From the Editor:

With this issue, I am stepping down from the editorship of the newsletter and passing the position along to someone else. I’ve enjoyed being editor over the past several years, though really it has been the associate editors–graduate students here at the University of Arkansas who

were interested in Southern literature–who have done almost all of the work. They are the ones who deserve all the credit for the newsletter, along with David Boddie, who has done a marvelous job designing and maintaining the homepage.

Part of the reason I’m giving up the editorship is because I’m moving
to a new position at the University of South Carolina, where I will be Professor of English and Southern Studies. With the big move looming, I feel that moving other things in my life–like the editorship–is both timely and appropriate. Frankly, I’ll have enough to worry about with getting settled into my new life in Columbia without having to worry about getting the newsletter done. And, just as frankly, the newsletter needs some new editorial energy to take it beyond where my graduate students and I have taken it.

For the newsletter to achieve the significance that we think it should, members of the Society will have to become more involved, primarily in submitting letters, short essays, and reviews. This doesn’t seem like a far-fetched idea, as there are enough of us out there who could probably whip something off every now and then that would be of interest to others. Believe me, we’ve tried to encourage more involvement, and believe me it ain’t easy to get results.

That said, I wish one and all well, and trust that the new editor will be contacting you soon about writing something cool for all of the rest of us. I hope you’ll say yes.

Bob Brinkmeyer

A Message from the SSSL President:

Greetings from Williamsburg, where we’ve just completed the 400th anniversary celebration of the Jamestown landing–a celebration that highlighted the encounters of three different cultures that were themselves highly heterogeneous–Native American, European, and African. In recognition of that commemoration and of this
year’s observance of the bicentennial of the slave trade’s closing, the 2008 meeting of the Society for the Study
of Southern Literature will be focusing on the theme of “Southern Roots and Routes: Origins, Migrations, Transformations.” The College of William and Mary will host the conference, which is scheduled for April 18-20, 2008, with sessions beginning Friday afternoon, April 18, and closing Sunday afternoon, April 20. This was the format followed by William Andrews and Scott Romine at the 2004 UNC-Chapel Hill conference, and we’re hoping to emulate their success as well as that of Riché Richardson and Jon Smith at the 2006 Birmingham conference. So far I’m happy to report that invitations to give plenary talks have been accepted by Frances Smith Foster, Charles Howard Candler Professor of English and Women’s Studies at Emory University, and Minrose Gwin, Kenan Eminent Professor of English at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Stay tuned for new developments and the latest details on the SSSL website. The program committee, consisting of three Virginians, Eric Anderson, Suzanne Jones, and me, are asking for session proposals and individual paper abstracts by December 15, 2007. Please send all proposals–two- to three-page session proposals and one-page individual paper abstracts—to my email address:

I would also like to take this opportunity to thank Robert H. Brinkmeyer, Jr., who has graciously and expertly
edited the SSSL newsletter, aided by able and generous graduate students, for the past six years. This issue will
be Bob’s last, I am sorry to say, since he’s leaving his post as chair of the English Department at the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, for the University of South Carolina, Columbia, where he’ll hold a joint appointment in the English Department and the Institute of Southern Studies. Under his editorship–and the magic provided by our indispensable webmaster David Boddie—the newsletter has gone digital, becoming at once more accessible and far less expensive for SSSL to produce. I for one will miss Bob’s cheerful introductory notes and the many connections he has been able to make with our increasingly worldwide network of southern studies scholars, but I certainly
want to be among the first to wish him and his wife Debra Rae Cohen the best of luck in their new positions at the University of South Carolina.

Luckily, Sarah Gleeson-White has stepped into the breach and expressed willingness to take over the newsletter, and her editorship signals yet another big step for SSSL into the digital age. As a good many of you know, Sarah is an English lecturer at the Australian Defence Force Academy in Canberra, Australia, an institution which is associated with the University of New South Wales. The author of the 2003 volume Strange Bodies: Gender and Identity

in the Novels of Carson McCullers, Sarah has been a member of the SSSL Bibliography Committee, and her editorship will undoubtedly help extend the increasingly international boundaries of SSSL’s growing community. Her first issue will come out in Fall 2007, so please take note of her email address for items to be contributed to the newsletter:

From Rockford College in Illinois, Mary Weaks-Baxter, who continues to supervise work on the invaluable SSSL Bibliography, reports that the bibliography committee has concentrated on filling gaps since the 2006 Birmingham meeting. “Thanks to SSSL members who submitted bibliographical information and annotations of their own work,” Mary says, “we have added almost 300 entries, with over 100 more that will be keyed in this summer.” The SSSL Bibliography now lists 21,188 books and articles on writings and writers of the South, and the bibliography committee encourages SSSL members to contact them about informational gaps and about the possibility of serving on the committee.

(Susan Donaldson’s Message Continued on Page 3)


President’s Message Continued:
Finally, I’d like to extend a word of thanks to past presidents Robert Phillips and William Andrews, who have provided the SSSL with energetic and innovative leadership over the past four years, who have already been generous and forthcoming with advice and hints for negotiating with university administrators for conference support, and who continue to serve the SSSL in all sorts of indispensable ways. Needless to say, I’ll be in pretty close contact with them both over the year and a half to come.

In the meantime, I look forward to seeing you at upcoming SSSL conference sessions and, I hope, in Williamsburg for our 2008 meeting.
Very Best Wishes,

Susan Donaldson

SSSL Executive Council Election Results:

To our newest Executive Council Members, Congratulations and Welcome (or, Welcome Back). The following four scholars have been voted in by the SSSL membership to serve a two-year term,


Harriet Pollack, Bucknell University Riché Richardson, UC-Davis
Helen Taylor, University of Exeter

James Watkins, Berry College Call for Writers

The Arts in the Heart of Augusta festival invites Southern authors to join our Literary Village in 2007. During the annual three-day event, tens
of thousands of people celebrate all that is the cultural arts in the Southeast, including our deep literary tradition. The Literary Village is a gathering of writers from all walks of life and from all publishing methods who sell their work, stage readings, and network with other authors in a fun, casual, and creative environment. The festival runs September 14-16. Visit:

SSSL at MLA 2007

As usual, the SSSL will sponsor two panels at the MLA conference. This year’s panels include the following presentations:

Ending the Atlantic Slave Trade, 1807-2007

Presiding: John Stauffer, Harvard University
1. “Rewriting the Middle Passage: Transnational

History in Martin Delaney’s Blake” Andy Doolen, University of Kentucky

2. “‘To Transplant in Alien Soil’: Richard Wright’s Escape from the Slavery of Literary Regionalism”
Eve Dunbar, Vassar College

3. “Living Black Death: The Middle Passage, Survival, and the Spiritual in John Edgar Wideman’s ‘Damballah’”
Tameka L. Cage, Bucknell University

Filming the United States South

Presiding: Susan Donaldson, College of William and Mary

1. “Helen Keller and the Silent Cinema: The South, the Senses, and Citizenship”
Abigail Salerno, Duke University

2. “Walt Disney’s Racial Dilemma in Song of the South”
M. Thomas Inge, Randolph-Macon College

3. “Plantation 2000”
Leigh Anne Duck, University of Memphis



SSSL Conference 2008

Call for Papers


The New Southern Studies is currently revolutionizing the study of the American South by unsettling its histories, blurring once-accepted borders, excavating forgotten stories, foregrounding cultural encounters, and situating a region once designated as anti-modern within the currents of modernity, postmodernity,

and globalization. Multicultural observances of Jamestown’s 400th anniversary and the bicentennial
of the closing of the slave trade indicate just two
new directions explored by the New Southern
Studies, and in recognition of these two overlapping commemorations and of the field’s new avenues, the program committee for the 2008 biennial meeting of the Society for the Study of Southern Literature has chosen as its conference theme “Southern Roots and Routes: Origins, Migrations, Transformations,” to be held April 18-20, 2008, at the College of William and Mary in

Williamsburg, Virginia.

We’ve borrowed the theme from the contact zone perspectives developed by Mary Louise Pratt and in particular James Clifford, the latter of whom takes issue with traditional concepts of culture by juxtaposing dwelling and travel, stasis and displacement, separation and reciprocity. In this day of ongoing debates on slave reparations, contested memories and commemorations, and shifting cultural identities, then, it seems highly appropriate to hold a conference foregrounding diasporas and homelands, foundings and migrations,

at the College of William and Mary, which originally included an Indian school, relied upon slave labor, trained generations of Colonial, Revolutionary, and Early National leaders, participated in the slavery/anti-slavery debate, and housed Union troops during the Civil War.

Program committee members Eric Anderson, Suzanne Jones, and Susan Donaldson welcome both session proposals and individual paper abstracts addressing the theme of roots and routes, settlement and travel, tradition and transformation. Please send two-page session proposals and/or one-page individual paper abstracts as MS Word attachments by December 15, 2007, to Susan Donaldson’s email address at the College of William

and Mary ( Names, institutions, and email addresses should be included at the beginning of all submissions.

Among the topics session and individual paper proposals may want to address are the following:

Native American writers and rethinking place Representing and contesting slavery
Colonial encounters on the Eastern seaboard Caribbean connections

Traveling and artistic identity
Literary communities in the twentieth-century South Contested representations of Native American antecedents
Blues, bluegrass music, and southern migrations Contemporary Asian American writing in the South Film and the new multicultural South
Early African American writing and reclaiming history Cultural traumas and contested histories
Photography and reform
Tourism and tourist sites
Families, kith, and kin
Indian Removal and its aftermath

Maroon communities and cultures
New ethnic literatures
Teaching the roots and routes of New Southern Studies Remaking Native American identities and communities Civil Rights histories and novels
Reclaiming Appalachia
Evangelicalism, Pentecostalism, and writing Borderlands in the South
Sun Belt cities and urban life
Writing against the slave trade
Novels of migration
Evangelicalism and the mass media

Members In the Spotlight

Suzanne W. Jones (University of Richmond) and Mark Newman (University of Edinburgh) have edited a collection of essays, Poverty and Progress in the U.S. South since 1920, which was published in December 2006 by VU University Press in Amsterdam. The essays in this volume examine a variety of responses to economic depression and poverty; they recount specific battles for civil, educational, and labor rights; and they explore the challenges and alternatives to the corporate South in the post World War II agribusiness
era. Scholars from both the U.S. and Europe assess how far the South has come in the last century, what forces (from the Sears Roebuck Catalog to the Civil Rights Movement) have been at work in its transformation, and whether the region’s reincarnation as the Sunbelt
has lifted the burdens of southern history. They examine labor strikes and demonstrations that have not always found a place in histories of the region and revisit and reassess key southern figures from Erskine Caldwell and James Agee to Albert Gore and Lyndon Johnson. They draw attention to neglected writers whose representations of poverty deserve more critical attention, and they provide critical analysis of contemporary authors and filmmakers. Contributors include historians, literary critics, and cultural critics: Marcel Arbeit, Edwin
T. Arnold, Tony Badger, Robert H. Brinkmeyer, Jr., Dan Carter, Suzanne W. Jones, Anneke Leenhouts, Paul E. Mertz, Sharon Monteith, Mark Newman, Kieran Quinlan, Sarah Robertson, Elizabeth Hayes Turner, Nahem Yousaf, and Waldemar Zacharasiewicz.

Fred Shapiro has recently published The Yale Book of Quotations (Yale University Press). This is the first major book of quotations geared to the needs of the modern reader. Like other standard reference works in the field, it includes the best-known quotations from older literary and historical sources, but it emphasizes modern and American materials, fully representing such areas as popular culture, children’s literature, sports, computers, politics, law, and the social sciences. In The Yale Book of Quotations, readers will find hundreds of very famous and popular quotations that are omitted form other quotation dictionaries.

This is also the first quotation book to be compiled using state-of-the-art research methods to seek out quotations and to trace quotation sources to their true origins or earliest discoverable usages. Essentially, the approach used is the same as that of historical dictionaries, such as The Oxford English Dictionary, which try to trace words back to their earliest findable usage. Thus The Yale Book of Quotations may be viewed as a true historical dictionary of quotations.

There are many quotations in the YBQ related to southern literature. Fred Shapiro welcomes suggestions of additional well-known quotations from southern literature or additional information about quotations already included (such as improvement in the details of earliest appearance), for possible use in the next edition of The Yale Book of Quotations, and he may be reached at



JOURNAL ARTICLES African American Review

Barnhart, Bruce. “Chronopolitics and Race, Rag-time and Symphonic Time in The Autobiography of an Ex-Colored Man.” 40.3 (2006): 551-569.

Binggeli, Elizabeth. “Burbanking Bigger and Bette the Bitch.” 40.3 (2006): 475-492.

Lorensen, Jutta. “Between Image and Word, Color and Time: Jacob Lawrence’s The Migration Series.” 40.3 (2006): 571-586.

Ostrowski, Carl. “Slavery, Labor Reform, and Intertextuality in Antebellum Print Culture: The Slave Narrative and the City-Mysteries Novel. 40.3 (2006): 493-506.

Spencer, Suzette. “Historical Memory, Romantic Narrative, and Sally Hemings.” 40.3 (2006): 507-531.

Sun-Joo Lee, Julia. Knucklebones and Knocking-bones: The Accidental Trickster in Ellison’s Invisible Man.” 40.3 (2006): 461-473.

American Literature

Berman, Jacob Rama. “The Barbarous Voice of Democracy: American Captivity in Barbary and the Multicultural Specter.” 79.1 (2007): 1-27.

Cartwright, Keith. “‘To Walk with the Storm’: Oya as the Transformative ‘I’ of Zora Neale Hurston’s Afro-Atlantic Callings.” 78.4 (2006): 741-767.

Gulick, Anne W. “We Are Not the People: The 1805 Haitian Constitution’s Challenge to Political Legibility in the Age of Revolution.” 78.4 (2006): 799-820.

Levander, Caroline. “Confederate Cuba.” 78.4 (2006): 821-845.

Li, Stephanie. “Resistance, Silence, and Placées: Charles Bon’s Octoroon Mistress and Louisa Picquet.” 79.1 (2007): 85-112.

McKee, Kathryn, and Annette Trefzer. “Global Contexts, Local Literatures: The New Southern Studies.” 78.4 (2006): 677-690.

Issue 78.4 (2006) of American Literature devotes the entirety of its pages to Southern Studies. A collection of position statements by some of our most eminent scholars of Southern Literature are printed in the the following order, under the umbrella title of “The U.S. South in Global Studies: A Collection of Position Statements”:

Smith, Barbara Ellen. “Place and the Past in the Global South.” 693-695.

McPherson, Tara. “On Wal-Mart and Southern Studies.” 695-698.

Winders, Jamie L. “Rethinking Southern Communities, Reconfiguring Race: Latino Migration to the U.S. South.” 699-700.

López, Alfred J. “Dressing for Success in the New Global U.S. South; Or, the Rediscovery of the New World.” 701-703.

Cohn, Debra. “U.S. Southern Studies and Latin American Studies: Windows onto Postcolonial Studies. 704-707.

Smith, Jon. “The Rhetoric of Uneven Modernization: Hybrid Cultures in ‘The South.’” 707-709.

Duck, Leigh Anne. “Space in Time.” 709-711.

Ring, Natalie J. “Linking Regional and Global Spaces in Pursuit of Southern Distinctiveness.” 712-714.

Donaldson, Susan. “Visibility, Haitian Hauntings, and Southern Borders.” 714-716.


American Literature (continued)
Handley, George B. “On American Cross-Pollinations.”


Matthews, John T. “Globalizing the U.S. South: Modernity and Modernism.” 719-722.

Richardson, Riché. “The World and the U.S. South.” 722-724.

Jones, Suzanne. “Who Is a Southern Writer?” 725-727.

Watson, Jay. “Globalizing a Southern Classic: An Example from Colonial Virginia.” 727-730.

Anderson, Eric Gary. “Rethinking Indigenous Southern Communities.” 730-732.

Schmidt, Peter. “Is Teaching Always Local, Education Global?” 733-735.

American Literary History

Greeson, Jennifer Rae. “Expropriating The Great

South and Exporting ‘Local Color’: Global

and Hemispheric Imaginaries of the First

Weisenburger, Steven. “Faulkner in Baghdad, Bush in Hadleyburg: Race, Nation, and Sovereign Violence.” 18.4 (2006): 739-771

Wonham, Henry B. “What Is a Black Author?: A Review of Recent Charles Chesnutt Studies.” 18.4 (2006): 829-835.

Mississippi Quarterly

Brewton, Vince. “‘Bold defiance took its place’— ‘Respect’ and Self-Making in the Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave.” 58.4 (2005): 703-717.

Costello, Brannon. “An Interview with Jack Butler.” 58.4 (2005): 639-664.

Costello, Brannon. “Third Spaces and First Places: Jack Butler’s Jujitsu for Christ and Hybridity in the US South.” 58.4 (2005): 613-638.

Evans, David H. “Mobile Home: Pragmatism and The Hamlet.” 58.3 (2005): 463-493.

Folks, Jeffrey J. “Lewis P. Simpson: Memories and an Appreciation.” 58.3 (2005): 427-439.

Hein, David. “The Reverend Mr. Shegog’s Easter

Sermon: Preaching as Communion in Faulkner’s

For the Next Issue . . .

Reconstruction.” 18.3 (2006): 496-520.

Tell your story. In an essay of up to ords, write about how you

Gruesz, Kirsten Silva. “The Gulf of Mexico System and

The Sound and the Fury.” 58.3 (2005): 559-580. first became interested in Southern literature. What Southeauthor

the ‘Latinness’ of New Orleans.” 18.3 (2006): 468-495.

or work first excited, troubled, or othHerimwmiseelweringghta,gCeaythoeuri?neH. “oCwrossing Over: Katherine Anne Porter’s ‘Pale Horse, Pale Rider’ as Urban

Guterl, MatthehwaPsraytto. u“‘rI rWeeandtitnogth,eteWaecsht Iindgie,sw’: riting, or understanding of Southern

Race, Place, and the Antebellum South.” 18.3

Western.” 58.4 (2005): 719-736.

Homestead, Melissa J. “The Publishing History of

literature changed over time?

(2006): 446-467.

Please send responses by email to by March

Mailloux, Steven. “Thinking with Rhetorical Figures: Performing Racial and Disciplinary Identities in

Augusta Jane Evans’s Confederate Novel

Macaria: Unwriting Some Lost Cause Myths.” 15, 2003. Be sure to include your name, title, and universi. “ty

Late-Nineteenth-Centry America.” 18.4 (2006):

58.4 (2005): 665-702.


Taylor, Helen. “Women and Dixie: The Feminization of Southern Women’s History and Culture.” 18.4 (2006): 847-860.


The Mississippi Quarterly (continued)
Kang, Hee. “Eula Varner Snopes: Men’s Monument, or

More Than That?” 58.3 (2005): 495-512.

Roggenbuck, Ted. “‘The way he looked said Hush’: Benjy’s Mental Atrophy in The Sound and the Fury.” 58.3 (2005): 581-593.

Russ, Elizabeth. “Intersections of Race and Romance in the Americas: Teresa de la Parra’s Ifigenia and Ellen Glasgow’s The Sheltered Life.” 58.4 (2005): 737-759.

Saikku, Mikko. “Faulkner and the ‘Doomed Wilderness’ of the Yazoo-Mississippi Delta.” 58.3 (2005): 529-557.

Sykes, John D. Jr. “What Faulkner (Might Have) Learned from Joyce.” 58.3 (2005): 513-528.

Watkins Fulton, Lorie. “He’s a Bitch: Gender and Nature in The Hamlet.” 58.3 (2005): 441-462.

Wells, Chandra. “‘Unable to Imagine Getting On Without Each Other’: Porter’s Fictions of Interracial Female Friendship.” 58.4 (2005): 761-783.

Wolff, Sally, Marie Nitschke, and Robert J. Roberts. “‘The voice that breathed o’er Eden’: Faulkner’s Unsung Wedding Hymn.” 58.3 (2005): 595-610.

Young, Walton. “The Cup of Fury: The Preferred Title of Caroline Gordon’s None Shall Look Back.” 58.4 (2005): 785-794.

The Southern Literary Journal

Collado-Rodriguez, Francisco. “Minimalism, Post- Humanism, and the Recovery of History in Bobbie Ann Mason’s Zigzagging Down a Wild Trail.” 39.1 (2006): 98-118.

Demirturk, E. Lâle. “Writing the Urban Discourse into the Black Ghetto Imaginary: Louise Meriwether’s Daddy Was a Number Runner.” 39.1 (2006): 71-82.

Folks, Jeffrey J. “The Fierce Humanity of Morgana: Welty’s The Golden Apples.” 39.1 (2006): 16-32.

Jarrett, Gene Andrew. “‘For Endless Generations’: Myth, Dynasty, and Frank Yerby’s The Foxes of Harrow.” 39.1 (2006): 54-70.

Jones, Suzanne W. “The Southern Family Farm as Endangered Species: Possibilities for Survival in Barbara Kingsolver’s Prodigal Summer.” 39.1 (2006): 83-97.

Locklear, Erica Abrams. “‘What are You?’: Exploring Racial Categorization in Nowhere Else on Earth.” 39.1 (2006): 33-53.

Messer, H. Collin. “Exhausted Voices: The Inevitable Impoverishment of Faulkner’s ‘Garrulous and Facile’ Language.” 39.1 (2006): 1-15.

Southern Quarterly

Breuninger, Scott. “‘Social Gravity’ and the Translatio Tradition in Early American Theories of Empire.” 43.4 (2006): 70-108.

Carson, James Taylor. “When Is an Ocean Not an Ocean? Geographies of the Atlantic World.” 43.4 (2006): 16.45.

Davidson, Adenike Marie. “Marginal Spaces, Marginal Texts: Alice Dunbar-Nelson and the African American Prose Poem.” 44.1 (2006): 51-64.

Egerton, John. “As God Is My Witness, I’ll Never Go Hungry Again.” 44.2 (2007): 16-18.

Edge, John T. “White Trash Cooking, Twenty Years Later.” 44.2 (2007): 88-94.

Forte, Maximilian C. “Extinction: Ideologies Against Indigeneity in the Caribbean.” 43.4 (2006): 46-69.

Do you have ideas for future Newsletters? If so, let us hear from you!

We welcome your ideas and suggestions for the Newsletter, and we thank all those who have contributed to past issues. What would you like to see in future issues? We are especially interested in articles, essays, book reviews— any piece of writing you’d like to submit for consideration. Just drop us a line to: Dr. Sarah Gleeson-White, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of New South Wales, Australian Defence Force Academy,

Canberrra ACT 2600, AUSTRALIA, or email us at:

Time to Renew Your Membership?

In order to remain current and continue receiving SSSL notifications, please fill out and return the form on page 10 today! Also, be sure to renew your membership dues.


Please send your new address (include both physical and email addresses) to: Jeff Abernathy, Dean of the College, Professor of English, Augustana College, 639 38th Street,

Rock Island, Illinois 61201.
Or email:

Gray Brown, Anne. “The Scribe of River Lake Plantation: A Conversation with Ernest J. Gaines.” 44.1 (2006): 9-31.

Hall, Robert L. “Africa and the American South: Culinary Connections.” 44.2 (2007): 19-52.

Harris, Jessica B. “Three is a Magic Number.” 44.2 (2007): 9-15.

Holditch, W. Kenneth. “Southern Comfort: Food and Drink in Tennessee Williams.” 44.2 (2007): 53-73.

Hood, Judy. “Born With a Skillet in Her Hands.” 44.2 (2007): 74-87.

Kenny, Gale L. “Mastering Childhood: Paternalism, Slavery, and the Southern Domestic in Caroline Howard Gilman’s Antebellum Children’s Literature.” 44.1 (2006): 65-87.

Mason, Matthew. “Slavery, Servitude, and British Representations of Colonial North America.” 43.4 (2006): 109-125.

Patout, Jr., Gerald F. “Culinary Resources of The Historic New Orleans Collection Library.” 44.2 (2006): 95-103.

Rebok, Sandra. “Two Exponents of the Enlightenment: Transatlantic Communication by Thomas Jefferson and Alexander von Humboldt.” 43.4 (2006): 126-152.

Sivils, Matthew Wynn. “Reading Trees in Southern Literature.” 44.1 (2006): 88-102.

Sparks, Randy J. “The Southern Way of Death: The Meaning of Death in Antebellum White Evangelical Culture.” 44.1 (2006): 32-50.

Vidal, Cécile. “The Reluctance of French Historians to Address Atlantic History.” 43.4 (2006): 153-189.

To Become a Member Or Renew Membership:

Print off this form and fill out the following information. Mail this form, with a check for $10 made out to the Society for the Study of Southern Literature, to Jeff Abernathy, Dean of the College, Professor of English, Augustana College, 639 38th Street, Rock Island, Illinois, 61201.

Name: ________________________________ Affiliation: _______________________________ Email: __________________________
Mailing Address: ______________________________________________________

______________________________________________________ Amount Enclosed: _________

For Inclusion in the Upcoming SSSL Newsletter:

Please mail submissions to:

Dr. Sarah Gleeson-White, SSSLN Editor School of Humanities and Social Services University of New South Wales Australian Defence Force Academy Canberrra ACT 2600


Or E-mail to: []

DEADLINE FOR FALL 2007 ISSUE: November 10, 2007

Please include your name and affiliation. Submit information in any of the following categories.

  • News items from SSSL president, officers, panel organizers
  • Books or articles published recently (please provide complete citation)
  • Teaching Southern literature—special notices
  • Requests for information
  • Awards or other distinctions
  • Calls for papers
  • News of graduate studies
  • Other items of interest to SSSL membersIf you are organizing a panel for upcoming conferences/symposia, please provide complete information.