Print.
  • De Jong, Greta. You Can’t Eat Freedom: Southerners and Social Justice after the Civil Rights Movement. Chapel Hill: U North Carolina P, 2016. Print.
  • Dykeman, Wilma. Family of Earth: A Southern Mountain Childhood. Chapel Hill: U North Carolina P, 2016. Print.
  • Elder, Robert. The Sacred Mirror: Evangelicalism, Honor, and Identity in the Deep South, 1790–1860. Chapel Hill: U North Carolina P, 2016. Print.
  • Ferris, William R. The South In Color: A Visual Journal. Chapel Hill: U North Carolina P, 2016. Print.
  • Fett, Sharla M. Recaptured Africans Surviving Slave Ships, Detention, and Dislocation in the Final Years of the Slave Trade. Chapel Hill: U North Carolina P, 2017. Print.
  • Foote, Lorien. The Yankee Plague : Escaped Union Prisoners and the Collapse of the Confederacy. Chapel Hill: U North Carolina P, 2016. Print.
  • Haley, Sarah. No Mercy Here: Gender, Punishment, and the Making of Jim Crow Modernity. Chapel Hill: U North Carolina P, 2016. Print.
  • Harper, Matthew. The End of Days: African American Religion and Politics in the Age of Emancipation. Chapel Hill: U North Carolina P, 2017. Print.
  • Hess, Earl J. Braxton Bragg: The Most Hated Man of the Confederacy. Chapel Hill: U North Carolina P, 2016. Print.
  • Kahrl, Andrew W. The Land Was Ours How Black Beaches Became White Wealth in the Coastal South. Chapel Hill: U North Carolina P, 2016. Print.
  • Kelley, Sean M. The Voyage of the Slave Ship Hare: A Journey into Captivity from Sierra Leone to South Carolina. Chapel Hill: U North Carolina P, 2016. Print.
  • Krochmal, Max. Blue Texas: The Making Of A Multiracial Democratic Coalition In The Civil Rights Era. Chapel Hill: U North Carolina P, 2016. Print.
  • Lowe, John Wharton. Calypso Magnolia The Crosscurrents of Caribbean and Southern Literature. Chapel Hill: U North Carolina P, 2016. Print.
  • Nash, Steven E. Reconstruction’s Ragged Edge: The Politics of Postwar Life in the Southern Mountains. Chapel Hill: U North Carolina P, 2016. Print.
  • Rosen, Richard A., Joseph Mosnier. Julius Chambers: A Life in the Legal Struggle For Civil Rights. Chapel Hill: U North Carolina P, 2016. Print.
  • Sanders, Crystal R. A Chance for Change: Head Start and Mississippi’s Black Freedom Struggle. Chapel Hill: U North Carolina P, 2016. Print.
  • Siegel-Hawley, Genevieve. When the Fences Come Down: Twenty-First-Century Lessons from Metropolitan School Desegregation. Chapel Hill: U North Carolina P, 2016. Print.
  • Smith, Christi M. Reparation and Reconciliation: The Rise and Fall of Integrated Higher Education, 1865-1915. Chapel Hill: U North Carolina P, 2017. Print.
  • Stewart, Catherine A. Long Past Slavery: Representing Race in the Federal Writers’ Project. Chapel Hill: U North Carolina P, 2016. Print.
  • Visser-Maessen, Laura. Robert Parris Moses: A Life in Civil Rights and Leadership at the Grassroots. Chapel Hill: U North Carolina P, 2016. Print.
  • Wilson, Thomas D. The Ashley Cooper Plan: The Founding of Carolina and the Origins of Southern Political Culture. Chapel Hill: U North Carolina P, 2016. Print.
  • Yarger, Lisa. Lovie: The Story of a Southern Midwife and an Unlikely Friendship. Chapel Hill: U North Carolina P, 2016. Print.

University of South Carolina Press

  • Burton, Orville Vernon, Eldred E. Prince, Jr., eds. Becoming Southern Writers: Essays in Honor of Charles Joyner. Columbia, S.C: University of South Carolina Press. 2016. Print.
  • Franklin V, Bengamin. An Encyclopedia of South Carolina Jazz and Blues Musicians. Columbia, S.C: University of South Carolina Press. 2016. Print.
  • Mayfield, John, Todd Hagstette., eds. The Field of Honor: Essays on Southern Character and American Identity. Columbia, S.C: University of South Carolina Press. 2017. Print.
  • Turner, Daniel Cross, William Wright., Hard Lines: Rough South Poetry. Columbia, S.C: University of South Carolina Press. 2017. Print.

 University Press of Florida

  • Adkins, Mary E. Making Modern Florida: How the Spirit of Reform Shaped a New State Constitution. Gainesville: UP of Florida, 2016.
  • Bates, Denise E., ed. We Will Always Be Here: Native Peoples on Living and Thriving in the South. Gainesville: UP of Florida, 2016.
  • Bush, Gregory W. White Sand Black Beach: Civil Rights, Public Space, and Miami’s Virginia Key. Gainesville: UP of Florida, 2016.
  • Fennell, Christopher C. Broken Chains and Subverted Plans: Ethnicity, Race, and Commodities. Gainesville: UP of Florida, 2017.
  • Jimoh, A Yemisi, Françoise N. Hamlin., eds. These Truly Are The Brave: An Anthology Of African American Writings On War And Citizenship. Gainesville: UP of Florida, 2016.
  • Miller, W. Jason. Origins of the Dream: Hughes’s Poetry and King’s Rhetoric. Gainesville: UP of Florida, 2016.
  • Morgan, Lynda J. Known for My Work: African American Ethics from Slavery to Freedom. Gainesville: UP of Florida, 2016.
  • Stone, Andrea. Black Well-Being: Health and Selfhood in Antebellum Black Literature. Gainesville: UP of Florida, 2016.

University Press of Mississippi

  • Annis Jr, J. Lee. Big Jim Eastland: The Godfather of Mississippi. Jackson: UP of Mississippi, 2016. Print.
  • Crowell, Richard B. Chenier Plain. Jackson: UP of Mississippi, 2016. Print.
  • Edwards, Emily D. Bars, Blues, and Booze Stories from the Drink House. Jackson: UP of Mississippi, 2016. Print.
  • Gilchrist, Ellen. Things like the Truth Out of My Later Years. Jackson: UP of Mississippi, 2016. Print.
  • Hamblin, Robert W. Myself and the World A Biography of William Faulkner. Jackson: UP of Mississippi, 2016. Print.
  • Inge, M. Thomas., ed. The Dixie Limited: Writers on William Faulkner and His Influence. Jackson: UP of Mississippi, 2016. Print.
  • Mcguire, Jack B. Win the Race or Die Trying Uncle Earl’s Last Hurrah. Jackson: UP of Mississippi, 2016. Print.
  • Nicholas, Teresa. Willie: The Life of Willie Morris. Jackson: UP of Mississippi, 2016. Print.
  • Pecknold, Diane, and Kristine M. McCusker, Country Boys and Redneck Women: New Essays in Gender and Country Music. Jackson: UP of Mississippi, 2016. Contributions by: Georgia Christgau, Alexander S. Dent, Leigh H. Edwards, Caroline Gnagy, Kate Heidemann, Nadine Hubbs, Jocelyn Neal, Åse Ottosson, Travis Stimeling, Matthew D. Sutton, and Chris Wilson
  • Pierce, Todd James. Three Years in Wonderland The Disney Brothers, C. V. Wood, and the Making of the Great American Theme Park. Jackson: UP of Mississippi, 2016. Print.
  • Rushing, R. Kim. Jackson: UP of Mississippi, 2016. Print.
  • Smith, Virginia Whatley., ed. Richard Wright Writing America at Home and from Abroad. Jackson: UP of Mississippi, 2016. Print.
  • Thomason, Sally Palmer, Jean Carter Fisher. Delta Rainbow: The Irrepressible Betty Bobo Pearson. Jackson: UP of Mississippi, 2016. Print.
  • Tucker, Susan. City of Remembering A History of Genealogy in New Orleans. Jackson: UP of Mississippi, 2016. Print.
  • Watson, Jay, James G. Thomas, Jr., eds. Faulkner and the Black Literatures of the Americas. Jackson: UP of Mississippi, 2016. Print. (Contributions by Ted Atkinson, Thadious M. Davis, Matthew Dischinger, Dotty J. Dye, Chiyuma Elliott, Doreen Fowler, Joseph Fruscione, Austin Graham, Rachel Eliza Griffiths, Derrick Harriell, Randall Horton, Lisa Hinrichsen, George Hutchinson, Andrew Leiter, John Wharton Lowe, Jamaal May, Ben Robbins, Tim Ryan, Sharon Sarthou, Jenna Sciuto, and James Smethurst)

University of Tennessee Press

  • Anadolu-Okur, Nilgün. Dismantling Slavery Frederick Douglass, William Lloyd Garrison, and Formation of the Abolitionist Discourse, 1841–1851. Knoxville, TN: University of Tennessee Press, 2016. Print.
  • Cohen, Phil. The Jackson Project War in the American Workplace: A Memoir. Knoxville, TN: University of Tennessee Press, 2016. Print.
  • Eckard, Paula Gallant. Thomas Wolfe and Lost Children in Southern Literature. Knoxville, TN: University of Tennessee Press, 2016. Print.
  • King, Daniel Robert. Cormac McCarthy’s Literary Evolution Editors, Agents, and the Crafting of a Prolific American Author. Knoxville, TN: University of Tennessee Press, 2016. Print.
  • Klassen, Teri. Tennessee Delta Quiltmaking. Knoxville, TN: University of Tennessee Press, 2017. Print.
  • Lofaro, Michael A. Let Us Now Praise Famous Men at 75. Knoxville, TN: University of Tennessee Press, 2016. Print.
  • Worthington, Leslie Harper Jürgen E. Grandt., eds. Seeking Home Marginalization and Representation in Appalachian Literature and Song. Knoxville, TN: University of Tennessee Press, 2016. Print.

 University of Virginia Press

  • Dew, Charles B. The Making of a Racist: A Southerner Reflects on Family, History, and the Slave Trade. Charlottesville, VA: University of Virginia Press, 2016. Print.
  • Jennings, La Vinia Delois. Margaret Garner: The Premiere Performances of Toni Morrison’s Libretto. Charlottesville, VA: University of Virginia Press, 2016. Print.
  • Rockenbach, Stephen I. War upon Our Border: Two Ohio Valley Communities Navigate the Civil War. Charlottesville, VA: University of Virginia Press, 2016. Print.
  • Tarter, Brent. A Saga of the New South: Race, Law, and Public Debt in Virginia. Charlottesville, VA: University of Virginia Press, 2016. Print.