June 2022

Note from the Editor

We’ve been planning this issue of the Society for the Study of Southern Literature’s newsletter for some time! Please read below for important updates about the Society’s 2022 conference, rescheduled for June 26-29, 2022, at the Hyatt Centric Midtown Atlanta and online.
Next, this issue provides information about the Emerging Scholars Organization’s forthcoming elections. If you are an emerging scholar or know someone who would be interested in a collaborative Executive Council role, please see below.
Members will also find the Society’s bibliography in this newsletter.
Finally, it’s time for me to announce that this will be my last SSSL newsletter as editor. I’d like to thank Will Murray for formatting each newsletter and compiling the bibliographies. Also, I appreciate every person who contributed their work to the newsletter over the past few years.
When I wrote my first column back in 2018, I asked: Who are we inviting to the table? This question is even more important today, as we prepare for our first Society conference since that year. Our current contexts and realities have made clear the necessity of true solidarity among workers in higher education. Let’s find ways to reflect, do the hard work, and move forward, together.

SSSL Conference 2022: Announcements

We have several exciting updates and reminders to help you plan before we gather for the biennial SSSL 2022 conference in its first ever hybrid format. Check out the announcements below, and, as always, if you have any question or suggestion, don’t hesitate to reach out to us at [email protected].
All times in Eastern Daylight Time.
Marquee Events
We have lined up a fantastic schedule of marquee events throughout SSSL 2022! From our Opening Poets Plenary through our Closing Night cluster of events at GSU’s Center for Media Industries Institute (CMII), this year promises a robust and invigorating lineup of presenters.
Please take a moment to explore our marquee events by clicking on the links below.
- Opening Night Plenary: Joy Harjo, LeAnne Howe, and Jennifer Foerster
- Sunday, June 26, 2022
- 6:30 pm: Plenary Discussion
- 7:30 pm: Reception and Book Signing with Presenters
- Sunday, June 26, 2022
- Monday Night Double Feature: Film Screening and Filmmaker Talkback
- Monday, June 27, 2022
- 7:30 pm: All Saints
- 8:00 pm: Searching for Sequoyah
- 9:30 pm: Talkback with Filmmakers
- Monday, June 27, 2022
- Closing Night Events at Georgia State University’s CMII
- Tuesday, June 28, 2022
- 5:00 pm: Reading Atlanta: A Presidential Roundtable in Partnership with Studies in the Literary Imagination
- 7:30 pm: A Conversation with Jericho Brown
- Tuesday, June 28, 2022
- SSSL Organizational Meeting & Lunch
- Wednesday, June 29, 2022
- 11:45 am: Grab-and-Go Lunch
- 12:15 pm: SSSL Organizational Meeting. All attendees welcome.
- Biennial organizational meeting facilitated by 2020-2022 SSSL President Gina Caison and 2022-2024 SSSL President-Elect Sherita Johnson.
- Wednesday, June 29, 2022
As always, tickets for all marquee events are included with your SSSL 2022 Registration. Just be sure to select which events you’d like to attend as you register.
The conference planners are excited to announce SSSL’s new sponsorship program! We welcome organizations to financially support our Conference Vision while enjoying a collection of perks that are tiered based upon the level of support. If you are part of an institution or organization that may be interested in partnering with SSSL 2022, please share this flyer and invite them to contact Program Coordinator Stephanie Rountree for more details, at [email protected].
Volunteer Opportunities
Attending SSSL 2022 in person? We need your help to make our program run smoothly!
- Moderate a panel that needs a session chair: Peruse sessions in our Draft Schedule, and look for sessions with “MODERATOR: TBD.” Email your preferred session to [email protected] before the conference.
- Volunteer to support the conference planners onsite: Email us at [email protected] before the conference to volunteer.
- IT Support: If you are especially tech savvy, we need your help to keep our new hybrid conference modality running smoothly. Please volunteer your time by emailing [email protected] before the conference to volunteer.
All those who volunteer before June 17, 2022, will be named in the SSSL 2022 program!
BYO Lanyards
In the interest of reducing our use of plastics, SSSL 2022 will only provide paper name tags and safety pins rather than distributing lanyards. If you have some lanyards from past conferences, please bring one to use; if you have extra, we welcome donations to share with your colleagues!
The Hyatt Centric Midtown Atlanta offers meeting space that is fully wheelchair accessible along with guest rooms that are also ADA compliant. All meeting spaces will be equipped with A/V and screens that will broadcast real-time transcripts of speakers for audio accessibility both in the physical meeting space and online via Whova. If you have any additional needs, please feel free to complete the “Accessibility” question on SSSL 2022 Registration or email our conference planners directly at [email protected].
10-12 Minute Traditional Papers, Please
This year, SSSL 2022 requests that all attendees who are speaking on traditionally formatted panels please keep their presentations to 10-12 minutes in length. Those speaking on roundtables with more presenters will need to adjust length accordingly. This request allows the additional time needed to integrate fully hybrid panels, as we will be switching between virtual and in-person presenters. We ask that all moderators work to preserve a full 20 minutes at the end of each session for hybrid Q&A, as questions will be offered both in-person and digitally via the typed Q&A feature in Whova. Thank you for your help as we navigate our new hybrid modality.
Whova User Guides & Tutorials: Build a Profile, Present Online, & More!
SSSL 2022 programming will be fully integrated through the Whova event management app. Once you register, you’ll have access to all of the features this program offers. Below are links to tutorials as you acquaint yourself with Whova.
- Download the Whova app on your phone!
- Whova User Guide for SSSL 2022 Attendees: Online & In-Person Features
- Build your profile with a bio, headshot, link to your website, and more
- Create your own customized SSSL 2022 agenda right at your fingertips
- Access livestream and session videos
- Use Q&A features to ask questions of presenters
- See who is attending & plan virtual meetups
- Whova Speaker Guide for all SSSL 2022 Presenters: Online Presentation, Hybrid Q&A, and More!
- Find out how to log in and present remotely
- Upload files for attendees (handouts, images, PDFs, PowerPoints)
- Answer Q&A in Whova’s chat window
- Prepare your Checklist
- And more!
You can also explore additional Whova tutorials.
Digital Security: Attending & Presenting at SSSL 2022 Virtually
To ensure a safe conference experience, all virtual SSSL 2022 programming will be secured behind Whova’s password-protected online app (both desktop and mobile versions). Only fully-registered participants who log into Whova with their account and password will have access to virtual SSSL 2022 programming. Zoom links for all sessions will be located securely within Whova’s Agenda feature. Therefore, to virtually attend or present on a SSSL 2022 session, you will need to register for the conference and create your Whova account.
Please note: All participants who have not registered for the conference by the opening events will not be able to access virtual access to the sessions, so please be sure to process your SSSL 2022 Registration before June 26th.
ESO: Emerging Scholars Organization at SSSL 2022
The ESO will be hosting two lunch events to help emerging scholars and those new to the organization get involved.
- ESO Mentorship Luncheon
- Monday, June 27, 2022
- 11:35 am – 12:50 pm: Newly-launched mentorship pods will get a chance to meet in-person. Boxed lunch provided by SSSL. Please RSVP by June 17, 2022, to reserve your meal!
- Interested in joining a mentorship pod? Scholars of all levels, research areas, and institutional affiliations can join by contacting Erik Kline at [email protected].
- Monday, June 27, 2022
- ESO Lunch Meet-up (casual, offsite)
- Tuesday, June 28, 2022
- 11:35 am – 12:50 pm: Anyone identifying as an “emerging” scholar is welcome to join for a chance to chat, cheer, commiserate, and commune. ESO members new and old and anyone interested in what the ESO does especially invited.
- Meet in the lobby at 11:35 am, and we will walk to a local restaurant together.
- Tuesday, June 28, 2022
- New to SSSL and not sure how to get involved?
- Just email us at [email protected] to get plugged in.
Transportation and Parking
The SSSL 2022 conference hotel is the Hyatt Centric Midtown Atlanta, located just two blocks east of the Midtown Station of Atlanta’s MARTA Public Transit System. MARTA offers $2.50 one-way fares directly from the Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta Airport (ATL).
Parking on site at the Hyatt is $28/day for self-park and $40/day for valet service.
See the Hyatt Centric Midtown Atlanta’s Map, Parking + Transportation webpage for directions, details about parking, and info about navigating MARTA.
As SSSL 2022 nears, more details will be forthcoming. Follow us on Facebook, check the SSSL website, and stay tuned to our SSSL listserv emails for more!
See you soon,
Stephanie Rountree

ESO Update

ESO Elections
Hello Emerging Scholars Organization (ESO) members, advocates, allies, and friends,
It’s election time for the ESO. The current Executive Council is reaching the end of their two-year tenure and are looking forward to handing the reins over to a new council. The current Executive Council has made a few changes to the ESO bylaws regarding elections and executive council positions, in hopes of developing better continuity for ESO and improving shared governance between members and Executive Council:
- We have established four fixed positions for the ESO Executive Council: President, Vice President, Secretary, and Membership Chair. The council will also include three ad hoc members who may articulate their own leadership roles.
- We have established processes by which candidates wishing to serve in the council will specifically run for one of the fixed positions OR as an ad hoc member.
- We have removed language in the bylaws requiring a Master’s Representative on the Executive Council, as we felt that the service expectations written into the bylaws were too onerous for Master’s level students. Master’s-level students will be able to run for any Executive Council position should they choose.

We are now soliciting candidates for the upcoming ESO Executive Council election. If interested, please fill out the linked form, which will request a short bio, candidate statement, and indication of the role in which you wish to run. The form will remain open until July 1, at which time the election will take place.
What you might expect
Although each Executive Council is unique and sets its own agenda, candidates might expect the following duties in each position:
- President: Guides the vision of ESO, participates in SSSL Executive Council meetings
- Vice President: Coordinates initiatives, manages conference planning
- Secretary: Organizes EC scheduling, preserves institutional memory, develops ESO online presence
- Membership Chair: Leads recruitment efforts, facilitates ESO Mentorship Pods, maintains ESO listserv
- Ad hoc members may articulate their own roles. Previous examples include: Decolonizing Initiatives, Publishing and Advocacy, Pedagogy Resources, Professionalization
Please forward and share this information widely. Candidates need not necessarily identify in the field of southern studies, nor still be embedded in academia, but may self-identify in any way as an “emerging scholar.”
If you have any questions or ideas, please contact the Executive Council by emailing us at [email protected].
In solidarity,
ESO Executive Council
c/o Allison Harris, Secretary
Announcements & Awards
Winner of the 2021 Eudora Welty Prize
Awarded by Mississippi University for Women and University Press of Mississippi
Casey Kayser – Marginalized: Southern Women Playwrights Confront Race, Region, and Gender
In contrast to other literary genres, drama has received little attention in southern studies, and women playwrights in general receive less recognition than their male counterparts. In Marginalized: Southern Women Playwrights Confront Race, Region, and Gender, author Casey Kayser addresses these gaps by examining the work of southern women playwrights, making the argument that representations of the American South on stage are complicated by difficulties of identity, genre, and region.
Through analysis of the dramatic texts, the rhetoric of reviews of productions, as well as what the playwrights themselves have said about their plays and productions, Kayser delineates these challenges and argues that playwrights draw on various conscious strategies in response. These strategies, evident in the work of such playwrights as Pearl Cleage, Sandra Deer, Lillian Hellman, Beth Henley, Marsha Norman, and Shay Youngblood, provide them with the opportunity to lead audiences to reconsider monolithic understandings of northern and southern regions and, ultimately, create new visions of the South.
Teaching North Carolina Literature
North Carolina Humanities has awarded NCLR a Community Research Grant, funding from which will pay honoraria to the creators of pedagogical submissions accepted for publication. Submissions may be related to teaching North Carolina literature/writers* in K-12 or post-secondary education and might take a variety of forms, including but not limited to a pedagogical essay, a unit or lesson plan, an assignment, or a digital repository of materials related to teaching the work of a (or works by) North Carolina writer(s). Submissions can be directed toward classes in literature, creative writing, history, composition, and more. In other words, we are open to your ideas for participating in this way to our mission to preserve and promote the state’s rich literary history.
Complete submissions are due by August 15, 2022.
Early submissions and proposals are welcome, with the option of receiving revision feedback if submitted by July 1,2022.
Both submissions and proposals accepted via Submittable.
Click on the SUBMIT ONLINE tab above for information about using Submittable.
Essay submissions accepted for publication will appear in NCLR’s open access online issues. Other content—lesson plans and digital projects—will be promoted via NCLR Online and archived in or linked through NCLR’s website, the goal being to make this material widely and easily accessible to teachers. Creators of these submissions will receive $200 to $400. And if the submission employs NCLR, we will provide enough copies of that issue for a class (if available).
Read a sample pedagogical essay from NCLR Online 2016:
“Hitting Home with the New Story Project: Teaching with the North Carolina Literary Review in North Carolina” by Brian Glover
* As in other submission guidelines, our definition of a North Carolina writer is anyone who currently lives in North Carolina, has lived in North Carolina, or uses North Carolina as subject matter.
Special Issue of Women’s Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal on Eudora Welty
We are seeking proposals for a special double issue on the work of Eudora Welty in the context of women’s studies/feminism. Contending with a writer famous for declaring that she did not need to “crusade” and hesitant about the label “feminist,” scholars in the past have examined in helpful ways how Welty’s work undertakes the task of exploring gender. However, given new conversations in the fields of intertextuality, materialist studies, ecofeminism, and gender studies, further conversation or even a reappraisal is certainly due. Please send a statement of interest and an abstract by September 1, 2022, to [email protected] and [email protected]. Full-length essays will be due by March 1, 2023.
Calls for Papers Eudora Welty Review Spring 2023
The Eudora Welty Review invites essays and notes of general interest to Welty studies for the Spring 2023 issue.
The 2023 EWR will feature a special section dedicated to Welty and Ecology. Eudora Welty’s stories attest to her acute attention to the natural world, an interest fed in part by her devotion to her garden. Always careful, as she puts it, to depict “the moon in the right part of the sky,” Welty portrayed nature as both setting and agent. The EWR seeks essays that examine the intersection of Welty’s work with ecology, ecocriticism, ecofeminism, and the ecogothic. Also of interest are essays exploring environmental concerns in Welty’s fiction, from the clear-cutting of farmland in the Delta to the logging in the hills of Mississippi. Papers that compare Welty’s works with those of other writers are welcome as well. Send queries at any time to EWR associate editor Sarah Ford at [email protected].
Please also note our new “seminar roundtable” section, featured in the 2019 and 2021 issues. If you are teaching Welty in undergraduate, graduate, or avocational constructs and want to select and edit 3-5 essays to submit for potential publication, please contact EWR associate editor Rebecca Harrison at [email protected].
The due date for submission of all essays and notes is September 1, 2022; send to EWR editor Pearl McHaney at [email protected].
bell hooks Center Symposium

Submit your proposal for the first annual bell hooks center symposium by September 15th, 2022 using the QR code or by clicking on this link: https://tinyurl.com/bhcsymposium2023. The theme is “Dissident Feminisms,” inspired by bell hooks’s insistence that we must “talk back” to the intersecting violence that she powerfully describes as “imperialist white supremacist capitalist patriarchy.” We encourage theory, praxis, and poetics that engage themes including but not limited to: alternative networks of community and care; feminist abolitionisms, liberation, and futurity; critical consciousness and embodiment; decolonization beyond a metaphor; feminist archiving; radical love and healing justice; feminism beyond binaries; transgressive pedagogies; public intellectualisms; world-making and beloved community; critical youth studies; black girlhood geographies; alternative masculinities; intersectionality and its dis/contents; feminist activism and coalition-building; alternative forms of parenting and family structures; and feminist intimacies and pleasures. We invite proposals from activists, scholars, artists, community organizers, and public intellectuals. Possible formats for individual and/or group submissions are: roundtable conversations, community and campus workshops, individual essays, panel presentations, and the display of works of art (i.e., exhibitions, installations, performances, visual works, musical stylings, etc.)
Email [email protected] with questions.
Faulkner and Yoknapatawpha 2023
“Queer Faulkner”
July 23-27, 2023
University of Mississippi
Announcement and Call for Papers
Eve Kosofky Sedgwick once pointed out the oddly superfluous, unintentionally revealing nature of the question, “Has there ever been a gay Shakespeare?” How might reframing this question around a queer Faulkner prove similarly generative and unnecessary? Taking its title, “Queer Faulkner,” as both a description and an imperative, the forty-ninth annual Faulkner and Yoknapatawpha conference will explore the diverse expressions, meanings, and functions of nonnormative sexuality, gender, desire, and affiliation in William Faulkner’s life and work, tapping into the disciplinary ferment of queer and trans studies scholarship and the new paradigms and reading strategies it has established. In so doing, the conference seeks to broaden, deepen, and diversify ongoing conversations about sexuality and gender in Faulkner started by scholars such as Phillip Gordon, Jaime Harker, Gary Richards, Michael Bibler, and Catherine Gunther Kodat, in a dialogue whose terms will inevitably be open to debate.
Does the transgressive spirit so many readers attribute to the author and his work extend to his portrayals of sexual and gender identities, preferences, practices? How and where does his art create space for queer energies? How and where does it work to contain or disavow them? What might queering Faulkner’s writings—whether with or against their grain—entail as a project of defamiliarization, decolonization, or reparation? Given the fraught nature of the term, what do we mean by “queer” anyway? Wherein lies its usefulness (as adjective, noun, or verb) for students of Faulkner’s work, and wherein lies Faulkner’s usefulness for queer studies and LGBTQ+ teaching and scholarship?
Topics might include but are not limited to:
–same-sex desire in Faulkner’s life and work: homosociality, homoeroticism, homosexuality, “homoness”
–queer performativity in Faulkner’s writings and biography
–queer erotics: pleasures, intensities, celibacies
–asexuality as a critique of universal/compulsory sexuality
–nonbinary identities: bisexual, genderfluid, genderqueer, etc.
–queer kinships, affiliations, and communities in Faulkner’s fiction, personal life, or career
–queer modernisms and Faulkner’s place in/amidst them
–lesbian characters, desires, and textualities in Faulkner
–the Faulknerian closet and other queer topographies
–homophobia and its consequences in Faulkner’s writings
–non-normative sex practices in Faulkner: kink? SM? etc.
–cosmopolitanism, metropolitanism, and their sexualities: New Orleans, Memphis, New York, Los Angeles, Boston, Paris
–queer histories and temporalities
–queer modes of re/productivity
–queer epistemologies
–the queer art of failure in Faulkner and his world
–intersections of queerness and disability
–queer nationalisms and the biopolitics of sexuality
–queering form: nonnormative configurations of narrative, genre, voice, stylistics, etc.
–“queering the color line” in, with, or against Faulkner
–queer Souths and Faulkner’s stake in them
–queer ecologies and environmental attachments
–“transing” Faulkner: trans methodologies and their applicability to Faulkner’s work
–queer inhumanisms and posthumanisms: queering the human in Faulkner
–Faulkner’s responses to queer writers and artists
–responses to Faulkner’s work by queer writers, readers, critics
The program committee especially encourages full panel proposals for 60-minute conference sessions. Such proposals should include a one-page overview of the session topic or theme, followed by 400-500-word abstracts for each of the panel papers to be included. We also welcome individually submitted 400-500-word abstracts for 15-20-minute panel papers. Panel papers consist of approximately 2,500 words and will be considered by the conference program committee for possible expansion and inclusion in the conference volume published by the University Press of Mississippi.
Session proposals and panel paper abstracts must be submitted by January 31, 2023, preferably through e-mail attachment. All manuscripts, proposals, abstracts, and inquiries should be addressed to Jay Watson, Department of English, C-135 Bondurant Hall, University of Mississippi, P.O. Box 1848, University, MS 38677-1848. E-mail: [email protected]. Decisions for all submissions will be made by March 15, 2023.

If you would like to add your recent work to the next bibliography or have suggestions about journals/presses we should add, please email Will Murray at [email protected].
Scholarly Journals
African American Review
- Gleeson-White, Sarah. “Reading Plagiarism: Charles Chesnutt’s The House Behind the Cedars and Oscar Micheaux’s The Masquerade: An Historical Novel.” African American Review, vol. 54, no. 4, Winter 2021, pp. 319–31.
- Karageorgos, Konstantina M. “Uneventful Reading.” African American Review, vol. 54, no. 4, Winter 2021, pp. 283–99.
- Toh, Eunice. “Navigating The Green Book: The Networks of Black Digitality and Print.” African American Review, vol. 54, no. 3, Fall 2021, pp. 233–46.
American Indian Quarterly
- Roberts, Alaina E. “When Black Lives Matter Meets Indian Country: Using the Cherokee and Chickasaw Nations as Case Studies for Understanding the Evolution of Public History and Interracial Coalition.” American Indian Quarterly, vol. 45, no. 3, Summer 2021, pp. 250–71.
American Literary History
- Cohen, Lara Langer. “Going Underground: Race, Space, and the Subterranean in the Nineteenth-Century US.” American Literary History, vol. 33, no. 3, 2021, pp. 510-526.
- Holbo, Christine. “Modernism’s Others: Literary Realisms in an Age of Incomplete Emancipation.” American Literary History, vol. 33, no. 3, 2021, pp. 588-600.
- Jones, Douglas A., Jr. “Pragmatics of Democracy: A Political Theory of African American Literature before Emancipation.” American Literary History, vol. 33, no. 3, 2021, pp. 498-509.
- LeMahieu, Michael. “Post-54: Reconstructing Civil War Memory in American Literature after Brown.” American Literary History, vol. 33, no. 3, 2021, pp. 635-656.
- Madera, Judith. “Early Black Worldmaking: Body, Compass, and Text.” American Literary History, vol. 33, no. 3, 2021, pp. 481-497.
- Olwell, Victoria. “States of Mind: Consent and Literary Fiction in the US.” American Literary History, vol. 33, no. 3, 2021, pp. 527-549.
American Literature
- Hess, Scott. “Cedar Hill: Frederick Douglass’s Literary Landscape and the Racial Construction of Nature.” American Literature, vol. 93, no. 4, December 2021, pp. 571–599.
- McKisson, Kelly. “The Subsident Gulf: Refiguring Climate Change in Jesmyn Ward’s Bois Sauvage.” American Literature, vol. 93, no. 2, September 2021, pp. 473–496.
American Studies
- Gioielli, Rob. “Mobility, Race, and Climate in Postwar Atlanta.” American Studies, vol. 60, no. 3/4, September 2021, pp. 17–42.
- Height, Tatiana, et al. “The 2020 Social and Environmental Apocalypse: Reimagining Black America.” American Studies, vol. 60, no. 3/4, September 2021, pp. 163–83.
American Quarterly
- Hubbs, Jolene. “Untranslatable Creole: Language Suppression, Racial Segregation, and Louisiana Local Color Fiction.” American Quarterly vol. 73, no. 3, September 2021, pp. 619-638.
Atlantic Studies
- Lowe, John Wharton. “Myth, Performance, and Creation: The Achievement of Femi Euba.” Atlantic Studies, Special Issue: Esu’s crossroads: Transcultural creativity in the works of Femi Euba and Wole Soyinka, 2021, pp. 1–10.
- Hori, Julia Michiko. “Elegant Despair: Mourning Clothes and the Sartorial Conscience of James Baldwin’s No Name in the Street.” Callaloo, vol. 41, no. 2, 2018, pp. 107-123.
- Jones, Jovonna. “‘look. look. look.’: The Work of Black Aesthetics in Toni Morrison’s Jazz.” Callaloo, vol. 41, no. 2, 2018, pp. 93-104.
- Sexton, Jared. “‘This is what our dying looks like’: Elegeía for Emmett Till.” Callaloo, vol. 41, no. 2, 2018, pp. 60-74.
Cormac McCarthy Journal
- Bellini, Federico. “Cormac McCarthy’s Poetics of Craftsmanship: Collaborating with Medical Advisers in the Writing of The Crossing.” The Cormac McCarthy Journal, vol. 20, no. 1, 2022, pp. 65-77.
- DeCoste, D. Marcel. “‘A professor of darkness’: Higher Education and the Annihilation of Virtue in Cormac McCarthy’s The Sunset Limited.” The Cormac McCarthy Journal, vol. 19, no. 2, 2021, pp. 109-127.
- Elmore, Jonathan, and Rick Elmore. “Life, Unity, and Suffering: The Moral of Cormac McCarthy’s Suttree.” The Cormac McCarthy Journal, vol. 19, no. 2, 2021, pp. 138-156.
- Favero, Douglas. “‘You don’t have to do this’: Cormac McCarthy’s No Country for Old Men and the Courage to Be.” The Cormac McCarthy Journal, vol. 19, no. 2, 2021, pp. 157-177.
- Jackson, Trevor. “A Peculiar High Synthesis: Cormac McCarthy’s Child of God and the Community-Created Other.” The Cormac McCarthy Journal, vol. 20, no. 1, 2022, pp. 44-64.
- Josyph, Peter. “A Few Nice Things and a Few Problems with ‘The Kekulé Problem’.” The Cormac McCarthy Journal, vol. 19, no. 2, 2021, pp. 203-218.
- Russell, Richard Rankin. “‘God’s own firedrake’: McCarthy’s Allusion to Joyce’s Ulysses in The Road.” The Cormac McCarthy Journal, vol. 19, no. 2, 2021, pp. 128-137.
- Sanborn, Wallis R. “Reconsidering Horses and Horsemanship in Blood Meridian and the Border Trilogy.” The Cormac McCarthy Journal, vol. 19, no. 2, 2021, pp. 178-202.
- Schill, Brian James. “The Glanton Gang’s Michel Foucault.” The Cormac McCarthy Journal, vol. 20, no. 1, 2022, pp. 23-43.
- Vanderheide, John. “On the Germanic Element in Cormac McCarthy’s Blood Meridian.” The Cormac McCarthy Journal, vol. 20, no. 1, 2022, pp. 2-22.
Early American Literature
- Suazo, Matthew E. “The ‘Impassable Morass’ in Translation: Louisiana’s Wetlands, Chateaubriand’s Atala, and the Aesthetics of Colonial Ambivalence.” Early American Literature, vol. 57, no. 1, 2022, pp. 149-191.
Edgar Allan Poe Review
- Dern, John A. “‘I knew the sound well’: Rhetorical Mockery in ‘The Tell-Tale Heart’.” The Edgar Allan Poe Review, vol. 22, no. 2, 2021, pp. 312-328.
- Ehrlich, Heyward. “Poe in Cyberspace: The First Amendment, Antitrust Law, and an Internet Rhubarb.” The Edgar Allan Poe Review, vol. 22, no. 2, 2021, pp. 412-417.
- Kopley, Richard. “New Traces in ‘The Raven’ and the Dedication to The Raven and Other Poems.” The Edgar Allan Poe Review, vol. 22, no. 2, 2021, pp. 379-383.
- Kopley, Richard. “Poe’s Lives.” The Edgar Allan Poe Review, vol. 22, no. 2, 2021, pp. 241-259.
- Lewis, Paul. “‘The Raven’: Imitated, Admired, and Sometimes Mocked.” The Edgar Allan Poe Review, vol. 22, no. 2, 2021, pp. 274-311.
- Savoye, Jeffrey A. “Poe’s Lost ‘Lenore’.” The Edgar Allan Poe Review, vol. 22, no. 2, 2021, pp. 384-389.
- Savoye, Jeffrey A. “Signatures and Impositions: The Griswold Edition and Poe’s Tamerlane and Other Poems.”The Edgar Allan Poe Review, vol. 22, no. 2, 2021, pp. 353-378.
- Semtner, Christopher P. “Poe in Richmond: Making Poe’s Monument.” The Edgar Allan Poe Review, vol. 22, no. 2, 2021, pp. 418-425.
- Sonnefeld, Bethanie. “The Uncanny Mind: Perpetrator Trauma in Poe’s ‘The Black Cat’.” The Edgar Allan Poe Review, vol. 22., no. 2, 2021, pp. 329-342.
- Tsokanos, Dimitrios. “‘The Black Cat’ and Emmanuel Rhoides.” The Edgar Allan Poe Review, vol. 22, no. 2, 2021, pp. 343-352.
ER(R)GO. Teoria-Literatura-Kultura
- Kuhn, Joseph. “Mesopotamian Faulkner: ‘As I Lay Dying’ and the Southern Anthropocene in the 1930s” ER(R)GO. Teoria-Literatura-Kultura, no. 42, Sept 2021, pp. 231-245.
Eudora Welty Review
- Eichelberger, Julia. “Correspondence Calendar, 1931–1977: Letters between Eudora Welty and Frank Lyell: Eudora Welty Collection, Mississippi Department of Archives and History.” Eudora Welty Review, vol. 13, Spring 2021, pp. 1–16.
- Hicks, Andrew. “Getting Hold of a Face: The Tactile and the Visual in Eudora Welty’s ‘Clytie.’” Eudora Welty Review, vol. 13, Spring 2021, pp. 1–13.
- Scheidegger, Allison. “Charles Dickens’s Sairey Gamp in Eudora Welty’s ‘Petrified Man.’” Eudora Welty Review, vol. 13, Spring 2021, pp. 1–7.
- Scheidegger, Allison. “Vision and Violence: Ran’s Monologue in ‘The Whole World Knows.’” Eudora Welty Review, vol. 13, Spring 2021, pp. 1–14.
- Sinni, Ryan. “‘Stand Still’: Delta Wedding and the Perils of Perception.” Eudora Welty Review, vol. 13, Spring 2021, pp. 1–14.
- Wells, Hannah. “‘to Touch the Dark Cheek’: Facing the Postbellum South in ‘Clytie.’” Eudora Welty Review, vol. 13, Spring 2021, pp. 1–18.
- Zee, Margaret Pless. “2020 Welty Fellowship Research Report ‘Shelter for Secrets’: Eudora Welty and the Craft of Identity in One Writer’s Beginnings.” Eudora Welty Review, vol. 13, Spring 2021, pp. 1–13.
Faulkner Journal
- Davis, David A. “‘A Sack of Bananas’: As I Lay Dying and Hemispheric Plantation Modernity.” The Faulkner Journal, vol. 32, no. 2, 2021, pp. 135-150.
- Mancino, Francesca. “A Note on the Text: Twilight and Honeysuckle in The Sound and the Fury.” The Faulkner Journal, vol. 32, no. 2, 2021, pp. 165-172.
- McLaughlin, Thomas L., Jr. “Sibling Psychology and Silences in the Narrative: Racial Memory in The Unvanquished.” The Faulkner Journal, vol. 32, no. 2, 2021, pp. 151-164.
- Watson, Jay. “Reading the Absalom Endpapers: Reflections on the Poetics and Politics of Paranarrative.” The Faulkner Journal, vol. 32, no. 2, 2021, pp. 115-134.
Flannery O’Connor Review
- Alznauer, Amy. “The Lines that Create Motion: The Story Behind the Strange Birds of Flannery O’Connor: A Life.” Flannery O’Connor Review, vol. 19, 2021, pp. 9-15.
- Taylor, Alex. “‘Listen here’: Sabbath Lily Hawks’s Prophetic Tales in Flannery O’Connor’s Wise Blood (Winner of the 2020 Sarah Gordon Award).” Flannery O’Connor Review, vol. 19, 2021, pp. 22-41.
Journal of African American Studies
- Parham-Payne, Wanda. “Hollywood’s Social Construction of Innocence: Entertainment Media’s Deviant Portrayal of Black Children.” Journal of African American Studies, vol. 25, no. 3, 2021, pp. 460–474.
Journal of American Studies
- Arnold-Forster, Tom. “Rethinking the Scopes Trial: Cultural Conflict, Media Spectacle, and Circus Politics.” Journal of American Studies, vol. 56, no. 1, February 2022, pp. 142-166.
- Butler, J. Michael. “‘The Epitome of Black Masculinity’: Isaac Hayes, Black Moses, and the Long Freedom Struggle.” Journal of American Studies, vol. 55, no. 5, December 2021, pp. 1019-1045.
- Cox, David G. “Race, Reconstruction, and the Invention of ‘Negro Superstition,’ 1862–1877.” Journal of American Studies, vol. 55, no. 5, December 2021, pp. 1125-1152.
- Totten, Gary. “Mobility, Skepticism, and Counter-storytelling in African American Travel Writing: Carl Rowan’s South of Freedom.” Journal of American Studies, vol. 55, no. 4, October 2021, pp. 887-909.
- West, Emily. “‘We Chilluns, Long wid Her, Wuz Lak de Udder Slaves’: Free Black Families and Quasi-slavery in the Late Antebellum Era.” Journal of American Studies, vol. 55, no. 5, December 2021, pp. 991-1018.
Journal of the Short Story in English
- Adams, Randi. “Corpse Birds and Cooling Boards: Appalachian Deathways in Ron Rash’s Short Stories.” Journal of the Short Story in English, vol. 74, 2020, pp. 109-121.
- Agosto, Marie-Christine. “Reading, Seeing, Remembering: Aesthetic Experience in Ron Rash’s Stories from Nothing Gold Can Stay.” Journal of the Short Story in English, vol. 74, 2020, pp. 155-168.
- Arbeit, Marcel. “Good Luck, Bad Luck in Ron Rash’s ‘Cherokee.’” Journal of the Short Story in English, vol. 74, 2020, pp. 169-88.
- Cory, Jessica. “Blue Balls: Masculinity and Hypothermia in the Short Stories of Ron Rash.” Journal of the Short Story in English, vol. 74, 2020, pp. 123-136.
- Eads, Martha Greene. “‘The Epicenter of Who I Am’: Ron Rash’s Roots in Aho, North Carolina.” Journal of the Short Story in English, vol. 74, 2020, pp. 219-233.
- Kurjatto-Renard, Patrycja. “Men and Women in Ron Rash’s Civil War Stories in Something Rich and Strange.” Journal of the Short Story in English, vol. 74, 2020, pp. 137-154.
- Palleau-Papin, Françoise. “‘Their Ancient, Glittering Eyes’: A Story of Hieratic Vision.” Journal of the Short Story in English, vol. 74, 2020, pp. 39-52.
- Préher, Gérald. “‘A sure terrain, . . . a permanent landscape of the heart’: Ron Rash’s Poetics of Textual Space.” Journal of the Short Story in English, vol. 74, 2020, pp. 89-107.
- Presley, Erin M. “Reconciling Literacy and Loss in Ron Rash’s Nothing Gold Can Stay.” Journal of the Short Story in English, vol. 74, 2020, pp. 189-201.
- Railsback, Brian. “From Cliffside to Casualties: Ron Rash’s Apprenticeship in Depth and Darkness.”Journal of the Short Story in English, vol. 74, 2020, pp. 25-38.
- Spill, Frédérique. “Light Effects in Burning Bright.” Journal of the Short Story in English, vol. 74, 2020, pp. 69-88.
- Walker, CK. “‘A Wound So Deep and Ragged’: The Vulnerable Body of Appalachia in Ron Rash’s Short Stories.” Journal of the Short Story in English, vol. 74, 2020, pp. 53-68.
- Wilhelm, Randall. “‘A place where all manner of strange occurrences were possible’: The Marvelous Real in Ron Rash’s In the Valley.” Journal of the Short Story in English, vol. 74, 2020, pp. 203-217.
Mark Twain Annual
- Baggett, J. Mark. “Mark Twain’s Legal Burlesques and the Democratization of American Legalese.” The Mark Twain Annual, vol. 19, 2021, pp. 95-117.
- Ben Amor Najjar, Ghaylen. “Reflections from the Barbary Coast: Mark Twain on the Balloon of Transnational American Studies.” The Mark Twain Annual, vol. 19, 2021, pp. 5-39.
- Blankenship, Avery. “Twain in Circulation: Early Twain and the Culture of Reprinting.” The Mark Twain Annual, vol. 19, 2021, pp. 68-94.
- McGunigal, Lisa. “Reading and Editing ‘the Exquisitely Bad’: Mark Twain’s Derision of Nineteenth-Century Obituary Poetry.” The Mark Twain Annual, vol. 19, 2021, pp. 139-162.
- Pasqualina, Stephen. “Bringing Home the Picture: Mark Twain’s Anti-Imperialism as Visual Mediation.” The Mark Twain Annual, vol. 19, 2021, pp. 40-67.
- Shannon, Edward A. “‘Trash of the Veriest Sort’: Huck Finn’s Missing Sex Life.” The Mark Twain Annual, vol. 19, 2021, pp. 176-195.
- Williams, Nathaniel. “The Mysterious Origins of Twain’s ‘Skeleton Novelette’.” The Mark Twain Annual, vol. 19, 2021, pp. 163-175.
- Alonso-Recarte, Claudia. “‘They Stood like Men’: Horses, Myth, and Carnophallogocentrism in Toni Morrison’s Home.” MELUS: Multi-Ethnic Literature of the U.S., vol. 46 no. 2, 2021, pp. 87-110.
- Horwitz, Jennifer. “Place-Based Learning in Three Bildungsromane: To Kill a Mockingbird; Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry; and Under the Feet of Jesus.” MELUS: Multi-Ethnic Literature of the U.S., vol. 46, no. 2, 2021, pp. 131-152.
- Lem-Smith, Timothy. “The ‘Con’ in Conspiracy: Racial Violence as Political Assassination in Suzan-Lori Parks’s Topdog/Underdog.” MELUS: Multi-Ethnic Literature of the U.S., vol. 46, no. 2, 2021, pp. 24-42.
- McKible, Adam. “‘Well Then, Carry On’: Piercing Recalcitrant History in LaShonda Katrice Barnett’s Jam on the Vine.” MELUS: Multi-Ethnic Literature of the U.S., vol. 46, no. 2, 2021, pp. 153-171.
- Smith, Laura T. “Textuality in a Jazz Aesthetic: Textual Rituals for Transformation in Sharon Bridgforth’s love conjure/blues.” MELUS: Multi-Ethnic Literature of the U.S., vol. 46, no. 2, 2021, pp. 172-195.
- Thurman, Deborah. “Sula‘s Compromise: Toni Morrison and the Editorial Politics of Sensitivity.” MELUS: Multi-Ethnic Literature of the U.S., vol. 46, no. 2, 2021, pp. 1-23.
- Vrana, Laura. “Genre Experiments: Thylias Moss’s Slave Moth and the Poetic Neo-Slave Narrative.” MELUS: Multi-Ethnic Literature of the U.S., vol. 46, no. 2, 2021, pp. 111-130.
Mississippi Quarterly
- Bone, Martyn. “Straw Dogs and the Transnational Remaking of Nations’ Regions.” Mississippi Quarterly, vol. 73, no. 4, Oct. 2020, pp. 431–455.
- Crank, James A. “We Were All Dear to Randall.” Mississippi Quarterly, vol. 73, no. 3, July 2020, pp. 267–269.
- Farmer, Joseph A. “Resistance and Reconciliation: Whiteness, Will D. Campbell, and the Ex-Poor White Writer.” Mississippi Quarterly, vol. 73, no. 3, July 2020, pp. 361–385.
- Fisher, Rebecka Rutledge. “An Immortal Child in the Envelope of Flesh: Randall Seems To Have Been An Immortal Child Who Lived Well.” Mississippi Quarterly, vol. 73, no. 3, July 2020, pp. 279–281.
- Green, Jaki Shelton. “In Bewitching Early Morning Hours Randall Kenan Showed up In.” Mississippi Quarterly, vol. 73, no. 3, July 2020, pp. 269–271.
- Harris, Trudier, and J.Carlyle Sitterson. “Grandmothers, Culture, and Legacies.” Mississippi Quarterly, vol. 73, no. 3, July 2020, pp. 272–273.
- Holland, Sharon P. “Those Piney Woods… Horace in A Visitation Of Spirits Running Through Red Earth.” Mississippi Quarterly, vol. 73, no. 3, July 2020, pp. 274–75.
- Hughes, Leonard. “The Great Gatsby’s Southern Exposure: Walker Percy’s Debt to F. Scott Fitzgerald in The Moviegoer.” Mississippi Quarterly, vol. 73, no. 4, Oct. 2020, pp. 479–505.
- Johnson, E.Patrick. “It Was a Typical Sweltering August Day in 1999 When Randalland.” Mississippi Quarterly, vol. 73, no. 3, July 2020, pp. 275–277.
- Page, Judith W. “Harriet Beecher Stowe’s Palmetto Leaves and the Creation of Florida’s Wild Landscape.” Mississippi Quarterly, vol. 73, no. 3, July 2020, pp. 285–311.
- Pugh, Tison. “Aziz Ansari: Star of the Postsouthern South.” Mississippi Quarterly, vol. 73, no. 4, Oct. 2020, pp. 457–477.
- Purdon, Liam. “Symbolic Language and Action in Kate Chopin’s The Awakening.” Mississippi Quarterly, vol. 73, no. 4, Oct. 2020, pp. 549–576.
- Reid-Pharr, Robert Fitzgerald. “In 1985 Randall Kenan Asked Me on a Date. We Were Both At.” Mississippi Quarterly, vol. 73, no. 3, July 2020, pp. 277–279.
- Russell, Richard Rankin. “Determinism or Transcendence?: Faulkner’s Reckoning with the Civil War.” Mississippi Quarterly, vol. 73, no. 3, July 2020, pp. 423–430.
- Smith, Pete. “‘To Be Up and Doing’: Kate Markham Power’s Crusade Journalism and Case Against Woman Suffrage in the Postbellum South.” Mississippi Quarterly, vol. 73, no. 3, July 2020, pp. 387–421.
- Stewart, Carole Lynn. “Revisiting Cable’s Bras-Coupé, New Orleans, and African Creolized Reorientations of American Foundations.” Mississippi Quarterly, vol. 73, no. 3, July 2020, pp. 335–359.
- Swartzfager, Megan Ashley. “‘Ain’t No More Stories for You Here’: Vengeful Hauntings and Traumatized Community in Jesmyn Ward’s Sing, Unburied, Sing.” Mississippi Quarterly, vol. 73, no. 3, July 2020, pp. 313–334.
- Tebbetts, Terrell L. “‘The Child Is Father of the Man’: Evolving Fatherhood in Faulkner’s Later Fiction.” Mississippi Quarterly, vol. 73, no. 4, Oct. 2020, pp. 507–525.
- Wallace, Daniel. “In Your Dreams: In The Months Since He Died, I’ve Been Having Dreams With Randall.” Mississippi Quarterly, vol. 73, no. 3, July 2020, pp. 281–283.
- Takeuchi, Yasuhiro. “A Hidden Murder in Edgar Allan Poe’s ‘Thou Art the Man’.” Mississippi Quarterly, vol. 73, no. 4, Oct. 2020, pp. 527–548.
North Carolina Literary Review
- Squint, Kirstin L. “Many Identities, One Voice: an Interview with Cherokee Novelist Annette Saunooke Clapsaddle.” North Carolina Literary Review, vol. 30, pp. 164-179.
Poe Studies
- Blum, Hester. “Archipelagic Pym.” Poe Studies, vol. 54, 2021, pp. 49-66.
- Doan, Caleb. “Poe’s ‘Vast Island-Studded Ocean’.” Poe Studies, vol. 54, 2021, pp. 67-86.
- Donohue, Micah. “Poe’s Fluid, Terraqueous Landscapes: An Archipelagic Rereading of ‘The Journal of Julius Rodman’.” Poe Studies, vol. 54, 2021, pp. 20-48.
- Justin, Henri. “A Descent into the Vortex—: Fictional and Mathematical.” Poe Studies, vol. 54, 2021, pp. 160-169.
- Rowe, John Carlos. “Islands in the Dream: Edgar Allan Poe and Archipelagic Studies.” Poe Studies, vol. 54, 2021, pp. 87-104.
- Studniarz, Sławomir. “The Method in the Madness: ‘The Tell-Tale Heart’ and the Horror of The Human Condition.” Poe Studies, vol. 54, 2021, pp. 107-126.
- Sweeney, Susan Elizabeth. “Echoes of Ventriloquism in Poe’s Tales.” Poe Studies, vol. 54, 2021, pp. 127-155.
South Atlantic Review
- Bruder, Ashley, and Bridgette W. Gunnels. “Who Is the Monster Here? Community, Disability, and Violence in Tod Browning’s Freaks (1932) and Horacio Quiroga’s ‘The Decapitated Chicken’ (1917).” South Atlantic Review, vol. 86, no. 3, Fall 2021.
- Graham-Bertolini, Alison. “Understanding Sexual Politics and the #MeToo Movement through the Fiction of Carson McCullers.” South Atlantic Review, vol. 86, no. 3, Fall 2021.
- Reigner, Leopold. “‘No waste words, no big words’: Style and the Search for Optimal Language in O’Connor’s ‘The Barber’.” South Atlantic Review, vol. 86, no. 3, Fall 2021.
Southern Cultures
- Bailey, T. Dionne, and Garrett Felber. “Until There Is Victory.” Southern Cultures, vol. 27, no. 3, 2021, pp. 6-17.
- Barber, Tiffany E., and Adrian L. Burrell. “Looking for Abolition.” Southern Cultures, vol. 27, no. 3, 2021, pp. 32-41.
- Beutin, Lyndsey, et al. “The Radical Yes: A Constellation of Mutual Aid Projects in Charlottesville.” Southern Cultures, vol. 27, no. 3, 2021, pp. 18-30.
- Bradley, Regina N., and Jade Orlando. “Sounding the South / Souf.” Southern Cultures, vol. 27, no. 4, 2021, pp. 6-11.
- Corona, Gabrielle. “Food, Punishment, and the Angola Three’s Struggle for Freedom, 1971–2019.” Southern Cultures, vol. 27, no. 3, 2021, pp. 77-97.
- Graham, Kristofer, et al. “Soundscapes Are Not Monolithic: Moving Toward Educational Liberation in K-12.” Southern Cultures, vol. 27, no. 4, 2021, pp. 112-119.
- Greenbaum, Abigail, and Phil Blank. “Hearing Waycross.” Southern Cultures, vol. 27, no. 4, 2021, pp. 98-111.
- Haller, Monica Moses. “Located and Dispersed.” Southern Cultures, vol. 27, no. 4, 2021, pp. 66-77.
- Hickman, Kristin Gee. “In Mind and in Place: Soundscapes of Slavery at the University of Mississippi.” Southern Cultures, vol. 27, no. 4, 2021, pp. 12-23.
- Khater, Micah. “Riot and Reclamation: Black Women, Prison Labor, and Resistive Desires.” Southern Cultures, vol. 27, no. 3, 2021, pp. 54-75.
- Mahoney, Antron D. “Reclaiming the Beat: The Sweet Subversive Sounds of HBCU Marching Bands.” Southern Cultures, vol. 27, no. 4, 2021, pp. 78-97.
- McTighe, Laura, et al. “Keep the South Dirty and Our Needles Clean.” Southern Cultures, vol. 27, no. 3, 2021, pp. 120-129.
- Pelot-Hobbs, Lydia. “Amnesty for All: Organizing against Criminalization in Post-Katrina New Orleans.” Southern Cultures, vol. 27, no. 3, 2021, pp. 98-118.
- Sakakeeny, Matt, and Abdul Aziz. “‘We’re Not Just Shooting the Breeze’: Marching Bands and Black Masculinity in New Orleans.” Southern Cultures, vol. 27, no. 4, 2021, pp. 44-65.
- Ware, Jared, and Maurice Smith. “The Life in This Movement.” Southern Cultures, vol. 27, no. 3, 2021, pp. 44-53.
- Welborn, Joanna. “Windy Gap Road.” Southern Cultures, vol. 27, no. 4, 2021, pp. 24-43.
Southern Quarterly
- Dischinger, Matthew. “Leaving Tuscaloosa: Brad Vice’s Postsouthern Intertextuality.” Southern Quarterly, vol. 57, no. 2, Winter/Spring 2020, pp. 111–28.
- Graham-Bertolini, Alison. “Terror Viscous: The Reimagined Gothic in Karen Russell’s Swamplandia!” Southern Quarterly, vol. 57, no. 4, Summer 2020, pp. 8–21.
- Ingram, Shelley. “James Hannaham’s Delicious Foods: Folklore, Displacement, and Resistance.” Southern Quarterly, vol. 57, no. 4, Summer 2020, pp. 22–38.
- Nemmers, Adam. “A Stand Abandoned: The Southern Agrarians and the Second Lost Cause.” Southern Quarterly, vol. 57, no. 2, Winter/Spring 2020, pp. 40–57.
- Pugh, Tison. “Systemic Racism, Queer White Privilege, and the Carnivalesque Humor of John Kennedy Toole’s: A Confederacy of Dunces.” Southern Quarterly, vol. 57, no. 4, Summer 2020, pp. 39–55.
- Svedjan, Austin. “The Queer Art of Leaving: (Anti)Southern Expatriatism and the Organizing of Spatial Identity in Breakfast at Tiffany’s.” Southern Quarterly, vol. 57, no. 2, Winter/Spring 2020, pp. 77–90.
Southern Spaces
- Mixon, Amanda. “‘Out long enough to be historic’: Racialized Gay Space in Pre-Stonewall San Antonio.” Southern Spaces, 8 December 2021.
- Rountree, Stephanie. “‘Beer, Prayer and Nellydrama’: (Im)Possibilities in Max Vernon’s The View UpStairs.” Southern Spaces, 21 January 2022.
- Smith, Barbara Ellen. “Still Digging Our Own Graves: Coal Miners and the Struggle over Black Lung Disease.” Southern Spaces, 31 August 2021.
Texas Studies in Language and Literature
- Peckham, Joel. “Jiujitsu of the Spirit: Trueblood, His Audience, and Lyrical Subversion in Ralph Ellison’s Invisible Man.” Texas Studies in Literature and Language, vol. 64, no. 1, 2022, pp. 25-45.
- Sayers, Luke. “The Politics of the Poison Pen: Communism, Caricature, and Scapegoats in Ralph Ellison’s Invisible Man.” Texas Studies in Literature and Language, vol. 63, no. 4, 2021, pp. 341-358.
Twentieth-Century Literature
- Kunde, Sharon. “The ‘Nature’ of American Literature: Race, Place, and Textuality in John Crowe Ransom and Elizabeth Madox Roberts.” Twentieth-Century Literature, vol. 67, no. 3, 2021, pp. 235-268.
- Priest, Madison. “Nella Larsen’s Quicksand, Recalcitrant Subjects, and Wrong Feeling.” Twentieth-Century Literature, vol. 67, no. 4, 2021, pp. 359-384.
- Walker, Rafael. “James Weldon Johnson’s Feminization of Biraciality.” Twentieth-Century Literature, vol. 67, no. 4, 2021, pp. 385-406.
Women’s Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal
- Cash, Jean W. “Ann Patchett’s ‘Cobble[d]’ Families.” Women’s Studies, vol. 51, no. 1. 2021, pp. 88-106.
Academic Presses
Cambridge UP
- Davis, Thadious M. “‘Because What Else Could He Have Hoped to Find in New Orleans, If Not the Truth’: William Faulkner’s Absalom, Absalom!” in New Orleans: A Literary History, ed. T. R. Johnson, 2019.
- Davis, Thadious M. “Southern Geographies and New Negro Modernism” in A History of the Literature of the U.S. South, ed. Harilaos Stecopoulus, 2021
- Davis, Thadious M. “Richard Wright’s Triangulated South: Formation as Preface and Prelude” in Richard Wright in Context, ed. Michael Dworkin, 2021.
- Ernest, John, editor. Race in American Literature and Culture. Cambridge University Press, 2022.
- Kaufman, Will. American Song and Struggle from Columbus to World War 2: A Cultural History. Cambridge University Press, 2022.
Chicago UP
- Morgart, James. The Haunted States of America: Gothic Regionalism in Post-war American Fiction. Chicago University Press, 2022.
- Tane, Susan Jaffe. Evermore: The Persistence of Poe: The Edgar Allan Poe Collection of Susan Jaffe Tane. Chicago University Press, 2022.
Duke UP
- Davis, Thulani. The Emancipation Circuit: Black Activism Forging a Culture of Freedom. Duke University Press, 2022.
- Vazquez, Alexandra T. The Florida Room. Duke University Press, 2022.
Editioni Universitá Macerata
- Lowe, John Wharton. “Humor as Counterpoint and Engine in the Fiction of Pietro Di Donato and Mark Binelli.” Minor Minorities and Multiculturalism, edited by Dorothy Figueria, Editioni Universitá Macerata, 2022, pp. 109–129.
Louisiana State UP
- Bell, John Frederick. Degrees of Equality: Abolitionist Colleges and the Politics of Race. Louisiana State University Press, 2022.
- Brooks, Jennifer E. Resident Strangers Immigrant Laborers in New South Alabama. Louisiana State University Press, 2022.
- Burnett, Katharine A., and Monica Carol Miller, editors. The Tacky South. Louisiana State University Press, 2022.
- Burton, Orville Vernon, and Peter Eisenstadt, editors. Lincoln’s Unfinished Work: The New Birth of Freedom from Generation to Generation. Louisiana State University Press, 2022.
- Butler, Clayton J. White Unionists in the Deep South during the Civil War and Reconstruction. Louisiana State University Press, 2022.
- Clampitt, Bradley R. Lost Causes: Confederate Demobilization and the Making of Veteran Identity. Louisiana State University Press, 2022.
- Cross, Pearson, and Christie L Maloyed, editors. The Party Is Over: The New Louisiana Politics. Louisiana State University Press, 2022.
- Hess, Earl J. Animal Histories of the Civil War Era. Louisiana State University Press, 2022.
- Kennon, Raquel. Afrodiasporic Forms: Slavery in Literature and Culture of the African Diaspora. Louisiana State University Press, 2022.
- Neumann, Brian C. Bloody Flag of Anarchy: Unionism in South Carolina during the Nullification Crisis. Louisiana State University Press, 2022.
- Ostman, Heather, editor. The New View from Cane River: Critical Essays on Kate Chopin’s “At Fault”. Louisiana State University Press, 2022.
- Payne, Brendan J. J. Gin, Jesus, and Jim Crow: Prohibition and the Transformation of Racial and Religious Politics in the South. Louisiana State University Press, 2022.
- Schöberlein, Stefan, editor. Walt Whitman’s New Orleans: Sidewalk Sketches and Newspaper Rambles. Louisiana State University Press, 2022.
- Eicke, Stephan. The Unfilmable Confederacy of Dunces: How Ignatius J. Reilly Defeated Hollywood. McFarland, 2022.
- Rausch, Andrew J., editor. Perspectives on Elmore Leonard: Conversations with Authors, Experts and Collaborators. McFarland, 2022.
- West, Robert M., and Jesse Graves, editors. Robert Morgan: Essays on the Life and Work. McFarland, 2022.
Oxford UP
- Edmondson, Belinda. Creole Noise: Early Caribbean Dialect Literature and Performance. Oxford University Press, 2022.
- Graham, Maryemma. The House Where My Soul Lives: The Life of Margaret Walker. Oxford University Press, 2022.
- Gruesser, John Cullen. A Literary Life of Sutton E. Griggs: The Man on the Firing Line. Oxford University Press, 2022
- Martin, Michael S. Appalachian Pastoral: Mountain Excursions, Aesthetic Visions, and The Antebellum Travel Narrative. Oxford University Press, 2022.
- Burnett, Katharine A., Todd Hagstette, and Monica Carol Miller, editors. The Routledge Companion to Literature of the U.S. South. Routledge, 2022
Texas A&M UP
- Gruesser, John Cullen, editor. Animals in the American Classics: How Natural History Inspired Great Fiction. Texas A&M University Press, 2022.
U of Alabama P
- Braund, Kathryn H, editor. The Attention of a Traveller: Essays on William Bartram’s “Travels” and Legacy. University of Alabama Press, 2022.
- Greene, Lance. Their Determination to Remain: A Cherokee Community’s Resistance to the Trail of Tears in North Carolina. University of Alabama Press, 2022.
U of California P
- Grundy, Saida. Respectable: Politics and Paradox in Making the Morehouse Man. University of California Press, 2022.
- Lawson, James M. Revolutionary Nonviolence : Organizing for Freedom. University of California Press, 2022.
- Lindsey, Treva B. America, Goddam: Violence, Black Women, and the Struggle for Justice. University of California Press, 2022.
- Walvin, James. A World Transformed: Slavery in the Americas and the Origins of Global Power. University of California Press, 2022.
U of Georgia P
- Boyd, Elizabeth Bronwyn. Southern Beauty: Race, Ritual, and Memory in the Modern South. University of Georgia Press, 2022.
- Carpenter, Mary. Flannery O’Connor: A Girl Who Knew Her Own Mind. University of Georgia Press, 2021.
- Daly, John Patrick. The War after the War: A New History of Reconstruction. University of Georgia Press, 2022.
- Dickinson, Michael Lawrence. Almost Dead: Slavery and Social Rebirth in the Black Urban Atlantic, 1680–1807. University of Georgia Press, 2022.
- Diffley, Kathleen. The Fateful Lightning: Civil War Stories and the Magazine Marketplace, 1861–1876. University of Georgia Press, 2021.
- Douglas, Andrew J., and Jared A. Loggins. Prophet of Discontent: Martin Luther King Jr. and the Critique of Racial Capitalism. University of Georgia Press, 2021.
- Miller, Monica Carol, editor. Dear Regina: Flannery O’Connor’s Letters from Iowa. University of Georgia Press, 2022.
- Moss, Robert F. The Lost Southern Chefs: The History of Commercial Dining in the Nineteenth-Century South.University of Georgia Press, 2021.
- Pinheiro, Holly A., Jr. The Families’ Civil War: Black Soldiers and the Fight for Racial Justice. University of Georgia Press, 2022.
- Potter, Amy E., et al. Remembering Enslavement: Reassembling the Southern Plantation Museum. University of Georgia Press, 2022.
- Wegmann, Andrew N. An American Color: Race and Identity in New Orleans and the Atlantic World. University of Georgia Press, 2021.
U of Illinois P
- Castillo, Thomas A. Working in the Magic City: Moral Economy in Early Twentieth-Century Miami. University of Illinois Press, 2022.
- Halliday, Aria S. Buy Black: How Black Women Transformed US Pop Culture. University of Illinois Press, 2022.
- Reali, Christopher M. Music and Mystique in Muscle Shoals. University of Illinois Press, 2022.
- Thaggert, Miriam. Riding Jane Crow: African American Women on the American Railroad. University of Illinois Press, 2022.
U of Minnesota P
- Page, Allison. Media and the Affective Life of Slavery. University of Minnesota Press, 2022.
U of North Carolina P
- Brooks, Robin. Class Interruptions: Inequality and Division in African Diasporic Women’s Fiction. University of North Carolina Press, 2022.
- Bruyneel, Kevin. Settler Memory: The Disavowal of Indigeneity and the Politics of Race in the United States. University of North Carolina Press, 2021.
- Cushman, Stephen. The Generals’ Civil War: What Their Memoirs Can Teach Us Today. University of North Carolina Press, 2021.
- Elder, Angela Esco. Love and Duty: Confederate Widows and the Emotional Politics of Loss. University of North Carolina Press, 2022.
- Eubanks, Georgann. Saving the Wild South: The Fight for Native Plants on the Brink of Extinction. University of North Carolina Press, 2021.
- Fleming, Daniel T. Living the Dream: The Contested History of Martin Luther King Jr. Day. University of North Carolina Press, 2022.
- Gilmore, Glenda Elizabeth. Romare Bearden in the Homeland of His Imagination: An Artist’s Reckoning with the South. University of North Carolina Press, 2022.
- Herman, Bernard L. The Unfinished Business of Unsettled Things: Art from an African American South. University of North Carolina Press, 2022.
- Morris, J. Brent. Dismal Freedom: A History of the Maroons of the Great Dismal Swamp. University of North Carolina Press, 2021.
- Perry, Imani. May We Forever Stand: A History of the Black National Anthem. University of North Carolina Press, 2021.
- Seeley, Samantha. Race, Removal, and the Right to Remain: Migration and the Making of the United States. University of North Carolina Press, 2021.
- Sharpless, Rebecca. Grain and Fire: A History of Baking in the American South. University of North Carolina Press, 2022.
- Williams-Forson, Psyche A. Eating While Black: Food Shaming and Race in America. University of North Carolina Press, 2021.
U of South Carolina P
- Davis, Thadious M. Understanding Alice Walker. University of South Carolina Press, 2021.
- Harpham, Geoffrey Galt. Citizenship on Catfish Row: Race and Nation in American Popular Culture. University of South Carolina Press, 2022.
- Hood, M. V., III, and Seth C. McKee. Rural Republican Realignment in the Modern South: The Untold Story. University of South Carolina Press, 2022.
- Koivusalo, Anna. The Man Who Started the Civil War: James Chesnut, Honor, and Emotion in the American South. University of South Carolina Press, 2022.
U of Tennessee P
- Lofaro, Michael A., editor. James Agee in Context: New Literary, Visual, Cultural, and Historical Essays. University of Tennessee Press, 2022.
U of Virginia P
- Escott, Paul D. Black Suffrage: Lincoln’s Last Goal. University of Virginia Press, 2022.
- Smith, Mark Power. Young America: The Transformation of Nationalism before the Civil War. University of Virginia Press, 2022.
- Towner, Theresa M., editor. Digitizing Faulkner: Yoknapatawpha in the Twenty-First Century. University of Virginia Press, 2022.
UP of Florida
- Bense, Judith A. Presidios of Spanish West Florida. University Press of Florida, 2022.
- Powell, David. Ninety Miles and a Lifetime Away: Memories of Early Cuban Exiles. University Press of Florida, 2022.
UP of Mississippi
- Akuno, Kali, and Mat Callahan. Songs of Slavery and Emancipation. University Press of Mississippi, 2022.
- Ashford, Evan Howard. Mississippi Zion: The Struggle for Liberation in Attala County, 1865–1915. University Press of Mississippi, 2022.
- Bennett, Tanya Long, editor. Critical Essays on the Writings of Lillian Smith. University Press of Mississippi, 2021.
- Billington, Scott. Making Tracks: A Record Producer’s Southern Roots Music Journey. University Press of Mississippi, 2022.
- Brinegar, Terri. Voices of Black Folk: The Sermons of Reverend A. W. Nix. University Press of Mississippi, 2022.
- Butler, Maia L., Joanna Davis-McElligatt, and Megan Feifer, editors. Narrating History, Home, and Dyaspora: Critical Essays on Edwidge Danticat. University Press of Mississippi, 2022.
- Davis, Thadious M. “To Breathe a Collective Air,” Afterword in Narrating History, Home, and Diaspora: Critical Essays on Edwidge Danticat, edited by Maia Butler, Joanna Davis-McElligatt, and Megan Feifer, University Press of Mississippi, 2022.
- Fox, Heather A. Arranging Stories Framing Social Commentary in Short Story Collections by Southern Women Writers. University Press of Mississippi, 2022.
- Houck, Davis W. Black Bodies in the River: Searching for Freedom Summer. University Press of Mississippi, 2022.
- Kapp, Paul Hardin. Heritage and Hoop Skirts: How Natchez Created the Old South. University Press of Mississippi, 2022.
- Kayser, Casey. Marginalized: Southern Women Playwrights Confront Race, Region, and Gender. UP of MS, 2021.
- Morris, David Rae, and Willie Morris. Love, Daddy: Letters from My Father. University Press of Mississippi, 2022.
- O’Connell, Michael, editor. Conversations with George Saunders. University Press of Mississippi, 2022.
- Pitavy-Souques, Danièle. The Eye That Is Language: A Transatlantic View of Eudora Welty. Edited by Pearl Amelia McHaney, University Press of Mississippi, 2022.
- Rambsy, Kenton. The Geographies of African: American Short Fiction. University Press of Mississippi, 2022.
- Shaw, John M. Following the Drums: African American Fife and Drum Music in Tennessee. University Press of Mississippi, 2022.
- Stoner, Andrew E. Fear, Hate, and Victimhood: How George Wallace Wrote the Donald Trump Playbook. University Press of Mississippi, 2022.
- Squint, Kirstin L. editor. Conversations with LeAnne Howe. UP of Mississippi, 2022.
- Trefzer, Annette. Exposing Mississippi: Eudora Welty’s Photographic Reflections. University Press of Mississippi, 2022.

About the Contributors
Amy King is a Lecturer in the Department of English at Auburn University.
Stephanie Rountree is Assistant Professor of English at the University of North Georgia where she specializes in U.S. literature and media, gender studies, and southern studies. Her research has appeared in several scholarly publications, and together with Lisa Hinrichsen and Gina Caison, she is co-editor of Remediating Region: New Media and the U.S. South (LSU Press, November 2021) and Small-Screen Souths: Region, Identity, and the Cultural Politics of Television (LSU Press 2017). Her current monograph project, titled American Anteliberalism: Literatures of Enslavement and Public Health, investigates Black enslavement’s formative role in the development of U.S. public health policy as evidenced in post-Emancipation literature. Currently, she is a Georgia Governor’s Teaching Fellow (2021-2022) and Program Coordinator for SSSL’s 2022 Biennial Conference in Atlanta, Georgia.
Will Murray is an Assistant Professor at Tennessee Wesleyan University.