by Kat Jacobsen | May 1, 2006 | Uncategorized
A Message from the SSSL President It will be hard for me to follow Bill Andrews as president of the SSSL. Bill did much to set our house in order. Our funds are safely invested, our bib- liography is back in full operation, our last general meeting in Chapel Hill...
by Kat Jacobsen | Dec 1, 2005 | Uncategorized
From the Editor: It’s not feeling too Southern today here in the Ozarks. Tonight’s forecast is clear with a low of 1 degree. Hmm. The hot, sultry South seems far away, and I’m reminded of the year I taught in Finland at the University of Helsinki. Finnish students...
by Kat Jacobsen | May 1, 2005 | Uncategorized
From the Editor: Greetings from the Ozarks, one of those borderlands that postmodern thinking has made so popular to talk about. Fayetteville is not too postmodern but it is a city where South meets Midwest, where you find a columned mansion straight out of the Old...
by Kat Jacobsen | Dec 1, 2004 | Uncategorized
From the Editor: As we’re all well aware, one of the recent critical trends involves contextualizing Southern literature internationally, particularly with eyes looking southward toward Central and South America, including the Caribbean. To my thinking, such...
by Kat Jacobsen | May 1, 2004 | Uncategorized
From the Editor: Oh, how the South is changing. A few weeks ago I went to Milledgeville, Georgia to give a lecture on Flannery O’Connor at Georgia College and State University. During a very enjoyable weekend, I visited the O’Connor farm, Andalusia, which when...