Volume 55, Issue 1
August 2021

Note from the Editor
– Amy King
This issue of the Society for the Study of Southern Literature’s biannual newsletter has two intertwined goals: first, to voice the ethical priorities of the Society’s 2022 conference; and, second, to inform members about conference logistics. Please read updates from SSSL President Gina Caison and Conference Program Coordinator Stephanie Rountree below.
Alongside these goals, this newsletter informs members about various initiatives the Emerging Scholars Organization (ESO) is developing to engage their communities. Members will also see announcements about awards, CFPs, and the Society’s bibliography in this newsletter.
Here, readers will find many opportunities to connect and reflect on ways to build a more just community—please join us in this challenging, necessary work.
Message from SSSL’s President
-Gina Caison
Dear SSSL Members,
Here we are on the cusp of another uncertain academic year. Many of us are being asked to return to in-person classrooms amid low vaccination rates and anti-mask mandates from our state legislatures. Speaking for myself, initially I felt relief that we would be able to work with our students in person once again. However, the reality of the overall situation in Georgia has changed that sense a bit, and I find myself bracing against what may very well be another abrupt mid-semester shift as universities may find it necessary to move to online education platforms once again. My thoughts are with all of you in this same predicament – planning classes two or three ways, attempting to mitigate for the lack of clear, sensible planning handed down from on high, and strategizing how to keep yourself and your families safe. If there is anything that I or the organization can do to help you during this time, please do not hesitate to reach out to me.
Amid this uncertainty, it may seem especially strange to be planning an in-person conference. Please know that we are deeply aware of this, and we are considering every contingency. As you may have seen, we are ensuring that the conference will be an integrated format of online and in-person so that attendees may select the option that is right for them and so that we may monitor the situation and make decisions based on the most up-to-date information. The conference planning committee has voted yes to the measure that requires all in-person attendees to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 as confirmed on a self-reported basis at registration or check-in. The organization will also be following the latest CDC guidance on mask wearing. Because we will offer robust online participation options, these rules should not prevent anyone from presenting or attending panels. My number one priority is ensuring the safety and health of our membership. I know many of us long for more in-person intellectual community at this point, and we hope to make that a reality, but we will have to do so within reasonable safety measures and transparent communication about how we hope to achieve those ends.
To the more hopeful points of this moment, I’d like to spend some time outlining our plans for the gathering itself. Last summer I first asked myself and then Program Coordinator Stephanie Rountree, “How are academic organizations’ supposed ethics not matched by their practices in conference planning? What would a radically ethical conference look like in the year 2022?” These questions began a list of goals, and these goals spiraled out into conversations with other members of the 2022 Program Committee – ESO President Shari Arnold, Secretary/Treasurer Monica Miller, Matt Dischinger, Scott Heath, Amy King, Erich Nunn, Elizabeth Rodriguez Fielder, and Delia Steverson – about all the ways we could make an academic conference more ethical.
This “ethical wish list” began with stated goals of supporting Black-owned businesses (including the hotel), establishing more affordable housing options for graduate students and contingent faculty, securing carbon offsets for travelers, eliminating one-use plastics, opening the conference to the public in exchange for a small donation to local charities, partnering with local food banks and shelters to offset potential food waste, thinking beyond the land acknowledgement to concrete actions of honor taxes, maximizing every conceivable accessibility option, involving local activists in our conversations, and more. Indeed, we may not be able to achieve all these goals, but to Professor Rountree’s credit, we have already hit several of them, and members of the planning committee and I are working to realize this list and even more. It has been inspiring to receive so many emails and texts at various random times of day from the planning committee that begin with, “What if we could . . .?” and then proceed to lay out an idea so clearly wonderful that it’s difficult to understand why it isn’t already standard practice among conferences. If you have an idea that you would like to share about how to realize this vision for the conference, please feel free to contact me. My email inbox is always open.
We are also on the cusp of an election for our Society’s President-elect and six new Executive Council members. The nominations committee, chaired by Molly McGehee and joined by Frank Cha and myself, are finalizing the ballot now, and it will be available for you to vote on in the next few days. Please watch for updates via the SSSL listserv. I would like to thank Professors McGehee and Cha as well as those who have agreed to stand for election for their commitment to the organization during this especially chaotic time. I look forward to working with these new members of leadership following the election.
To close, I would like to address the recent attacks on academic and pedagogical freedom over what has become the latest scare-term of right-wing media: “critical race theory.” Many of us can hardly avoid the constant din of political attacks on the backbone of our scholarship and teaching about the region. Many of us will likely find ourselves (if we haven’t already) on “lists” of scholars who dare to tell the truth about the Souths that we study. I want you to know that I am here for you and that the organization is here for you. As individuals, as Society members, as a community, we will continue to do the work that matters in the spaces where we are.
Given all the overlapping crises, I – probably like many of you – often find myself discouraged by so much that is happening around me. However, many of the goals this organization is working toward buoy my spirits. There is a growing energy among so many of you that this is an organization ready and willing to work to be better – for ourselves, for one another, for the region, for our communities, for our world. There is a sense of community working toward goals that we ourselves may not realize in the space of our careers or lifetimes, but we are laying the foundation now. The joy of this job for me so far has been the nearly innumerable conversations I have had with so many of you about how to approach and sustain this work. I welcome even more of these conversations going forward.
In gratitude and solidarity,

SSSL Conference 2022: Vision & Updates
– Stephanie Rountree
Dear Colleagues,
SSSL’s 2022 biennial conference will be the organization’s first-ever meeting in Atlanta, Georgia – the homelands of Mvskoke and Cherokee peoples as well as a space that has been idealized and mythologized under various monikers:
Black Mecca, “The” Capital of the South, Terminus, the Gay Capital of the South, Hollywood of the South, A-Town, The ATL.
These manifold headings and the legacies of Removal that they elide collectively evince the site’s ongoing and overlapping histories of belonging and unhoming, arrival and departure, culture and commerce, civil injustice and disobedience. Thus, when President Caison first asked me to imagine a “radially ethical conference” in 2022, the first, most ardent answer (among many others) was to ensure our organizational presence in this place would invest in the people and communities who call it home.
In this spirit, I am excited to share SSSL’s Conference Vision on behalf of the 2022 Program Committee, President Caison, and fellow conference collaborators, ESO President Shari Arnold and Treasurer Monica Miller. While “new,” these goals are a long time in the making, and they proceed from countless conversations that so many of you have had with me, with President Caison, and with past and present SSSL leadership. I share them here not as a proclamation but as an invitation for all SSSL participants to continue critiquing, challenging, and holding our organization to evermore ethical, accessible, and sustainable ways of conferencing.
SSSL’s Conference Vision:
- Ethical Investment: To the maximum extent possible, SSSL will invest in venues and vendors that are owned by people from historically marginalized backgrounds and that benefit historically marginalized communities, especially those local to the conference site. Given our commitment to challenge all aspects of white supremacy in our organization, SSSL is particularly committed to investing in Black, brown, Indigenous, Latino/a/x, immigrant, and immigrant-descendent communities.
- Accessibility: SSSL will expand conference infrastructure and programming to enhance participant access regardless of disability, health status, financial status, or institutional stature. SSSL’s commitment to accessibility includes access to a safe conferencing experience that is free from discrimination, harassment, bullying, intimidation, abuse, assault, or otherwise hostile behavior, especially those resulting from an imbalance of power (e.g., harassment of junior/emerging scholars, targeting participants from a marginalized group).
- Sustainability: The SSSL Program Committee is committed to good environmental stewardship. To the maximum extent possible, the Committee will plan conference operations with attention to reducing or offsetting greenhouse gas emissions caused by travel and transportation, eliminating non-biodegradable waste, reducing energy use onsite, and securing catered foods from a local and eco-friendly source.
So far, we have been able to meet several of our goals. One of the most exciting for me has been contracting the Hyatt Centric Midtown Atlanta as our conference hotel. The only Black-owned hotel with conferencing space in the heart of the city, Hyatt Centric is one-block west of the famous rainbow crosswalk in the heart of Atlanta’s LGBTQ+ Midtown neighborhood (10th & Piedmont), one block east of the Atlanta History Center Midtown, and catty-corner from the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, where half of SSSL 2022 panels will be held at no cost to the organization. While nightly hotel rates in this district typically begin at $200+, we have secured a $139/night block rate, which is competitive even against Airbnb and other app-based lodging options.
Perhaps the most exciting element of our contract with the Hyatt Centric is the aggressive complimentary room ratio that will fund vouchers for free lodging to be awarded to contingent scholars and graduate students on a need basis. Details on how to apply for lodging vouchers is forthcoming this fall via the listserv and SSSL website. This lodging program is entirely self-funding but is dependent upon selling-out our room block at the Hyatt. Given the competitive rates we have secured and the incredible support this program provides for our financially vulnerable colleagues, please consider booking with SSSL’s room block.
An enormous part of our commitment to making SSSL 2022 more accessible is deeply intertwined with our commitment to sustainability, a convergence best realized in our decision to host the conference in hybrid modality for the first time in SSSL history. We have contracted with the Whova Event Platform to fully integrate in-person and virtual attendees into a common conferencing “space.” In doing so, we make the conference accessible to participants whose financial, physical, health, geographic, or other circumstances prevent in-person attendance; we help reduce carbon emissions by supporting remote attendance (avoiding travel); and we can mitigate potential disruptions caused by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
Just as exciting, Whova’s conferencing platform also creates SSSL’s first-ever conference app for your smartphone (which will be free to use). The SSSL 2022 Conference Program will be fully interactive in the app’s Agenda feature, so you can build-your-own SSSL experience! Using both the Whova app and the traditional PDF format of the conference program as in years past will help SSSL avoid paper waste and save printing costs by disseminating the program entirely digitally. Of course, printed versions will be made available as needed for accessibility purposes. Please stay tuned for more information about our conference app via the Society’s listserv and website.
These are just a few of the many initiatives that our 2022 Program Committee has in the works, and I want to thank them again for their boldness, energy, and time commitment. As we move into the fall, be on the lookout for details about our plenary and keynote events, evening receptions and film screenings, pre-conference seminars (held Thursday afternoon), and additional travel funding and lodging programs for contingent, graduate student, underfunded, and independent scholars.
Mostly, as we work to reimagine a more equitable, accessible, and sustainable way to host a national conference in the wake of so many ongoing humanitarian and environmental crises, we welcome you – our colleagues, friends, and especially those of you who are emerging scholars – to show us where our imagination is not brave enough, our actions not bold enough. Please reach out to me via my email.
See you in February… in Atlanta or online!

ESO Update
What a challenging year we’ve experienced growing and learning through the COVID-19 Pandemic! Despite these challenges, the current Emerging Scholars Organization (ESO) Executive Council has consistently worked on new initiatives to engage our community.
Since our last communication, the ESO has moved forward with planning surrounding the council’s initiatives. We also began working on events related to our presence at both SAMLA 93 in November and SSSL’s Biennial Conference in February 2022. We collectively agreed that representation and visibility of underserved communities—both within Southern literary studies and more broadly in the academy—would be the underpinning of our service to the organization, and we believe our projects reflect a commitment to amplify emerging perspectives, both in showcasing the work of rising scholars and creating networks for new avenues of study. Some of those initiatives are detailed below.
Most of our work has focused on the mentorship program, and our Mentorship Chair Erik Kline has led the work in shifting the program’s focus towards greater opportunities for collaboration among emerging scholars. The Executive Council has also considered how the global pandemic has altered the academic job market, and we drafted our revisions to include more opportunities related to non-academic opportunities. Our members should anticipate direct communication about the mentoring program in the coming weeks.
Our Decolonizing Initiatives Chair and Pedagogy Resources Chair Joanmarie Bañez and Micah-Jade Stanback (respectively) have organized resources directly related to graduate students. We look forward to releasing reading lists including multiethnic writers and texts investigating the intersections of various socio-cultural and socio-economic variables. During the fall semester, we also hope to launch our Spotlight Series highlighting the research, teaching, and general achievements of our peers—in both academic and non-academic arenas.
November isn’t too far away, and the new year will follow quickly thereafter! With SAMLA quickly approaching, we have finalized our Call for Papers and will feature two panels focused on pedagogies of Critical Race Theory and anti-racist praxis. We also hope to host other events during the conference weekend. Our SAMLA 93 CFP (short-titled “No Neutral Principles”) is posted here. We appreciate all submissions we received and will email our listserv with more details about our SAMLA activities as we move closer to conference week. In preparation for SSSL’s 2022 conference, we’re working through details to host some peer-led, community-based online forums spearheaded by our Professionalization Chair Kristin Teston. We envision these micro-communities as an innovative networking opportunity and an incentive for attendance at the conference next year. Among typical conference happenings, we’re excited to emphasize greater education about alt-ac careers with a panel of industry and academic professionals currently in the works. We look forward to seeing you (some in person) in 2022!
We would also like to encourage everyone to consider serving on the 2022-2024 ESO Executive Council. We have some time ahead of elections, but please think about how your experiences and resources can advance the ESO’s work with the field and beyond. Feel free to share your questions, ideas, and other concerns with the Executive Council by emailing us at [email protected].
Yours in Service,
Shari Arnold, Georgia State University, President
Joanmarie Bañez, University of California San Diego, Decolonizing Initiatives Chair
Allison Harris, University of North Carolina Wilmington, Secretary
Sarah-Marie Horning, Texas Christian University, Publishing and Advocacy Chair
Erik Kline, University of Alabama, Mentorship Chair
Micah-Jade Stanback, Texas Christian University, Pedagogy Resources Chair
Kristin Teston, University of Mississippi, Professionalization Chair
Elizabeth Gardner, Louisiana State University, Past-President Advisor

Announcements & Awards:
2019 Rubin Prize Announcement
– Gina Caison
Dear SSSL Members,
It is my pleasure to announce that the 2019 Rubin Prize Committee has selected Samantha Pergadia’s essay “Like an Animal: Genres of the Nonhuman in the Neo-Slave Narrative” from African American Review as the winner. Katherine Adams’ essay “Du Bois, Dirt Determinism, and the Reconstruction of Global Value” from American Literary History has received an honorable mention. The award is for the best article on southern literature published in a peer-reviewed journal. The prize honors the legacy of Dr. Rubin, who founded the society, established the Southern Literary Journal and the southern literary series from LSU Press, and started the careers of many writers and critics.
The committee, chaired by Brannon Costello, worked diligently to read an extensive bibliography of essays in the field. I would like to thank Professor Costello along with committee members Constance Bailey, Allison Harris, Lara Langer Cohen, and Tony Szczesiul for reading for the 2019 prize.
As Professor Bailey noted, Pergadia’s winning essay provides an “innovative take on an otherwise oversaturated discussion,” moving “well beyond the reductive slavery is dehumanizing claim” to offer an original argument, informed by careful close readings, that historicizes “the intersection of animal studies, slavery, industrial innovations, and genre innovations within the slave narrative.” Committee members noted that the essay makes a valuable and original connection between southern studies and the burgeoning field of animal studies, and they agreed that Pergadia develops a usefully “portable” theoretical/analytical framework that should prove generative for other scholars. The committee found Adams’ essay “Du Bois, Dirt Determinism, and the Reconstruction of Global Value” an outstanding piece of scholarship as well. As Professor Cohen writes, this “ambitious, interesting, and well executed” essay “knits together an account of historical and material conditions (soil exhaustion and the blame placed on Black farmers) and a thoroughly literary critical account of metaphor.”
Please join me in congratulating Professors Pergadia and Adams. We are embarking on the 2020 Rubin prize reading soon. If you are interested in serving on the 2020 prize committee and do not have an essay that would be under consideration, please email me at [email protected].
All best,

Please note that my collection of stories and plays, Christmas Brittle, is scheduled for publication by Adelaide Books in October, in time for the holiday season. Most of the stories are of a Southern character as I am a native of Douglasville, Georgia, and educated at Young Harris College, Georgia Southern, and the University of Georgia.
Kenneth Robbins, Professor Emeritus Liberal Arts
Louisiana Tech University
SSSL Biennial Conference: General Call and Participant-Organized Panels
Members can find information about the SSSL Biennial Conference general call for papers and all participant-organized panel CFPs here. Please note the August 2021 due dates for consideration for participant-organized panels. All finalized individual and panel proposals are due to the Planning Committee by 17 September 2021.
North Carolina Literary Review
(NCLR; see www.nclr.ecu.edu),
Featuring Writers Who Teach, Teachers Who Write
Complete submissions are due by August 31, 2021.
The North Carolina Literary Review is accepting interviews with and critical analyses of work by North Carolina writers who teach, teachers who write. Submissions accepted for publication may qualify for NCLR’s John Ehle Prize or Randall Kenan Prize ($250 each). Read interviews and literary criticism in back issues for examples of what we publish.
Early submissions and proposals are welcome. Queries and proposals for the special feature section may be emailed to the editor, Margaret Bauer ([email protected]). For formatting manuscripts and online submission instructions, please consult our website: www.nclr.ecu.edu/submissions.
International Medieval Congress
A New(ish) World: Medieval Influences in American Literature
Session proposal for the International Medieval Congress, Leeds, United Kingdom (4th-7th July 2022)
For a nation that was founded on the notion of ‘newness’, intent on separation, innovation, and “modernity”, it can be somewhat surprising how often medieval influences have permeated American literature. From Twain, who traversed the boundaries between the medieval and the modern with his Connecticut Yankee in Camelot; to Fitzgerald, who superimposed the romance tradition onto the 1920s Jazz Age; and Steinbeck, who experimented with Arthurian legend – American narratives have often proved that the intangible border between the present and the past can be crossed, recrossed, and broken. The vast Atlantic Ocean provides an ideal platform for the nation to craft an individual identity away from European influence. Borders separate, conceal, keep in, keep out – they are crafted with the intent to preserve. Why, then, does so much of America’s literature rely on and build upon medieval tropes and conventions?
The session will aim to answer that question by exploring medieval tropes in American literature. We seek 20-minute papers on topics that may include, but are not limited to:
- Adaptations of romances
- Knighthood and chivalry
- Quests and migrations
- Gender, sexuality, and queer readings of medieval modernism
- Race, racism, and the ‘white knight’ complex
- Violence, life, and death
- Religion, the transcendent, and the sublime
- Family, community, and hierarchy
- Political plots and betrayals
- Illuminated manuscripts and paratexts
- Experimentation and postmodernism
Please submit abstracts of no more than 200 words to the session organisers, Heather Moss ([email protected]) and Dr. Ahmed Honeini ([email protected]) by September 6th, 2021. Please include the following information with your submission: full name; email address; postal address; telephone number; full affiliation details (department, institution); title (e.g. Dr, Ms, Mr, Mx, Professor etc). We are committed to soliciting papers from scholars reflecting the full diversity of the field of literary studies, and we ideally aim to include a mix of participants from across the career spectrum. All are welcome to apply.
Southeastern American Studies Association
Call for Papers: Biennial Conference, March 3-5, 2022
The Westin Birmingham — Birmingham, Alabama
Submission Deadline: September 7, 2021
Conference Theme: Resistance and (Re)Generation
With authoritarianism and nationalism on the rise in the US and abroad in recent years, “resistance” has become a keyword for activists, stressing the importance of organized, conscience-based opposition to governmental oppression. Resistance can take many forms, including traditional and nontraditional public protest, liberation pedagogy, and a variety of artistic expressions. Resistance responds not only to the actions of governments but also to broader power structures (economic, racial, gendered) that support violence and oppression. “(Re)Generation” signals the productive aspect of resistance — resistance as building, energizing, and creating, not simply opposing. “Generation,” of course, also brings to mind the demographics of age and the interactions (sometimes productive, sometimes fraught) among different “generations” of activists and scholars.
For the 2022 SASA conference, we are inviting interdisciplinary papers and roundtables that explore moments (literary, historical, cultural) of resistance and regeneration within national and transnational contexts. And we welcome papers and sessions that explore how scholars’ research, teaching, and/or service perform meaningful cultural work within and beyond their particular academic settings. Further, we ask scholars to consider where and how that public intellectualism/public scholarship fits into the research and teaching agendas of American Studies scholars.
Possible topics for papers, panels, or roundtable sessions:
- Activist art
- BLM pedagogy
- The #MeToo movement: accomplishments and backlash
- Public scholarship as resistance
- Journalism in the age of alternative facts
- Voter suppression, then and now
- Comparative protest movements
- Resistance on film
- New media and civic regeneration
- Approaches to teaching American Studies in 2022
- Regeneration in the age of COVID-19
- The changing roles of museums and archives
Guidelines for submissions:
Please use the online form available here to submit your proposals by September 7, 2021.
For individual papers, you will be prompted to submit an abstract for your proposed paper (500 words) and a brief bio (max 300 words).
For complete panel or roundtable proposals, you will be prompted to
submit a title and description of the proposed panel or roundtable (300 words); a brief abstract for each presentation within the session (300 words per abstract); and a brief bio for each presenter (250 words per bio).
The full link to the submission form is https://docs.google.com/…/1QsM8dFYfQl…/edit
In the interest of involving as many people in our conference as possible, each conference attendee may be listed in the conference program as a participant in a maximum of two sessions. While we welcome a range of formats, we ask that panels be designed so that they fit within a 75-minute time frame with at least 15 minutes dedicated to discussion. As always, we especially encourage graduate students to attend our conference, to present research, and to enjoy being part of our scholarly community. A limited number of Heusel/Moore travel grants for graduate students will be made available to offset some of the cost of attending the conference.
The Critoph Prize recognizes the best graduate student paper presented at each SASA conference. It includes a certificate and a check for $250, as well as recognition at the next biennial gathering. The deadline for graduate students to submit the papers they are presenting at the 2022 conference—as a Microsoft Word or PDF attachment to [email protected] —is noon on March 3, 2022. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us at [email protected].
Journal of Florida Studies
Vol 1, Issue #10, 2021
The Journal of Florida Studies announces a submissions call for our 10th issue in Volume 1. The theme of this issue is Death. We want to look at the topic of Death in Florida in broad and inventive ways.
Contributions are due October 30, 2021 for an April 2022 publication. This special issue of JFS, co-edited by Casey Blanton and Thomas Hallock, welcomes academic and creative work that addresses all aspects of death (and life) in Florida.
Queries welcome. For more information, please see the JFS Manuscript/Art Guidelines. Email manuscripts/art work to Casey Blanton, Editor in Chief: [email protected] by October 30, 2021. For past approaches to an issue’s theme, please visit: www.journaloffloridastudies.org.
Possible topics for this issue include, but are not limited to:
- Memory and genocide
- Graveyards and cemeteries
- Social justice
- Food
- Spiritual death
- Rebirth
- Ecological health
- Aging and decay
- Regeneration
- Cultures of memorialization
- Medical (mal)practices
- Funereal practices
- Dead zones
- Habitat loss
- Extinction
- Global warming/sea level rise/climate change
- Violence and murder
- Gun laws
- Crime and punishment
- War
Teaching Economics and American Literature
edited by Katharine A. Burnett and Amy K. King
Deadline: 1 November 2021
Scholars have long emphasized the economic implications of literature and literary production. This includes how authors represent the economic forces that shape their lives and communities; how financial structures influence the writing and circulation of literature; and also the less tangible connections between economic histories and literary form. Within the context of American literature—whether written in and about the United States or emerging from transatlantic, circum-Caribbean, inter-American, or transpacific contexts—the intersections of economic realities and literary expression touch on topics that form the crux of American culture and identity. Aiming to highlight these important issues in the classroom, this collection will focus on broad and interdisciplinary approaches for teaching economics and American literature.
The collection will be divided into two parts: essays that address larger conceptual approaches to teaching the subject and essays that offer concrete methodologies that can be used in the classroom, such as specific syllabi, lessons, or assignments. At this time, we ask for proposals for essays that would contribute to either part, possibly focusing on or making connections between one or more of the approaches below (though proposals are not limited to these):
- The roles of larger economic structures in shaping American literature and literary production, broadly conceived (e.g., processes of settler colonialism; the plantation and its afterlives; labor organization; agriculture, commercial and noncommercial; industrialization; transatlantic slavery; globalization; automation of labor; neoliberalism; neocolonialism)
- Work and labor, defined broadly (e.g., manual, domestic, migrant, or intellectual)
- New approaches to significant texts or authors that engage with economic or financial questions and concepts
- Literary form and aesthetics within the contexts of economic patterns
- The literary marketplace throughout time (e.g., “the novel”; periodicals; genres; modes; popular book clubs and canonicity; academic publishing industries)
- Archives and archival work inside and outside the classroom
- Methods to develop self-reflective planning and scaffolding for community-based and experiential learning, collaborative learning, or team teaching
- The economics of accessibility of or in American literature
- Economic structures of American institutions of higher education (i.e., concerns around student enrollment; student and faculty demographics; financial concerns for students and faculty members; economics and finance related to different types of institutions, such as land-grant universities, historically Black colleges and universities, tribal colleges and universities, Hispanic-serving institutions, or community colleges; disaster capitalism; the history of higher education and economic structures, such as slavery)
- Transnational, multilingual, or comparative approaches to teaching economics and American literature
- Perspectives of teaching economics and American literature at institutions around the world
By 1 November 2021, please submit 250–500 word abstracts and a short, 100-word bio to Katharine A. Burnett ([email protected]) and Amy K. King ([email protected]), with the subject line “Teaching Economics and American Literature.” Please specify if the essay will address (a) a conceptual approach or (b) a concrete example of a syllabus, lesson, or assignment.
Formal proposals to the publisher will then go out; accepted proposals will be expected to submit a finished essay of 3,000–4,000 words (varying by type and content) by 31 January 2023. Feel free to send queries with any questions regarding proposals (including feedback on ideas) at any time.
Permission from students must be obtained for any relevant quotations in the essay. Previously published essays cannot be considered. Learn more about the MLA’s guidelines for submissions.

If you would like to add your recent work to the next bibliography or have suggestions about journals/presses we should add, please email Will Murray at [email protected].
Scholarly Journals
African American Review
- Murphy, Dana. “Praisesong for Margaret Walker’s Jubilee and the Phillis Wheatley Poetry Festival.” African American Review, vol. 53, no. 4, 2020, pp. 299-313.
- Thorsson, Courtney. “‘They could be killing kids forever!’: The Atlanta Child Murders in African American Literature.” African American Review, vol. 53, no. 4, 2020, pp. 315-332.
American Literary History
- Duquette, Elizabeth. “Tyranny in America, or, the Appeal to the Coloured Citizens of the World.” American Literary History, vol. 33, no. 1, 2021, pp. 1-28.
- Nishikawa, Kinohi. “Driven by the Market: African American Literature after Urban Fiction.” American Literary History, vol. 33, no. 2, 2021, pp. 320-349.
American Literary Realism
- Johnson, Sherita L. “Teaching the Realism of Jim Crow America.” American Literary Realism, vol. 53, no. 3, Spring 2021, pp. 204-209.
American Literature
- Friedman, Gabriella. “Unsentimental Historicizing: The Neo-Slave Narrative Tradition and the Refusal of Feeling.” American Literature, vol. 93, no. 1, March 2021, pp. 115–143.
- Hodge, Amber P. “As She Lay Dying: Locating the Gothic in Kaui Hart Hemmings’s The Descendants.” American Literature, vol. 93, no. 2, June 2021, pp. 227–253.
- Murphy, Benjamin J. “‘Multiplied without Number’: Lynching, Statistics, and Visualization in Ida B. Wells, Mark Twain, and W. E. B. Du Bois.” American Literature, vol. 93, no. 2, June 2021, pp. 195–226.
American Studies
- Atkinson, Ted. “Faulkner on Omnibus : A Portrait of the Artist as a Cultural Ambassador in the Making.” American Studies, vol. 59, no. 4, 2020, pp. 7-21.
- Bragg, Susan. “Race Women, Crisis Maids, and NAACP Sweethearts: Gender and the Visual Culture of the NAACP in the Early Twentieth Century.” American Studies, vol. 59, no. 3, 2020, pp. 77-98.
- Kong-Chow, Janet. “The Mound Bayou Demonstrator: Black Memory at the Margins and the Means of Cultural Production.” American Studies, vol. 59, no. 3, 2020, pp. 13-31.
- Richardson, Erica. “Desire, Dispossession, and Dreams of Social Data: Black Clubwomen’s Intellectual Thought and Aesthetics During the Progressive Era in Public Writing and Print Culture.” American Studies, vol. 59, no. 3, 2020, pp. 33-54.
- Sayers, Luke. “Red Myth, Black Hero: Frederick Douglass, the Communist Party, and the Aesthetics of History, 1935–1945.” American Studies, vol. 60, no. 1, 2021, pp. 59-80.
- Sites, William. “Beyond the ‘Futureless Future’: Edward O. Bland, Afro-Modernism and The Cry of Jazz.” American Studies, vol. 60, no. 1, 2021, pp. 33-57.
- Smethurst, James, and Rachel Rubin. “The Cartoons of Ollie Harrington, the Black Left, and the African American Press During the Jim Crow Era.” American Studies, vol. 59, no. 3, 2020, pp. 121-141.
Cormac McCarthy Journal
- Andersen, Tore Rye. “Storytelling after the End: Plotting a Course through Cormac McCarthy’s The Road.” The Cormac McCarthy Journal, vol. 19, no. 1, 2021, pp. 67-84.
- Griffis, Rachel B. “‘Track the money!’: The Moral Consequences of Tom Sawyer in No Country for Old Men.” The Cormac McCarthy Journal, vol. 19, no. 1, 2021, pp. 2-20.
- Hermansson, Joakim. “Okay: The Road and The Good Guys’ Adulthood Code.” The Cormac McCarthy Journal, vol. 19, no. 1, 2021, pp. 46-66.
- Jenkins, Joey Isaac. “‘The carnage in the woods’: Queerness and Interspecies Violence in Cormac McCarthy’s Border Trilogy.” The Cormac McCarthy Journal, vol. 19, no. 1, 2021, pp. 21-45.
Early American Literature
- Bergh, Rio. “Blackness in the ‘Grey Area’: Representations of Virtuous Labor in Venture Smith’s Narrative.” Early American Literature, vol. 56, no. 2, 2021, pp. 415-439.
- Keeler, Kyle. “Becoming More Than an Englishman: Igbo Cosmologies, Nonhuman Animals, and Olaudah Equiano’s Refusal of Anthropocentrism.” Early American Literature, vol. 56, no. 2, 2021, pp. 395-413.
Edgar Allan Poe Review
- Bruchmüller, Birte. “The Symbolist Conception of Illustration and Tyra Kleen’s Nevermore.” The Edgar Allan Poe Review, vol. 22, no. 1, 2021, pp. 188-195.
- Ehrlich, Heyward. “Poe in Cyberspace: When Pokerishness Went Viral.” The Edgar Allan Poe Review, vol. 22, no. 1, 2021, pp. 213-216.
- Fernández, Ana González-Rivas. “Images of the Grotesque in ‘Berenice’: Visual Representations of Poe’s Tale from Nineteenth-Century Illustrations to Comic Books.” The Edgar Allan Poe Review, vol. 22, no. 1, 2021, pp. 59-78.
- Golahny, Amy. “Poe’s References to the Visual Arts.” The Edgar Allan Poe Review, vol. 22, no. 1, 2021, pp. 6-29.
- Gruesser, John. “Illustrating Poe’s Detection.” The Edgar Allan Poe Review, vol. 22, no. 1, 2021, pp. 79-109.
- Hines, Megan. “A Journey That Wasn’t: Pierre Huyghe’s Graphic Film.” The Edgar Allan Poe Review, vol. 22, no. 1, 2021, pp. 167-187.
- Rigal-Aragón, Margarita, and Fernando González-Moreno. “‘A man must laugh, or die’: Visual Interpretations of Poe’s Comical and Parodical Tales.” The Edgar Allan Poe Review, vol. 22, no. 1, 2021, pp. 30-58.
- Semtner, Christopher P. “Poe in Richmond: A Gift from Poe to Elmira Shelton.” The Edgar Allan Poe Review, vol. 22, no. 1, 2021, pp. 206-212.
- Timpano, Nathan J. “The Curious Case of Aubrey Beardsley’s Poe ‘Illustrations’.” The Edgar Allan Poe Review, vol. 22, no. 1, 2021, pp. 110-141.
- Timpano, Nathan J. “The Legacy of Poe’s Graphicality in the Expanded Field.” The Edgar Allan Poe Review, vol. 22, no. 1, 2021, pp. 1-5.
- Zuber, Devin Phillip. “Thrilling Vagueness and Pure Abstractions: Swedenborgian Correspondence and Edgar Allan Poe’s Graphicality.” The Edgar Allan Poe Review, vol. 22, no. 1, 2021, pp. 142-166.
Global South
- Barretta, Scott. “Sweet Home Stockholm: The Roles of Radio and the Search for a Swedish Voice in the Making of a Local Blues Scene.” The Global South, vol. 14, no. 1, 2020, pp. 114-142.
- Chandrashekar, Keerthi. “Songhoy Blues: Using the Blues to Navigate Geopolitical Conflict in Mali and Music Industry Landscapes.” The Global South, vol. 14, no. 1, 2020, pp. 23-38.
- Davies, Lawrence. “‘Those Songs Are Gonna Be Sung All Over This World!’: Josh White, Big Bill Broonzy, and the Tangled Routes of Folk Blues in Early Postwar Britain.” The Global South, vol. 14, no. 1, 2020, pp. 68-93.
- Gussow, Adam. “Bien al Sur: Notes Toward a Genealogy of Blues Music’s Global Spread.” The Global South, vol. 14, no. 1, 2020, pp. 1-22.
- Inaba, Mitsutoshi. “‘I Am Not the Bluesman’: Authenticity and Identity of a Japanese Pianist in the Chicago Blues Community.” The Global South, vol. 14, no. 1, 2020, pp. 143-171.
- M’Baye, Babacar. “Charting Aminata Fall’s Cosmopolitanism: A Comparative Study of African American and Senegambian Blues Lyrics.” The Global South, vol. 14, no. 1, 2020, pp. 39-67.
- Schwartz, Roberta. “From Blue Horizon to Saydisc: Independent Record Labels in the British Blues Revival.” The Global South, vol. 14, no. 1, 2020, pp. 94-113.
Journal of American Studies
- Cotton, Jess. “Unfit for History: Race, Reparation and the Reconstruction of American Lyric.” Journal of American Studies, vol. 55, no. 3, July 2021, pp. 523-550.
- Develvis, Melissa. “‘May the Lord Shield and Protect Us from the Terrible Storm Ahead of Us’: Elite South Carolina Women’s Anticipation of Secession and War, 1860–1861.” Journal of American Studies, vol. 54, no. 5, December 2020, pp. 981-1004.
- Fleming, Daniel T. “‘A Day On, Not a Day Off’: Transforming Martin Luther King Day (1993–1999).” Journal of American Studies, vol. 54, no. 5, December 2020, pp. 951-980.
- Hunt, Megan, et al. “‘He Was Shot because America Will Not Give Up on Racism’: Martin Luther King Jr. and the African American Civil Rights Movement in British Schools.” Journal of American Studies, vol. 55, no. 2, May 2021, pp. 387-417.
- Kahan, Benjamin, and Madoka Kishi. “Sex under Necropolitics: Waldo Frank, Jean Toomer, and Black Enfleshment.” Journal of American Studies, vol. 54, no. 5, December 2020, pp. 926-950.
- Stein, Daniel. “Lessons in Graphic Nonfiction: John Lewis, Andrew Aydin, and Nate Powell’s March Trilogy and Civil Rights Pedagogy.” Journal of American Studies, vol. 55, no. 3, July 2021, pp. 620-656.
Journal of Feminist Scholarship
- Dewees, Alyssa. “‘Ain’t My Mama’s Broken Heart’: The Mothers and Daughters of Hillbilly Feminism.” Journal of Feminist Scholarship, vol. 18, Spring 2021, pp. 43-60.
- Arrizón-Palomera, Esmeralda. “The Trope of the Papers: Rethinking the (Un)Documented in African American Literature.” MELUS: Multi-Ethnic Literature of the U.S., vol. 46, no. 1, 2021, pp. 105-125.
- Barter, Faith. “Encrypted Citations: The Bondwoman’s Narrative and the Case of Jane Johnson.” MELUS: Multi-Ethnic Literature of the U.S., vol. 46, no. 1, 2021, pp. 51-74.
- Heneks, Grace. “‘What Race Problem?’: The Satirical Gaze of (White) History in The Underground Railroad.” MELUS: Multi-Ethnic Literature of the U.S., vol. 45, no. 4, 2020, pp. 133-154.
- Jackson, Joshua, and Megan Vallowe. “Cherokee Historical Fiction and Indigenous Science Fiction in Riding the Trail of Tears.” MELUS: Multi-Ethnic Literature of the U.S., vol. 45, no. 4, 2020, pp. 113-132.
- Kennon, Raquel. “‘In de Affica Soil’: Slavery, Ethnography, and Recovery in Zora Neale Hurston’s Barracoon: The Story of the ‘Last Black Cargo’.” MELUS: Multi-Ethnic Literature of the U.S., vol. 46, no. 1, 2021, pp. 75-104.
- Kim, Joo Ok. “Reanimating Historical Violence in Multi-Ethnic Graphic Narratives.” MELUS: Multi-Ethnic Literature of the U.S., vol. 45, no. 4, 2020, pp. 91-112.
- Licato, Amanda Mehsima. “Jean Toomer after Cane.” MELUS: Multi-Ethnic Literature of the U.S., vol. 46, no. 1, 2021, pp. 173-193.
- Schuster, Adam. “‘Boundaries Bind Unbinding’: Jazz and Cold War Cosmopolitanism in the Margins of Langston Hughes’s Ask Your Mama.” MELUS: Multi-Ethnic Literature of the U.S., vol. 46, no. 1, 2021, pp. 150-172.
Mississippi Quarterly
- Burt, John. “Recovering John Crowe Ransom’s Poems.” Mississippi Quarterly, vol. 73, no. 1, 2020, p. 91-120.
- Davis, David A. “Faulkner’s War Stories: World War I and the Origins of Yoknapatawpha.” Mississippi Quarterly, vol. 73, no. 1, 2020, pp. 17-34.
- Dunkel, Solveig. “Dislocating Reality in ‘The Leg’.” Mississippi Quarterly, vol. 73, no. 1, 2020, pp. 53-70.
- Ewert, Jeanne C. “Not Just a Cash Crop: Etymology and Naming in As I Lay Dying.” Mississippi Quarterly, vol. 73, no. 2, 2020, pp. 225-240.
- Fujie, Kristin. “‘Two rotten tricks’: War and Sex in Soldiers’ Pay.” Mississippi Quarterly, vol. 73, no. 1, 2020, pp. 35-51.
- Hopkins, Izabela. “James Branch Cabell’s Jurgen: A Comedy of Justice: A Reappraisal.” Mississippi Quarterly, vol. 73, no. 2, 2020, pp. 143-168.
- Kapp, Paul Hardin. “The Creating of Connelly’s Tavern and the Making of Mississippi’s Cultural Tourism Industry During the Great Depression.” Mississippi Quarterly, vol. 73, no. 2, 2020, pp. 169-199.
- Lenviel, Claire E. “Vulnerable Youth in Richard Wright’s Protest Fiction.” Mississippi Quarterly, vol. 73, no. 2, 2020, pp. 121-141.
- Lowe, John Wharton. “Band of Brothers? The Complications of Fraternity in Faulkner’s World War I Fiction.” Mississippi Quarterly, vol. 73, no. 1, 2020, pp. 1-15.
- Marutani, Atsushi. “Making the ‘New Death’ New: A Fable and Faulkner’s Revisit to World War I.” Mississippi Quarterly, vol. 73, no. 1, 2020, pp. 71-89.
- Yu, Hyunjoo. “Powerhouse is Playing with Languages: Un/Shared Intimacies in Eudora Welty’s ‘Powerhouse’.” Mississippi Quarterly, vol. 73, no. 2, 2020, pp. 201-224.
- Zender, Karl F. “Faulkner at the Movies: Lucas Burch/Joe Brown/Joe E. Brown.” Mississippi Quarterly, vol. 73, no. 2, 2020, pp. 241-246.
- Zheng, John. “A Scholar Born to Write Poetry: Interview with Jerry W. Ward, Jr.” Mississippi Quarterly, vol. 73, no. 2, 2020, pp. 247-265.
North Carolina Literary Review
- Barya, Mildred Kiconco. “Being Here in This Body.” North Carolina Literary Review, no. 30, 2021.
- Colley, Sharon E. “Kaleidoscopic Swirls of Lee Smith.” North Carolina Literary Review, no. 30, 2021.
- Hope-Gill, Laura. “Finding the Heart of Medicine: Intersections of Healthcare.” North Carolina Literary Review, no. 30, 2021.
- Hovis, George. “The Art of Healing: An Interview with Lee Smith.” North Carolina Literary Review, no. 30, 2021.
- Norris, Christie Hinson. “Teaching the Darkness Away: Humanities, History, and Education.” North Carolina Literary Review, no. 30, 2021.
- Rawlins, Paula. “The Hope of ‘dark night songs’: Music and Healing in Charles Fraizer’s Nightwoods.” North Carolina Literary Review, no. 30, 2021.
Resources for American Literary Study
- Gentry, Marshall Bruce. “Flannery O’Connor’s Letters and the Editing of Authorial Intent.” Essay-review on Good Things Out of Nazareth: The Uncollected Letters of Flannery O’Connor and Friends, edited by Benjamin B. Alexander. Resources for American Literary Study, vol. 42, no.1, 2020, pp. 127-134.
South Atlantic Review
- Grandt, Jurgen E. “Mysterious Rootlessness: Jazz Improvisation and Divestment in Jackie Kay’s Trumpet.” South Atlantic Review, vol. 86, no. 1, 2021, pp. 1-17.
- Wright, Pamela. “One Woman’s Song IS Another’s: Sisterhood and Defying the Patriarchal Order in Jean Rhys’s ‘Let Them Call It Jazz’.” South Atlantic Review, vol. 86, no. 1, 2021, pp. 114-127.
Southern Cultures
- Ariaz, Jeremiah. “Louisiana Trail Riders.” Southern Cultures, vol. 27, no. 1, 2021, pp. 76-95.
- Cates, Madison W. “The Knife’s Edge of Ruin: Race, Environmentalism, and Injustice on Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, 1969–1970.” Southern Cultures, vol. 27, no. 1, 2021, pp. 98-117.
- Cheng, Cici. “How to Build a Home.” Southern Cultures, vol. 27, no. 2, 2021, pp. 46-61.
- Daser, Deniz, and Sarah Fouts. “The Great Unbuilding: Land, Labor, and Dispossession in New Orleans and Honduras.” Southern Cultures, vol. 27, no. 2, 2021, pp. 110-125.
- Erdim, Burak. “A Symbolic Project: Dorton Arena’s Incomplete Legacies.” Southern Cultures, vol. 27, no. 2, 2021, pp. 6-13.
- Gallo, Steve. “Grant Park, Atlanta: An Old South Landscape for a New South City.” Southern Cultures, vol. 27, no. 2, 2021, pp. 84-97.
- Guild, Joshua B., and Jeff Whetstone. “Malik Rahim’s Black Radical Environmentalism.” Southern Cultures, vol. 27, no. 1, 2021, pp. 40-65.
- Hathaway, John Lusk, and Mark Long. “Latter-Day Paradises in the Cherokee National Forest.” Southern Cultures, vol. 27, no. 2, 2021, pp. 134-149.
- Hayes, Endia L., and Natalie Nelson. “Eating Dirt, Searching Archives: Excavations from a Texas Woman.” Southern Cultures, vol. 27, no. 2, 2021, pp. 126-133.
- Hofmann, Alex. “The Kinetic South.” Southern Cultures, vol. 27, no. 2, 2021, pp. 62-83.
- Hosbey, Justin, and J. T. Roane. “A Totally Different Form of Living: On the Legacies of Displacement and Marronage as Black Ecologies.” Southern Cultures, vol. 27, no. 1, 2021, pp. 68-73.
- Knight Lozano, Henry. “Reptilian State: Florida at the American Museum of Natural History One Hundred Years Ago.” Southern Cultures, vol. 27, no. 2, 2021, pp. 14-27.
- Palmer, Hannah S., and Nate Beaty. “The Lake and the Landfill: In Search of Atlanta’s Lake Charlotte.” Southern Cultures, vol. 27, no. 2, 2021, pp. 150-160.
- Raymond, Claire, and Jacqueline Taylor. “Something That Must Be Faced: Carrie Mae Weems and the Architecture of Colonization in the Louisiana Project.” Southern Cultures, vol. 27, no. 2, 2021, pp. 98-109.
- Simpson, Annie. “Monuments for the Interim: Twenty-Four Thousand Years.” Southern Cultures, vol. 27, no. 2, 2021, pp. 28-45.
Southern Spaces
- Bay, Mia. “Jim Crow Journeys: An Excerpt from Traveling Black.” Southern Spaces, 7 June 2021.
- Boone, Kofi. “Three Black Towns: An Excerpt from Black Landscapes Matter.” Southern Spaces, 9 March 2021.
Southern Studies
- Podlasli-Labrenz, Heidi. “International Cotton Traders, Creoles, and the New South: A New, Illustrated Look at Kate and Oscar Chopin’s First Days in Europe.” Southern Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal of the South. vol. 28, no.1, 2021, pp. 1 – 38.
Studies in American Humor
- Chesters, Sam. “‘Don’t go all earnest on us’: Metamodern Satire in George Saunders’s ‘Brad Carrigan, American’.” Studies in American Humor, vol. 7, no. 1, 2021, pp. 39-60.
- Schulman, Vanessa Meikle. “The Pleasure of the Parlor: Mocking the “Home Guard” in Civil War Visual Culture.” Studies in American Humor, vol. 7, no. 1, 2021, pp. 105-127.
Study the South
- Humann, Heather Duerre. “The Neon Bible, from Page to Screen: John Kennedy Toole’s Portrait of Small-Town Southern Life.” Study the South, March 2021.
Texas Studies in Language and Literature
- González, Christopher. “The Latinx Fantastic: Robert Rodriguez and the Power of His Speculative Storytelling.” Texas Studies in Literature and Language, vol. 63, no. 2, 2021, pp. 151-172.
- Hwang, Jung-Suk. “Post-9/11-Disaster Katrina: Reenacting American Innocence in Dave Egger’s Zeitoun.” Texas Studies in Literature and Language, vol. 63, no. 1, 2021, pp. 28-52.
- Lozano, Jennifer M. “‘You Are a Cortez!’: Robert Rodriguez’s Tejano Sensibility and Restorative Kinship in the Spy Kids Series.” Texas Studies in Literature and Language, vol. 63, no. 2, 2021, pp. 133-150.
- Speer, Margaret. “A Schoolhouse of Their Own: Economic Erotics in The Children’s Hour.” Texas Studies in Literature and Language, vol. 63, no. 1, 2021, pp. 78-104.
The Journal of Literary and Cultural Disability Studies
Twentieth-Century Literature
- Callahan, Cynthia. “Bad Seeds and Wayward Boys in Postwar Adoption Fiction.” Twentieth-Century Literature, vol. 67, no. 1, 2021, pp. 75-99.
Women’s Studies
- De Rosa, Deborah. “‘I Do Want to Be a Good Woman Once’: Louisiana’s Civil Code of 1870 and the Denied Lagniappe in Alice Dunbar-Nelson’s ‘Tony’s Wife’.” Women’s Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal, vol. 50, no. 3, 2021, pp. 224-236.
- Naviaux, Julie Anne. “When Unruly Women Authors Make Students Uncomfortable: The Bondwoman’s Narrative and Hagar’s Daughter in Contemporary Classrooms.” Women’s Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal, vol. 50, no. 3, 2021, pp. 237-252.
Academic Presses
Cambridge UP
- Johnson, Sherita L. “Reconstructions of the South in African American Literature.” African American Literature in Transition, 1865–1880: Volume 5, 1865–1880: Black Reconstructions, edited by Eric Gardner, Cambridge University Press, 2021, pp. 259-283.
- Lowe, John Wharton. “Eugene Field, George Ade, and Finley Peter Dunne: The Legacy of the ‘Chicago Wits.’” The Cambridge History of Chicago Literature, edited by Frederik Køhlert, Cambridge University Press, 2021, pp. 137-150.
- Lowe, John Wharton. “Globetrotting, 1949-1960: Richard Wright’s Cosmopolitan Years.” Richard Wright in Context, edited by Michael Nowlin, Cambridge University Press, 2021, pp. 54-64.
Duke UP
- Cervenak, Sarah Jane. Black Gathering: Art, Ecology, Ungiven Life. Duke University Press, 2021.
- McHenry, Elizabeth. To Make Negro Literature: Writing, Literary Practice, and African American Authorship. Duke University Press, 2021.
- Nash, Jennifer C. Birthing Black Mothers. Duke University Press, 2021.
- Oliver, Valerie Cassel, editor. The Dirty South: Contemporary Art, Material Culture, and the Sonic Impulse. Duke University Press, 2021.
Louisiana State UP
- Choiński, Michał. Southern Hyperboles: Metafigurative Strategies of Narration. Louisiana State University Press, 2020.
- Costello, Brannon. “Metropolis in Dixie: Race, Liberty, and the Atlanta of Southern Knights.” The Other 1980s: Reframing Comics’ Crucial Decade, edited by Brannon Costello and Brian Cremins, Louisiana State University Press, 2021, pp. 239-254.
- Eley, Donia S., and Grace Toney Edwards. Writers by the River: Reflections on 40+ Years of the Highland Summer Conference. McFarland, 2021.
- Keefe, Susan E, editor. Junaluska: Oral Histories of a Black Appalachian Community. McFarland, 2020.
Mercer University Press
- Clark, E. Culpepper. The Birth of a New South Sherman, Grady, and the Making of Atlanta. Mercer University Press, 2021.
- Manis, Andrew M., and Sandy Dwayne Martin, eds. Eavesdropping on the Most Segregated Hour A City’s Clergy Reflect on Racial Reconciliation. Mercer University Press, 2021.
- Godwin, Sandra E., with Helen Matthews Lewis. A White Liberal College President in the Jim Crow South: Guy Herbert Wells and the YWCA at Georgia State College for Women, 1934–1953. Mercer University Press, 2021.
New York UP
- Costello, Brannon. “Southern.” Keywords for Comics Studies, edited by Ramzi Fawaz, Shelley Streeby, and Deborah Elizabeth Whaley, New York University Press, 2021, pp. 192-196.
Ohio State UP
- Butts, J. J. Dark Mirror: African Americans and the Federal Writers’ Project. Ohio State University Press, 2021.
- Sanchez-Taylor, Joy. Diverse Futures: Science Fiction and Authors of Color. Ohio State University Press, 2021.
- Sneed, Roger A. The Dreamer and the Dream: Afrofuturism and Black Religious Thought. Ohio State University Press, 2021.
Oxford UP
- Cohen, J. Laurence. Excavating Exodus: Biblical Typology and Racial Solidarity in African American Literature. Oxford University Press, 2021.
- Lowe, John Wharton. “From China to Cuba, and Back: The Conundrums of Ethnic Identity and Kinship in Cristina García’s Monkey Hunting.” Ethnicity and Kinship, edited by Sylvia Schultermandl and Klaus Rieser, Routledge, 2020, pp. 42-54.
U of Alabama P
- Monroe, Stephen M. Heritage and Hate: Old South Rhetoric at Southern Universities. University of Alabama Press, 2021.
U of California P
- Belew, Kathleen, and Ramón A. Gutiérrez, editors. A Field Guide to White Supremacy. University of California Press, 2021.
- Preskill, Stephen. Education in Black and White: Myles Horton and the Highlander Center’s Vision for Social Justice. University of California Press, 2021.
U of Illinois P
- Carter, Christopher. The Spirit of Soul Food: Race, Faith, and Food Justice. University of Illinois Press, 2021.
- Forde, Kathy Roberts, and Sid Bedingfield, editors. Journalism and Jim Crow: White Supremacy and the Black Struggle for a New America. University of Illinois Press, 2021.
U of Michigan P
- Cook, Sylvia Jenkins. Clothed in Meaning: Literature, Labor, and Cotton in Nineteenth-Century America. University of Michigan Press, 2020.
U of Minnesota P
- Hefner, Brooks E. Black Pulp: Genre Fiction in the Shadow of Jim Crow. University of Minnesota Press, 2021.
U of North Carolina P
- Adjepong, Anima. Afropolitan Projects: Redefining Blackness, Sexualities, and Culture from Houston to Accra. University of North Carolina Press, 2021.
- Gardner, Sarah E., and Steven M. Stowe, editors. Insiders, Outsiders: Toward a New History of Southern Thought. University of North Carolina Press, 2021.
- Janney, Caroline E. Ends of War: The Unfinished Fight of Lee’s Army after Appomattox. University of North Carolina Press, 2021.
- King, Amy K. Grotesque Touch: Women, Violence, and Contemporary Circum-Caribbean Narratives. University of North Carolina Press, 2021.
- Milteer, Warren Eugene, Jr. Beyond Slavery’s Shadow: Free People of Color in the South. University of North Carolina Press, 2021.
- Rosentha, Gregory Samantha. Living Queer History: Remembrance and Belonging in a Southern City. University of North Carolina Press, 2021.
- Wells-Oghoghomeh, Alexis. The Souls of Womenfolk: The Religious Cultures of Enslaved Women in the Lower South. University of North Carolina Press, 2021.
- Yarbrough, Fay A. Choctaw Confederates: The American Civil War in Indian Country. University of North Carolina Press, 2021.
U of South Carolina P
- Davis, Thadious M. Understanding Alice Walker. University of South Carolina Press, 2021.
- Greene, Robert II, and Tyler D. Parry, editors. Invisible No More: The African American Experience at the University of South Carolina. University of South Carolina Press, 2021.
- Rice, Rolundus R. Hosea Williams: A Lifetime of Defiance and Protest. University of South Carolina Press, 2022.
- Spady, James O’Neil, editor. Commemorating the Denmark Vesey Affair and Black Radical Antislavery in the Atlantic World. University of South Carolina Press, 2022.
- Thomas, June Manning. Struggling to Learn: An Intimate History of School Desegregation in South Carolina. University of South Carolina Press, 2022.
U of Tennessee P
- Chambers, Mark. Gray Gold: Lead Mining and Its Impact on the Natural and Cultural Environment, 1700–1840. University of Tennessee Press, 2021.
- Purcell, Aaron D., editor. Lost in Transition: Removing, Resettling, and Renewing Appalachia. University of Tennessee Press, 2021.
- Simek, Jan F. A Dark Pathway: Precontact Native American Mud Glyphs from 1st Unnamed Cave, Tennessee. University of Tennessee Press, 2021.
- Tribble, Mary. Pious Ambitions: Sally Merriam Wait’s Mission South, 1813–1831. University of Tennessee Press, 2021.
UP of Florida
- Cometbus, Aaron, and Scott Satterwhite. A Punkhouse in the Deep South: The Oral History of 309. University Press of Florida, 2021.
- Delgado, Anjanette. Home in Florida: Latinx Writers and the Literature of Uprootedness. University Press of Florida, 2021.
- Guarino, Lindsay, et al, editors. Rooted Jazz Dance: Africanist Aesthetics and Equity in the Twenty-First Century. University Press of Florida, 2021.
UP of Mississippi
- Altobello, Brian. Whiskey, Women, and War: How the Great War Shaped Jim Crow New Orleans. University Press of Mississippi, 2021.
- Bennett, Tanya Long, editor. Critical Essays on the Writings of Lillian Smith. University Press of Mississippi, 2021.
- Crockett, James R. Rulers of the SEC Ole Miss and Mississippi State, 1959–1966. University Press of Mississippi, 2021.
- Godwin, Rebecca. “David Joy: Listening Through the Violence.” Twenty-First-Century Southern Writers: New Voices, New Perspectives, edited by Jean W. Cash and Richard Gaughran, University Press of Mississippi, 2021, pp. 172-80.
- Hakala, Laura. “Southern Children’s Literature.” A De Grummond Primer: Highlights of the Children’s Literature Collection, edited by Carolyn J. Brown, Eric L. Tribunella, and Ellen Hunter Ruffin, University Press of Mississippi, 2021, pp. 84-89.
- Hatschek, Keith. The Real Ambassadors: Dave and Iola Brubeck and Louis Armstrong Challenge Segregation. University Press of Mississippi, 2021.
- Jackson, Alicia K. The Recovered Life of Isaac Anderson. University Press of Mississippi, 2021.
- Kayser, Casey. Marginalized: Southern Women Playwrights Confront Race, Region, and Gender. University Press of Mississippi, 2021.
- Kersen, Thomas Michael. Where Misfits Fit: Counterculture and Influence in the Ozarks. University Press of Mississippi, 2021.
- Lespinasse, Patricia G. The Drum Is a Wild Woman: Jazz and Gender in African Diaspora Literature. University Press of Mississippi, 2021.
- Mattison, Mike, and Ernest Suarez. Poetic Song Verse: Blues-Based Popular Music and Poetry.University Press of Mississippi, 2021.
- Moss, Christina L., and Brandon Inabinet. Reconstructing Southern Rhetoric. University Press of Mississippi, 2021.
- Platt, R. Eric, and Holly A. Foster, editors. Persistence through Peril: Episodes of College Life and Academic Endurance in the Civil War South. University Press of Mississippi, 2021.
- Sciuto, Jenna. Policing Intimacy: Law, Sexuality, and the Color Line in Twentieth-Century Hemispheric American Literature. University Press of Mississippi, 2021.
- Soileau, Jeanne Pitre. What the Children Said: Child Lore of South Louisiana. University Press of Mississippi, 2021.
- Squint, Kirstin L., editor. Conversations with LeAnne Howe. University Press of Mississippi, 2021.
- Waters, Kristin. Maria W. Stewart and the Roots of Black Political Thought. University Press of Mississippi, 2021.
- Wilhelm, Randall. “Melodrama, Turbulence, Titillation: Silhouetting Slavery in the Works of William Faulkner and Kara Walker.” Faulkner and Slavery, edited by Jay Watson and James G. Thomas, University Press of Mississippi, 2021, pp. 173-194.
- Zimmerman, Peter Coats. The Jazz Masters: Setting the Record Straight. University Press of Mississippi, 2021.

About the Contributors
Gina Caison is an associate professor of English at Georgia State University where she teaches courses in southern literature, Native American literatures, and documentary practices.
Amy King is a Lecturer in the Department of English at Auburn University.
Stephanie Rountree is Assistant Professor of English at the University of North Georgia where she specializes in U.S. literature and media, gender studies, and southern studies. Her research has appeared in several scholarly publications, and together with Lisa Hinrichsen and Gina Caison, she is co-editor of Remediating Region: New Media and the U.S. South (LSU Press, November 2021) and Small-Screen Souths: Region, Identity, and the Cultural Politics of Television (LSU Press 2017). Her current monograph project, titled American Anteliberalism: Literatures of Enslavement and Public Health, investigates Black enslavement’s formative role in the development of U.S. public health policy as evidenced in post-Emancipation literature. Currently, she is a Georgia Governor’s Teaching Fellow (2021-2022) and Program Coordinator for SSSL’s 2022 Biennial Conference in Atlanta, Georgia.
Will Murray is a Visiting Assistant Professor at Hendrix College.